"The truth about single payer health reformand the lies that are killing it."Special guest: Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD , MPHWho supports it... Who opposes it...And Why?
Anita Simons: What's to be done?San Diego Single Payer Health Care Coaltion, Prize winning Playwright, ActivistMonday August 17, 7pmJoyce Beers Community Center1090 Vermont St, 1 block north of University Ave, Hillcrestin Ralph's Shopping Center, next to Trader Joe'sIts time for full & free discussion of healthcare options!!!
Would you like a healthcare system that is publicly financed and privately delivered with automatic enrollment of all residents (regardless of age, status of employment, pre-existing condition, or income level) allowing people to choose from any licensed health care provider, providing all appropriate medical services including preventive education, dental care, mental health care, long-term in-home care, and affordable prescription medications?
What's to be done? Explore action plans!!!
Donation requested
Learn more about Activist San Diego at 619-528-8383 or info@ActivistSanDiego.org
for info: 858-459-4650
Forming ethical coalitions that stand for peace, human rights, the environment, social justice and prosperity.
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
[SDCPJ] ACTIVIST MEETING: "The truth about single payer health reform , and the lies that are killing it."
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
[SDCPJ] health care activists call in
Subject: Single-Payer Alert: 9:00am, Monday Aug 3, KPBS 89.5FM "These Days" : Single-payer health care reform, with your call-in (888) 895-KPBS.[formatted this for more broad distribution to blogs & email networks, modify, correct & re-post -- let's try to announce this at medicare b-day]Maureen Cavanaugh hosts "These Days", a two-hour talk show keeping San Diego in the know on everything from politics to the arts. Join the live conversation at (888) 895-KPBS. http://www.kpbs.org/news/these-days/Single-Payer on Public Radio:9:00 - 11:00 AM Mon August 3rd, KPBS 89.5FM on "These Days"Single-payer health care reform, with your call-in (888) 895-KPBS.9:00 - 11:00 AM Tuesday August 4th, Progressive Economist Victor Fuchs
9:00 - 11:00 AM Wednesday August 5th 9AM on KPBS 89.5 FM): San Diego doctor and Single Payer Health Care Advocate Dr Jeoff Gordon -- call-in (888) 895-KPBS.
Monday, July 27, 2009
DPA Release: Prop 36 Treatment Decimated, Called "End of an Era"
Saturday, July 25, 2009
LiveF5 Broadcast Invitation To Clean Slate Event
Attorneys are advising previously convicted people on how to clean up their records. Please join broadcast. Walter
Friday, July 24, 2009
[ProgressivePatriots] New Meetup: Activist SD Movie: Reel Bad Arabs - How Hollywood Vilifies An Entire People
[SDCPJ] Next SDCPJ meeting
on July 27. Our next meeting will be on Monday, August 10, 7 p.m. at
the First Church of the Brethren, 3850 Westgate Place, SD 92105.
Sdcpj mailing list
Thursday, July 23, 2009
LiveF5 Broadcast Invitation
[SDCPJ] Third Annual PALESTINE PICNIC DAY! - Sunday August 9, 2009
Food: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
18712 University Drive, Irvine, CA 92612
hot off-the-grill beef and chicken kebab, hummus, falafel, salad,
beverages, coffee, fruit and more!
Volleyball tournament, Soccer, Backgammon, Raffle, plus Prizes,
Fun and free Face painting for the Kids, and more!!!
$10 Adults, $5 Children (12 and under)
Please contact info@al-awdacal.org in advance.
Head south on Culver to University Drive, then turn West (right) to the park entrance (on left)
The Southern California Chapters of Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition; The Palestinian American Women's Association; The Arab Community Center of the Inland Empire; and others.
Ahlam 760-917-2572, Mazen 714-231-8403, Ghattas 951-965-6911 or Sana 951-961-0797
Support Al-Awda, a Great Organization and Cause!
Become an Al-Awda Sustainer:
Monthly: http://al-awda.org/sustainers.html
Annually: http://al-awda.org/sustainers2.html
[SDCPJ] SAT. 25th => Activist Film: Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies An Entire People // Highly recommend books I've been reading:]]
Saturday, July 25th, 7:00pm
Film Description:
This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest
This film is an insightful analysis of the media representations of Arabs peoples in
For more information Contact: 1activistsandiego@gmail.com (714) 595-6912
www.ActivistSanDiego.org Donation requested
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[SDCPJ] - Socialist Salon: Sun., July 26 -Capitalism and California: The Collapse of the Econ. and Gov. , Discussions with Lefties, Sunday, July 26, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Discussions with Lefties
on Burning Issues
Sunday, July 26, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Location: 6142 Romany Drive, SD 92120
Home of Herb Shore & Virginia Franco
Exit Fwy. 8 at College Ave. North on College, left on Del Cerro Blvd, right on Theta Place, left on Romany Drive. 6142 is third house on the right. (Bring light, potluck snacks if you wish)
San Diego Socialist Unity Network* is holding a series of forums to encourage deeper political discussions, which look strategically at our movement, the path to social transformation & a new social order. We use this opportunity to tackle many major issues of our times from a non-sectarian, left perspective in a challenging yet relaxed setting.
The Collapse of the Economy and Governance
- Proposition 13 makes it impossible for State government to raise sufficient revenue to meet its obligations.
- The two-thirds requirement for passing revenue measures in the legislature creates permanent gridlock.
- Term limits for the legislature insures that only the lobbyists remain in Sacramento long enough to gain control of the levers of power.
- With sufficient money, the initiative process becomes an enemy of democratic government rather than an ally.
A consequence of this is that the economic catastrophe affecting the entire U.S. is producing a total disaster in California. Vital programs for poor and working class people are being eliminated; State employees are experiencing layoffs and furloughs; and, the education system has reached a desperation level. The situation appears to be getting worse by the day, and the dysfunctional State Government is incapable of mounting an effective response.
In the face of this situation, socialists have to struggle on two fronts:
First, there is the immediate task of fighting the budget cuts for essential programs, and attempting to raise some revenues to alleviate the worst of the suffering. In San Diego, a coalition, "People United Against Cuts", (PUAC) has been formed to fight the budget cuts.
Second, the system needs to be changed. Socialists always say the system needs to be changed, but in this case, you don't have to be a socialist to realize that California cannot continue operating in this way. There are various suggestions floating around the State for a constitutional convention, but it is not clear that such a convention would be influenced by the Left.
In this Salon, we will be discussing both the activist response to the budget cuts, and also possibilities for change in California governance. The discussion will be introduced by Gregg Robinson from PUAC.
SD-Socialist Unity Network: Freedom Road, DSA, Committees of Correspondence, CPUSA invite you to participate in this timely discussion.
SD County Community Coalition Movie Night - Sicko 28 July 2009
The Cultural Center
3925 Ohio Street
San Diego, CA 92105
Tuesday 28 July 2009 at 7 PM
Join us for the discussion and viewing of this timely film on the need for universal health care. $5.00 donation requested.
No one turned away. Please RSVP by email if you plan to come.
Pass this message on to anyone else who might be interested in the subject of universal health care.
Walter Davis
Join the San Deigo County Community Coalition at http://www.meetup.com/sdcommunitycoalition
Blog with us at http://sdmegacoalition.blogspot.com
Even if you are on the right track, you will be run over if you just stand there.
Brasscheck TV: Government by Goldman
Brasscheck TV: Government by Goldman
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Left Hook - July 2009
Left Hook
By Walter Davis
Iran: Are You Educated or Indoctrinated?
In 1899, Eurocentric racist Rudyard Kipling penned “White Man’s Burden” (1) Wikipedia).
The “poetic stanzas” of this writing were and are widely accepted by the ruling classes of the United States and Europe. It reflects the “childlike” nature of non-European cultures and the obligation for white people to rule over other nations, for their own good. This prevailing attitude allowed colonialism to proceed and facilitated unjust policies that continue to plague world politics today.
Recently, it seemed like every 15 minutes, television images of Neda dying in the street in Tehran appeared on news reports across America and the world. The young Iranian woman was killed (by whom?) protesting the Iranian election results. Yes, the scene was horrible. The American people are lead to believe that the government of Iran murdered her…..did they?
Balance was not achieved in the news reports. Certainly, coverage of the Treaty of Turkmenchay and the Treaty of Gulistan (2) Wikipedia) and other humiliating treaties forced upon Iran by European and American powers were not focused upon.
How many Americans are aware that the rightful ruler of Iran, Reza Shah, came to power in 1925 and was subsequently deposed in 1941 by Allied forces when he had the temerity to nationalize Iran’s petroleum industry in the face of British Petroleum’s colonial ambitions. Subsequent leaders were deposed and installed as puppets, matching Kipling’s views of the necessity of supervision of this ancient culture and today’s view that they are too irresponsible to have nuclear weapons.
It should be known that Donald Rumsfield was visiting Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on 24 March 1984 and shaking his hand, the very day that United Nations authorities reported Mustard gas and Tabun nerve agents were being used by Iraq military forces against Iran. This was a violation of international law, yet, no American official has been held accountable.
Events in Iran may be unjust; the unfolding events are the direct result of imperialistic greed of the ruling classes of the United States, Europe and the followers of Rudyard Kipling.
The “Don’t blame America” voices are heard loud and clear. The hypocrisy of a nation that had slaves put the statue of freedom atop the capitol building sometimes rings louder.
"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all."--Mike Rivero
1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_White_Man%27s_Burden, 28 June 2009
2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Iran#Qajar_dynasty_.281795-1925.29 28 June 2009
This article was originally published in the Rancho Bernardo Sun Signature July 2009 issue
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Movie Night Film Sicko Tonight
With all the discussion about health care, we decided to show the movie Sicko, by award winning filmmaker Michael Moore at our movie night showing. The movie will be shown at 7 PM at the Cultural Center 3925 Ohio Street San Diego, 92105 Please forward to others that might be interested. Walter Davis 760-917-1251 |
Friday, July 17, 2009
[SDCPJ] Final Reminder: "The Talk of Return" Tomorrow 7/18/09, 7:00 PM @ Al-Awda Center
"The Talk of Return"
Saturday July 18, 2009 - Event Starts @ 7:00 PM
Al-Awda Center, 2734 Loker Avenue West Suite K, Carlsbad CA 92010
Through interviews and archival footage, "The Talk of Return" explores the effectiveness of work done previously for achieving the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. This must see episode also looks at how, nowadays, Palestinian refugees around the world are responding to the institutional stagnation in implementing their Right of Return. There are many good lessons and warnings in the documentary stated by fellow Palestinians in their own words.
This documentary is very important and timely viewing for all who advocate and insist correctly on keeping the Right to Return central to any discussion of the Palestinian cause.
The film showing will be followed by a discussion to share opinions and insight.
Note: some interviews in "The Talk of Return" were filmed at Al-Awda Center in Carlsbad by Perla Issa and Adam Shapiro in March 2008.
PLEASE NOTE: Updates on The Viva Palestina US Convoy PLUS situation and needs of Palestinian families moving to San Diego from detention camps on the Syria Iraq borders will be provided and discussed at this event.
This event is open to all. Admission is free. Donations welcome
From I-5, exit Palomar Airport Road and head East - make a left on Loker Avenue West (first left after you cross El Camino Real) and left into Carlsbad Crossroads business center (look for the large Carlsbad Crossroads sign). End 2734 Loker Avenue West Suite K.
From I-15, exit I-78 West. From I-78 exit San Marcos Blvd and head West. San Marcos Blvd becomes Palomar Airport Road when you enter Carlsbad. Loker Avenue West will be on your right, past the Melrose Drive and El Fuerte intersections. Other directions as above.
From El Camino Real, head East on Palomar Airport Road and make a (first) left on Loker Avenue West. Other directions as above.
For more information:
Al-Awda San Diego
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442
Email: info@al-awdasandiego.org
Support Al-Awda, a Great Organization and Cause!
Become an Al-Awda Sustainer:
Monthly: http://al-awda.org/sustainers.html
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
[SDCPJ] Fw: [AL-AWDA-San-Diego] Viva Palestina US Crosses Into Gaza through Rafah - Short Speech By George Galloway
Viva Palestina US Crosses Into Gaza through Rafah - Short Speech By George
Support Al-Awda, a Great Organization and Cause!
Become an Al-Awda Sustainer:
Monthly: http://al-awda.
Annually: http://al-awda.
Freedom For Palestine!
Seventh Annual International Al-Awda Convention
Anaheim, California
May 22-24, 2009
Support Al-Awda, a Great Organization and Cause!
Become an Al-Awda Sustainer:
Monthly: http://al-awda.org/sustainers.html
Annual: http://al-awda.org/sustainers2.html
Unless indicated otherwise, all statements posted represent the views of their authors and not necessarily those of Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition.
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
[SDCPJ] Gay Pride Parade: This Saturday, July 18th
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Lawsuit filed by Lisa Lake
Clarification...Conyers will be here 12 July 2009!
Congressman Conyers looks forward to meeting single-payer healthcare activists on Sunday July 12th, from 2:00 - 3:00pm at the WorldBeat Center in Balboa Park.
Congressman Conyers will take your questions about how we can work to pass real healthcare reform legislation this session. The San Diego SinglePayer Healthcare Coalition will present Rep Conyers with a special award for his leadership on this issue.
SUNDAY JULY 12th, 2-3pm, at World Beat Center: http://www.worldbeatc... (map)
2100 Park Blvd San Diego, CA 92101 619-230-1190 -- off Park Blvd just north of President's Way.
Even if you are on the right track, you will be run over if you just stand there.
[SDCPJ] John Conyers speaks July 12, 2 p.m.
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., Chairman of the
Committee. will be at the
on Sunday , 7/12/09, at 2 pm. He will be discussing what is happening with
healthcare reform, meet
for his achievements in keeping Single Payer "on the negotiating table."
Rep. Conyers is author of HR 676, The Unites States National Health Insurance
Act, which establishes the single payer health care system. The bill creates a
publically financed, privately delivered health care system. The goal is to ensure
that all Americans have access to high quality and cost effective health care
services. In short, John Conyers declares, under his bill "Health care becomes
a human right."
This event also provides a great opportunity to meet, mingle, and connect with
other community activists, who are working to keep the single payer option alive.
If you would like to join with the members of the
Healthcare Coalition, and other
Conyers for his advocacy for meaningful health care reform., please come to
the Worldbeat Cultural Center ,
2:00 p.m. on Sunday, 7/12/09.
The Hidden Enemy


Corruption in the Senate

Raise the Minimum Wage



My New Book About Sudan
Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer
The Dark Side of Coffee Trade
Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies
Are these Your Heros?

National shame

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Stephen Fry on Catholisism
Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture
Interview with Congressman Filner
Free Trade Enslaves Us All
Blog Archive
- [SDCPJ] ACTIVIST MEETING: "The truth about single ...
- [SDCPJ] health care activists call in
- DPA Release: Prop 36 Treatment Decimated, Called "...
- LiveF5 Broadcast Invitation To Clean Slate Event
- [ProgressivePatriots] New Meetup: Activist SD Movi...
- [SDCPJ] Next SDCPJ meeting
- LiveF5 Broadcast Invitation
- [SDCPJ] Third Annual PALESTINE PICNIC DAY! - Sunda...
- [SDCPJ] SAT. 25th => Activist Film: Reel Bad Arabs...
- [SDCPJ] - Socialist Salon: Sun., July 26 -Capitali...
- Stunning Preventive Detention
- SD County Community Coalition Movie Night - Sicko ...
- Brasscheck TV: Government by Goldman
- The Great American Bubble Machine
- Brasscheck TV: Government by Goldman
- Left Hook - July 2009
- Movie Night Film Sicko Tonight
- [SDCPJ] Final Reminder: "The Talk of Return" Tomor...
- [SDCPJ] Fw: [AL-AWDA-San-Diego] Viva Palestina US ...
- [SDCPJ] Gay Pride Parade: This Saturday, July 18th
- Lawsuit filed by Lisa Lake
- Clarification...Conyers will be here 12 July 2009!
- [SDCPJ] John Conyers speaks July 12, 2 p.m.
- Congressman Conyers Speaks at the World Beat Cente...
- [SDCPJ] Show your support, meet war resister Robin...
- [SDCPJ] Fw: Al-Ahram: US lifeline to Gaza
- [SDCPJ] UAV's/Drones: Learn more July 20, 7 p.m.
- [SDCPJ] Fw: Stop JROTC!
- [SDCPJ] Must See: "Talk of the Return" Saturday 7/...
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: Sen. Boxer Healthcare NOT Warfare Day...
- Re: [SDCPJ] Southwestern College Board meeting Jul...
- [SDCPJ] Southwestern College Board meeting July 8 ...
- Progress In San Diego TV Show - July 2009 Recording
- [SDCPJ] [Fwd: Attend the screening of A SENSELESS ...
- [SDCPJ] Gay Pride Parade: July 18th
- [SDCPJ] Film: A Senseless Death July 8
Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ
Victor Calle
At NCCP April 2008
Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego
Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008

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