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Wednesday, April 24, 2013
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Jeremy Scahill: The Secret Story Behind Obama’s...
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Jeremy Scahill: The Secret Story Behind Obama's Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen
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The Obama administration's assassination of two U.S. citizens in 2011, Anwar Al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old Denver-born son Abdulrahman, is a central part of Jeremy Scahill's new book, "Dirty Wars: The...
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Koch Brothers Plan to Buy Up Eight Major ...
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Koch Brothers Plan to Buy Up Eight Major Papers
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'The billionaire oil moguls Charles and David Koch are pushing ahead with their plans to purchase several news outlets across the United States.' Annie-Rose Strasser, ThinkProgress
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Former Obama Staffer Leads White House Protests...
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Former Obama Staffer Leads White House Protests Against Pipeline
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Power Players Environmental activists are turning up the heat on President Obama as he faces what could be the trickiest decision of his second term: whether or not to approve the controversial propos...
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
[SDCPJ] We Are Here: An Explosion of Queer & Ally Art!
We Are Here
An Explosion of Queer & Ally Art
Dance Visual Art Spoken Word Live Art Live Music
Saturday, May 4th 5-10 pm
We Are Here is a CFAC/CFAC Next Generation Fundraiser
Canvass for a Cause 3705 10th Ave, #3
San Diego, CA 92103 610-630-7750
Check out our Facebook Event Page:
This is an ALL AGES event that will feature visual art, live music, spoken word, comedy & performance art! Here is our Safe Space Statement for Youth:
There will be art for sale and displayed on the walls up to1 week before hand.
Join us for light spinning and hoola hooping from 5-6!
5:30-5:40 Music - Duo
5:40-545 Poetry
5:45-6:15 Music - Band
6:25-6:55 Dance
6:55-7:00 Music - Solo
7:00-7:30 Music - Solo
7:25-7:45 Comedy
7:45-8:15 Dance/Music
8:15-8:20 Spoken Word
8:25-8:55 Music - Band
8:55-9:15 Music - Solo
9:30-10:00 Music - Band
"We Are Here" is a fundraiser for CFAC's art program and Next Generation youth empowerment & education.
19+: $20 @ the door
18 & under: free
** No one will be turned away due to lack of funds! **
*Our space is wheelchair inaccessible. We deeply apologize and hope to amend this soon. Until then, check out this zine (.pdf format) from people with all different abilities to understand the struggle of our alter-abled sisters, brothers and non-binary family:
**This is a SAFE SPACE where we fight ALL OPPRESSIONS. RESPECT EACH OTHER! We will have VIBE WATCHERS available for anyone to approach about unwanted attention, negative situations that make you feel uncomfortable, or anything racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, ageist, etc.
[SDCPJ] SAN ONOFRE: Los Angeles votes to oppose reactor restart without public hearings
| Bill Walker dba Deadline Now Berkeley CA (510) 759-9911 Twitter: @deadlinenow Skype: deadlinenow |
[SDCPJ] New Report: Drones Over the Homeland
The Center for International Policy announces the release of a policy report examining the mission creep of the homeland security drone program. Drones Over the Homeland (HTML | PDF) is an investigative report on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program that deploys military-grade Predator drones. It reveals the key role of the Defense Department in expanding the presence of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at home. |
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Border Lines Blog
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[SDCPJ] Jeremy Scahill speaks in San Diego, Thursday, May 2, 2013: "Dirty Wars"
Jeremy Scahill will be speaking in San Diego on Thursday, May 2, 2013
7 p.m.
Hoover High School Auditorium
4474 El Cajon Blvd. (92115)
Event is free; donations appreciated
His new book, Dirty Wars, will be released April 23, 2013 and will be available for sale at the program.
More info: email
Sponsored by the Peace Resource Center of San Diego
and the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice
Jeremy Scahill's new book,Dirty Wars, will be available for sale at the May 2 program.
In his new book, Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times best-seller Blackwater, takes us inside America's new covert wars. The foot soldiers in these battles operate globally and inside the United States with orders from the White House to do whatever is necessary to hunt down, capture or kill individuals designated by the president as enemies. Drawn from the ranks of the Navy SEALs, Delta Force, former Blackwater and other private security contractors, the CIA's Special Activities Division and the Joint Special Operations Command ( JSOC), these elite soldiers operate worldwide, with thousands of secret commandos working in more than one hundred countries. Funded through "black budgets," Special Operations Forces conduct missions in denied areas, engage in targeted killings, snatch and grab individuals and direct drone, AC-130 and cruise missile strikes. While the Bush administration deployed these ghost militias, President Barack Obama has expanded their operations and given them new scope and legitimacy.
Dirty Wars follows the consequences of the declaration that "the world is a battlefield," as Scahill uncovers the most important foreign policy story of our time. From Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia and beyond, Scahill reports from the frontlines in this high-stakes investigation and explores the depths of America's global killing machine. He goes beneath the surface of these covert wars, conducted in the shadows, outside the range of the press, without effective congressional oversight or public debate. And, based on unprecedented access, Scahill tells the chilling story of an American citizen marked for assassination by his own government. As US leaders draw the country deeper into conflicts across the globe, setting the world stage for enormous destabilization and blowback, Americans are not only at greater risk—we are changing as a nation. Scahill unmasks the shadow warriors who prosecute these secret wars and puts a human face on the casualties of unaccountable violence that is now official policy: victims of night raids, secret prisons, cruise missile attacks and drone strikes, and whole classes of people branded as "suspected militants." Through his brave reporting, Scahill exposes the true nature of the dirty wars the United States government struggles to keep hidden. |
[SDCPJ] FW: [UNAC-CC] FW: An Update on the International Petition Campaign to Save the Life of Lynne Stewart
Lynne Steward's Life In Danger Now!
Dear Friends of Lynne Stewart and Mumia Abu-Jamal,
Below you will find new material related to the fight to win compassionate release for Lynne Stewart. A magnificent article by Chris Hedges is included. Please help us circulate it far and wide. Once again, please help circulate the petition, also below, to all your friends.
Lynne's life is at stake and every second counts.
In solidarity,
Jeff Mackler, Director, West Coast Lynne Stewart Defense committee
As the campaign builds, Lynne Stewart's condition has taken a concerning turn for the worse. Her white blood cell count has dropped sharply. Lynne is in isolation currently and will be sent to a Fort Worth hospital for tests.
This news has lent a dramatic urgency to The International Petition Campaign to Save the Life of Lynne Stewart, even as it has crossed a new threshold: Over 10,000 people have signed the petition as signatories pour in daily from across the world.
Noted associate of President Kwame Nkrumah, Ambassador Kojo Amoo-Gottfried, Ghana's former ambassador to China, Vietnam, Cuba and Nicaragua, has called upon all who fought for self-determination and freedom to raise their voices now for "our dear sister in struggle, Lynne Stewart, even as she has fought for us over a lifetime."
The Socialist Forum of Ghana has launched a national campaign to save the life of Lynne Stewart.
We must intensify our efforts in this battle for her freedom and her life.
Ed Asner, Richard Falk, Daniel Ellsberg, Cornel West, David Ray Griffin, Bonnie Kerness, Zachary Sklar, Alice Walker, Katha Pollitt, Michael Ratner, Sara Kuntsler, Heidi Boghosian, Wallace Shawn, San Francisco Supervisor John Avelos, Peter Kinoy, Peter Dale Scott, Wilhemina Levy, Cynthia McKinney, Pam Africa, and Louis Wolf are among current signers.
We urge all to contact five people and ask each of them to contact five more, allowing each of us, thereby, in five stages to reach five thousand people.
Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist and Occupy Wall Street leader Chris Hedges has published today an evocative and compelling article entitled "The Persecution of Lynne Stewart" that captures Lynne's stirring eloquence, abiding humanity and quiet courage. (See below)
The petition is at:
The Persecution of Lynne Stewart
Posted on Apr 21, 2013
By Chris Hedges
Lynne Stewart, in the vindictive and hysterical world of the war on terror, is one of its martyrs. A 73-year-old lawyer who spent her life defending the poor, the marginalized and the despised, including blind cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, she fell afoul of the state apparatus because she dared to demand justice rather than acquiesce to state sponsored witch hunts. And now, with stage 4 cancer that has metastasized, spreading to her lymph nodes, shoulder, bones and lungs, creating a grave threat to her life, she sits in a prison cell at the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas, where she is serving a 10-year sentence. Stewart's family is pleading with the state for "compassionate release" and numerous international human rights campaigners, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, have signed a petition calling for her to be freed on medical grounds. It is not only a crime in the U.S. to be poor, to be a Muslim, to openly condemn the crimes committed in our name in the Muslim world, but to defend those who do. And the near total collapse of our judicial system, wrecked in the name of national security and "the war on terror," is encapsulated in the saga of this courageous attorney—now disbarred because of her conviction.
"I hope that my imprisonment sends the wake up call that the government is prepared to imprison lawyers who do not conduct legal representation in a manner the government has ordained," she told me when I reached her through email in prison. "My career of 30 plus years has always been client centered. My clients and I decided on the best legal course, without the interference of the government. Ethics require that the defense lawyer DEFEND, get the client off. We have no obligation to obey [the] 'rules' government lays down.
"I believe that since 9/11 the government has pursued Muslims with an ever heavier hand," she wrote, all messages to her and from her being vetted by prison authorities. "However, cases such as the Sheikh's in 1995 amply demonstrate that Muslims had been targeted even earlier as the new ENEMY—always suspect, always guilty. After 9/11, we discovered that the government prosecutors were ordered to try and get Osama Bin Laden into EVERY Muslim prosecution inducing in American Juries a Pavlovian response. Is it as bad as lynching and the Scottsboro Boys and the Pursuit of Black Panthers? Not as of yet, but getting close and of course the incipient racism that that colors—pun?—every action in the U.S. is ever present in these prosecutions."
Stewart, as a young librarian in Harlem, got an early taste of the insidious forms of overt and covert racism that work to keep most people of color impoverished and trapped in their internal colonies or our prison complex. She went on to get her law degree and begin battling in the courts on behalf of those around her for whom justice was usually denied. By 1995, along with former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Abdeen Jabara, she was the lead trial counsel for the sheik, who was convicted in September of that year. He received life in prison plus 65 years, a sentence Stewart called "outlandish." The cleric, in poor health, is serving a life sentence in the medical wing of the Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina. Stewart continued to see the sheik in jail after the sentence. Three years later the government severely curtailed his ability to communicate with the outside world, even through his lawyers, under special administrative measures or SAMs.
In 2000, during a visit with the sheik, he asked Stewart to release a statement from him to the press. The Clinton administration did not prosecute her for the press release, but the Bush administration in April 2002, the mood of the country altered by the attacks of 9/11, decided to go after her. Attorney General John Ashcroft came to New York in April 2002 to announce that the Justice Department had indicted Stewart, a paralegal and the interpreter on grounds of materially aiding a terrorist organization. That night he went on "Late Show with David Letterman" to tell the nation of the indictment and the Bush administration's vaunted "war on terror."
"Rev up the military industrial complex," Stewart wrote when I asked her what purpose the "war on terror" served. "Keep the populace terrorized so that they look to Big Brother Government for protection. Cannon Fodder for the 'throwaways' in our society—young, poor, uneducated, persons of color."
Stewart's 2005 trial was a Punch-and-Judy show. The state demanded an outrageous 30-year prison sentence. It showed the jurors lurid videos of Osama bin Laden and images of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center towers, and spun a fantastic web of Islamic, terrorist intrigue. To those of us who covered groups such as al-Qaida and the armed Islamic groups in Egypt—I was based in Cairo at the time as the Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times—the government scenarios were utterly devoid of fact or credibility. The government prosecutors, for example, blamed numerous terrorist attacks, including the killing of 62 people in 1997 in Luxor, Egypt, on the sheik, although he publicly denounced the attack and had no connection with the radical Islamic group in Egypt that carried it out. And even Manhattan District Judge John Koeltl instructed the jury more than 750 times that the photos of Osama bin Laden and the 2001 World Trade Center attacks were not relevant to the case. Stewart was sentenced to 28 months. The Obama administration appealed the ruling. The appeals court ruled that the sentence was too light. Koeltl gave her 10 years. She has served three.
Her family's appeal for a "compassionate release" must defy the odds. Human Rights Watch and Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) noted in a 2012 report, "The Answer is No: Too Little Compassionate Release in US Federal Prisons," that the Federal Bureau of Prisons rarely even bothers to submit compassionate release requests to the courts. Since 1992, the bureau has averaged two dozen motions a year to the courts for compassionate release. The bureau does not provide figures for the number of prisoners who seek compassionate release.
"No messy side effects—vomiting, diarrhea—thank goodness," Stewart wrote to me about her cancer care. "I have one more treatment and then they have used all the poison it's safe to use. I am bald but the hardest for me to endure, who has always relied on her memory and quick wit, is the chemo brain that slows and sometimes stops me.
"I am up at 4:30 [a.m.] and wait till the 'Count' is over and have a shower etc.," she noted of her daily routine. "I get dressed and take a short rest (feet up) until breakfast at 6 am. I am in a room with 6 other women—the unusual mix of inmates and I rely on them to help me with just about everything—getting to the clinics, picking up meds, filling my ice bucket, helping with my laundry, etc. At 9:00 every day, they laughingly say, I go to the 'office.' That means email or the law library where I correspond and meet with women who need my help. I go back up by 10:30 and take a short nap till lunch. Meals here are meager and not well prepared. Of course, I have favorites—the hamburgers (beef THIN patty) served every Wednesday in every federal prison for lunch. Some of the women count their time in terms of how many hamburger days they have left! We are served cut up iceberg lettuce with a little red cabbage and carrots with meals and I have used my commissary purchases to concoct some more exotic dressings than those offered here.
"After lunch I go back to bed for a longer nap and then up for mail call—lots of letters, newspapers, magazines etc." she wrote, "a time of the day I sometimes shed a few tears at the love and intensity of those who have written to state their support. Then supper and back to bed and reading—pure pleasure—much fiction (mysteries, Scottish etc. and authors I love Morrison, Sarmargo). [There is] some conversing with my roommates and then after the 9:00 pm count I am off to sleep. I have a hospital bed that is next to large windows—no bars. I can see the Trinity River, barely. Trees. This view of nature is responsible for keeping me alive in the real sense.
"I hoped that there would be common cause among the women here because we are all confronted by totally arbitrary authority every minute of every day," she went on. "Prison is a perverse place of selfishness and sometimes generosity but not much unity. There are a few and we recognize each other but by and large the harsh realities of people's origins and the system have ruined most of us. It is particularly horrendous to realize the number of children that the prison system rips from their mothers' arms, thus creating yet another generation to feed the beast of prison industrial complex.
"I fear we are headed into a period of ever increasing cruelty to those who can least stand it," she wrote. "As corporate agendas become national agendas there is a profound disrespect for all those who are not able to even get to the starting line. We do not love the children except when they are massacred—the daily mental, emotional deaths in the public schools are ignored. We are now a nation of Us and Them. I would HOPE that the people would recognize what is happening and make a move. After all, who in the fifties could have predicted the uprisings of the sixties? There must be a distaste and willful opposition to what is happening and a push to take it back—local movements scaring the HELL out of the Haves."
In a 2003 speech at a National Lawyers Guild convention in Minneapolis, Stewart eloquently laid out her mission as an advocate, and more important as a mother and a member of the human race.
"For we have formidable enemies not unlike those in the tales of ancient days," she told the gathering. "There is a consummate evil that unleashes its dogs of war on the helpless; an enemy motivated only by insatiable greed - The Miller's daughter made to spin gold - the fisherman's wife: Midas, all with no thought of consequences. In this enemy there is no love of the land or the creatures that live there, no compassion for the people. This enemy will destroy the air we breathe and the water we drink as long as the dollars keep filling up their money boxes.
"We now resume our everyday lives but we have been charged once again, with, and for, our quests, and like Hippolyta and her Amazons; like David going forth to meet Goliath, like Beowulf the dragon slayer, like Queen Zenobia, who made war on the Romans, like Sir Galahad seeking the holy grail," she said. "And modern heroes, dare I mention? Ho and Mao and Lenin, Fidel and Nelson Mandela and John Brown, Che Guevara who reminds us 'At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.'?Our quests like theirs are to shake the very foundations of the continents.
"We go out to stop police brutality -?To rescue the imprisoned -?To change the rules for those who have never ever been able to get to the starting line much less run the race, because of color, physical condition, gender, mental impairment," she said. "We go forth to preserve the air and land and water and sky and all the beasts that crawl and fly. We go forth to safeguard the right to speak and write, to join; to learn, to rest safe at home, to be secure, fed, healthy, sheltered, loved and loving, to be at peace with ones identity."
From prison Stewart wrote to me in closing, "I have been fortunate to live a charmed life—parents who loved me without qualification (yes, we fought about Vietnam and my African American husband but I never doubted that they would always be there for me). I had children when I was young enough to grow with them. Today they are the backbone of my support and love. I came to politics in the early sixties and was part of a vibrant movement that tried to empower local control of public schools to make the ultimate changes for children and break the back of racism in minority communities. My partner/husband Ralph Poynter was always—60 years and counting—in my corner and when at a less than opportune moment I announced my desire to go to law school, he made sure it happened. I had a fabulous legal career in a fabulous city—championing the political rights of the comrades of the 60's and 70's and also representing many who had no hope of a lawyer who would fight for them against the system. I have enjoyed good friends, loved cooking, had poetry and theater for a joy. I could go on and on BUT all of this good fortune has always meant only one thing to me—that I have to fight, struggle to make sure EVERYONE can have a life like mine. That belief is what will always sustain me."
Free Lynne Stewart: A Call to Action from Ed Asner
"Given the enormous good that Lynne Stewart has done for humanity throughout her life as a courageous lawyer for the poor, the oppressed and the unjustly accused, I am shocked by the cynical perversity of a government that has pursued her savagely and vengefully.
Lynne Stewart's treatment by the government has been demonic. Prevented from scheduled surgery, her breast cancer spread to her lymph nodes, bones and lungs. Denied proper medical treatment, she has been bound with 10 pounds of shackles and chains, even when in a hospital bed.
In tormenting Lynne Stewart the government seeks to terrorize all lawyers who would defend those targeted by State repression. The treatment of Lynne Stewart is a threat to due process, an assault on fundamental rights that date to Magna Carta.
Lynne Stewart must be free. The law requires her compassionate release and the medical care that can save her life. We must deny the State a death sentence aimed at the freedom of us all.
The State power that torments Lynne Stewart invades countries at will, murders hundreds of thousands with impunity and creates a climate of fear and repression to prevent the people of this country from calling those in power to account.
The fight to free Lynne Stewart is a front-line battle for basic rights secured through the American Revolution and is a measure of our will to reclaim a land of the free in the home of the brave."
"The government's treatment of Lynne Stewart during her trial was arbitrary, politically motivated and made a mockery of our justice system. Its treatment of her now while she is imprisoned and seriously ill, is shameful, heartless and inhuman. I join with many thousands around the world to urge her immediate release so that she can get proper medical attention."
Zachary Sklar
AP/Stephen Chernin
Lynne Stewart at a news conference in New York City in 2002.
A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
© 2013 Truthdig, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Monday, April 22, 2013
[SDCPJ] Saturday April 27 Portraits of Desire & Denial by John Halaka
Saturday April 27, 6:00 PM
at Al-Awda Center, 2720 Loker Avenue West Suite J, Carlsbad CA 92010
Palestinian refugees have become the forgotten survivors of the world. Their
experiences in exile have been deliberately ignored and their voices
repeatedly silenced over the course of a forced and ongoing odyssey that
started over 65 years ago. The majority of the refugees exist, unseen and
unheard, in the margins of marginalized communities.
John Halaka is a visual artist, documentary film maker and professor of
Visual Arts at the University of San Diego. He will discuss his project
*Portraits of Desire & Denial,* a multidisciplinary art project that
attempts to make images of the refugees indelible, and their personal
experiences in exile unforgettable. He will show clips from interviews he
conducted with Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
For a recent article written by professor Halaka, go to
This event is free and open to all. Our center is wheel-chair accessible.
Event on Facebook:
Directions to Al-Awda Center
Al-Awda's Center is located at 2720 Loker Avenue West Suite J, Carlsbad, CA
92010. From I-5, exit Palomar Airport Road and head East - make a left on
Loker Avenue West (first left after you cross El Camino Real) and left into
Carlsbad Crossroads business center (look for the large Carlsbad Crossroads
sign and Palestinian Flag). End 2720 Loker Avenue West Suite J.
From I-15, exit I-78 West. From I-78 exit San Marcos Blvd and head West. San
Marcos Blvd becomes Palomar Airport Road when you enter Carlsbad. Loker
Avenue West will be on your right, past the Melrose Drive and El Fuerte
intersections. Other directions as above.
From El Camino Real, go East on Palomar Airport Road and make a (first) left
on Loker Avenue West. Other directions as above.
Al-Awda San Diego
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442
Sunday, April 21, 2013
[SDCPJ] Chernobyl/Fukushima Children's art at Earth Day San Diego
We are interested in having this display other places, schools, etc. Contact Carol Jahnkow or Martha Sullivan marthasullivan@mac. com for info!
Photos: Bob Davis
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Former Pakistani Ruler Arrested In Connection...
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Former Pakistani Ruler Arrested In Connection With Judge Firings
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ISLAMABAD — Former Pakistani military ruler Pervez Musharraf vowed on Friday to fight what he called politically motivated allegations against him, following his arrest in a case involving his decisio...
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Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ
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At NCCP April 2008
Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego
Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008

The Citizens' Internet Television Network

The Citizens' Internet Radio Network
Save America

Save America


We Are All One

We Are All One
Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism
Change the System

Change the System
A Lie Does Not Become the Truth

A lie does not become the truth


Fetus Rights

Fetus Rights
The Earth Was Created

The Earth Was Created
