Thursday, April 17, 2008

Faces and Voices of Recovery

Faces and Voices of Recovery
eNewsletter: April 17, 2008    
Recovery Voices Count
Advocates around the country are gearing up for Recovery Voices Count. Use our new Register to Vote resource in your campaign. The PRO-ACT Journal describes how PRO-ACT, The RASE Project, Message Carriers and PRO-A are coming together to work on Recovery Voices Count in Pennsylvania. Advocates in Pennsylvania have been active during the primary there. Learn more....
Science of Addiction & Recovery trainings 
Register today! and join us at our Science of Addiction & Recovery training in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 26th sponsored with the DC Recovery Community Alliance. The training will be rolling out across the country, featuring trainer Flo Hilliard, with the next one scheduled for June 7th in Detroit, Michigan. Learn more...
Congressional action to end insurance discrimination 
Members of Congress are back in Washington, DC and one of the issues that remain on the table is resolving differences between House- and Senate-passed bills to end insurance discrimination facing people with mental illness and addiction. Use our Sample Op-Ed to place an article in media outlets in your community urging Congress to act this year.
The Second Chance Act Signed Into Law 
President Bush signed the Second Chance Act into law on April 9th. The new law will help States and localities better address the needs of individuals reentering the community from the criminal justice system. A broad-based coalition of law enforcement, religious, addiction prevention, treatment and recovery and civil rights organizations joined a bi-partisan group of US Senators and Representatives to make this important victory possible. Learn more...
Life Beyond Treatment: Focusing on Recovery is a joint project with The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD), the State Associations of Addiction Services (SAAS), and Faces & Voices of Recovery to educate state legislators and legislative staff about recovery-oriented systems of care for people with addiction.
"Restoring the Right to Vote" is a new report from The Brennan Center for Justice which presents a rationale for the automatic restoration of voting rights for all individuals upon release from prison.
Mutual Support Resources Guide: Check out our guide to mutual aid or support resources that is updated on a monthly basis by Ernie and Linda Kurtz. Many of the groups in this comprehensive guide offer both face-to-face meetings and some form of online participation. A special thanks! to Ernie and Linda for all of their work in maintaining the Guide!
The Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR) has two job openings: Membership Coordinator and Regional Peer Assistant.
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Become a member of Faces & Voices of Recovery today!

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The Hidden Enemy




Corruption in the Senate



Raise the Minimum Wage

Raise the Minimum Wage





My New Book About Sudan

Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer

The Dark Side of Coffee Trade

Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies

Are these Your Heros?

Are these Your Heros?

National shame

National shame

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Stephen Fry on Catholisism

Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture

Interview with Congressman Filner

Free Trade Enslaves Us All

Blog Archive

Farouk Al Nasser

Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ

Victor Calle

Victor Calle
At NCCP April 2008

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008


The Citizens' Internet Television Network


The Citizens' Internet Radio Network

Save America

Save America
Save America





We Are All One

We Are All One
We Are All One

Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism

Change the System

Change the System
Change the System

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth
A lie does not become the truth





Fetus Rights

Fetus Rights
Fetus Rights

The Earth Was Created

The Earth Was Created
The Earth Was Created

