Sunday, August 29, 2010

[SDCPJ] Sept 11 - San Diego Regional Summit -SDSU - Plan for Oct 7 Day of Action

Please forward widely.

SDCPJ endorses September 11 Summit at SDSU to plan for

October 7 Day of Action.

No to cutbacks in education and social services!

Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation!

San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice -

2nd SD Summit pg2 copy reduced.jpg

Friday, August 27, 2010

[SDCPJ] REMINDER FRI. Nite FILM & FOOD: Activist Film Series on Race begins Friday and Saturday.


Film Screening and Discussion: At a time when legalized racial discrimination is resurfacing, this eye-opening film refutes false arguments that attempt to use “science” to divide humans into diff... see above web for more.

 The Color of Fear 
Location 2:  Saturday Night Aug. 28th
Joyce Beers Community Center 4065 Vermont Street San Diego, 92103
Color of Fear.jpg
08/28/2010 - 6:00pm
The Color of Fear is an insightful, groundbreaking film about the state of race relations in the United States as seen through the eyes of eight North American men of Asian, European, Latino and Africa...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

[SDCPJ] CLC Endorsed October 7 National Day of Action and September 11 Planning Summit at SDSU

August 16, 2010

Lorena Gonzalez, Sec.-Treas.
San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council
3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 403
San Diego, CA 92108
re: resolution in support of October 7 National Day of Action and
September 11 Planning Summit.

Secretary-Treasurer Gonzalez,

Please have the Resolutions Committee of the Executive Board review
the following from this Local for inclusion in the next Delegate
meeting, August 25, for consideration by the body.

Whereas there has been a long assault on the public sector in general
and public education in particular and

Whereas these attacks are often anti-union in motivation and

Whereas these attacks take the form of cuts in public services and
contracting-out and

Whereas neither the public nor service and education providers
warrant such attacks and

Whereas unions, government and the public served have resisted these
attacks for many years and

Whereas the great recession has intensified these attack including
their being a major factor in the upcoming elections

Be it resolved that the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council
endorses the October 7 National Day of Action and a Planning Summit
to be held at San Diego State University on September 11th and
encourage its affiliates to send representatives to the latter and
turn out in mass for the former.
Fred Lonidier
UC-AFT San Diego Local 2034

Statewide Coordination Committee

October 7th Day of Action and October 30-31st Mobilizing Conference
In Defense of Public Education and Public Services

The historic actions, protests and strikes of last Fall and Spring showed our state and the nation that students, teachers, staff, and our communities are determined to fight against the cuts, layoffs, fee hikes, and the shrinking access to public education and services. However, our fight is far from over. On October 7th, supporters of public education plan to unite and demand accessible, affordable and quality education for all.

Public higher-education is an engine of economic growth that benefits all communities at large, but students of color across the nation are being tracked into non-academic programs while ethnic and multi-cultural classes are being cut. As public universities raise tuitions to the level of private institutions, students of all ethnicities are being denied access to higher-education on the basis of income- an economic barrier that disproportionately affects people of color.

The knowledge and innovation coming from graduates of state-supported universities create far more wealth in the state than the education's cost. Better educated citizens are shown to be more productive, pay higher taxes, create a stronger economy, and provide more jobs. Thus, it is important to seek out more revenue sources to support education and public institutions, rather than focusing on decreasing funding.

The politicians and administrators say there is no money for education and social services. But if there is money for tax cuts and prisons, why is there no money for public education? Schools are now suffering from inadequate staffing and pay-cuts. However, California's budget cuts are not only restricted to the education system. Our health services, public infrastructure, transportation and library systems will also continue to deteriorate. These issues are all intertwined. How do we stop the degeneration of California?

We, the people, have the democratic power to beat back these attacks and ensure that our public institutions effectively serve the public. But to do so, members of all regions and sectors ‚ adult-ed, students, workers, teachers, activists, unions, and community organizations ‚ must unite and take action on October 7th, and contribute our voices and thoughts to the October 30-31 conference at San Francisco State University to defend public education.

The purpose of the October 30-31 conference is to democratically propose demands, devise an action plan, and create a structure capable of defending public education and public services for the benefit of all.

We invite all supporters of education across the nation to attend and participate in the October 7th day of action and the October 30-31st conference. For more information, visit

The Statewide Coordination Committee

(Of the March 4th Movement)
SDSU M4 Committee <>

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

[SDCPJ] PLEASE FORWARD: Wedns., Aug. 25th at 5:30pm - Protest Diamondbacks; Creatively resolve to BOYCOTT ARIZONA

Wedns., Aug. 25th at 5:30pm in front of
PETCO Park before the Diamondbacks game.

Bring a sign and help distribute 100s of fliers to fans
Tickets for going inside the game are only $5

if you want to get creative about showing your
till AZ lifts its seige on immigrants.
   Protest Diamondbacks visit to San Diego  Ask Major League Baseball to move the  2011 MLB Allstar game out of Arizona !  "What is Commissioner Bud Selig thinking ? He is promoting racial profiling and discrimination against Latinos, otherwise he would have moved the 2011 all star game OUT of Arizona, it is not to late Bud, move the game or we will move the fans, away from MLB !"  States former Padres Vice President of Latino and diversity marketing, Enrique Morones of Border Angels.   "I was arrested in Arizona standing up for what I believe in, that we need to stand on the side of Love" states Mar Cardenas of the Unitarian Universalist Chula Vista Fellowship, the first person arrested in July 29th protest against SB 1070 in Phoenix.  "We will not be silent, every day we do not have humane immigration reform, two people die crossing the US/Mexico border, there is no legal way for most to enter. Humane Immigration reform is needed NOW! Baseball needs to take a stand, 22 states want to have copycat discriminations laws like SB1070. 22 States will fail, as we can only have one Federal Law, what do you say Bud?" continues Enrique.  The protest is scheduled for this Wednesday the 25th at 530pm in front of PETCO park before the Diamondbacks game. Arizona is not only home to the Diamondbacks but also home to the xenophobic minutemen movement, most of the border crossing deaths, un constitutional SB1070, civil rights abuser Joe Arapio, armed neo Nazis on the border, the murders of nine year old Brisenia and Ramon Flores (by the minutemen) and the only state to originally deny honoring a National Holiday for Rev. Martin Luther King (NFL moved 1993 Super Bowl)  JOIN: ACTIVIST SAN DIEGO; BORDER ANGELS, CASA REFUGIO ELVIRA, CENTER FOR SOCIAL ADVOCACY, GENTE UNIDA, SD MAY 1ST COLAITION, SI SE PUEDE, UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST, ANGELES SIN FRONTERAS, PRESENTE.ORG, RIFA, NAYARITA HOMETOWN ASSOCIATION and many more...   BORDER ANGELS & COMMUNITY ADVISORY (8/23/10)  Contacts:   Mar Cardenas ( 619 947-4612 Enrique Morones ( 619 269-7865 
--  Martin Eder 619-871-9354 = Cell 619-226-1116 = Home office

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

[SDCPJ] Cultivating Compassion- a Compassionate Communication (NVC) daylong practice gathering. September 11th. Lemon Grove


A Daylong Nonviolent Communication Practice Gathering

Saturday, September 11th. 10am-6pm

We welcome you to join us for a daylong NVC practice gathering on at a private  home in Lemon Grove. We will come together to sense into what topics are most alive for each participant and invite practice clusters to form around these topics.


Come seek support, companionship, self-expression, inspiration, learning, and growth as we ask ourselves...

. When it comes to living daily from compassion, what has most life for me?
. What are my challenges?
. Where am I getting stuck?
. Where might I want to request empathy?

. What blocks me from expressing honesty and empathy?
. What am I learning that I might feel called to share with others?

When: Saturday, Sept. 11th 10am-6pm

What: an opportunity for dedicated NVC practice on those topics which are most alive for us. You can learn more about the format here.

Where: private home in Lemon Grove, Calif.

Cost: $15 (no one turned away for lack of funds).

Bring a snack to share! And bring your own lunch!

Register online at

For more information, contact Raffi at

Sunday, August 22, 2010

[SDCPJ] ARIZONA BOYCOTT - INTERESTED IN SPREADING THE WORD? and making a big splash at the DIAMONDBACKS game on Wedns. Aug. 25th?


making a big splash at the game on Wedns. Aug. 25th?


    We are looking for people to hang banners inside and out... and other very creative ways to  be seen on Natl. TV.  Let's take it to the next level.   By handing out fliers we could potentially get thousands of mini-AZ protest signs into the game.

Call Martin at 619-871-9354 or come the the May 1st Coalition on Tues at 6 PM at 970 Broadway in Chula Vista - home of the Unitarian Universalists Church.

This Wednesday August 25th  JOIN US as we continue to Protest Major League Baseball and ask them to move the 2011 All Star Game out of Arizona. Border Angels, SD May 1st Coalition, Si Se Puede, Gente Unida, Angeles sin Fronteras, Center for Social Advocacy,, Unitarian Universalists, Activist San Diego, Casa Refugio Elvira and more will meet @ 5:30pm to PROTEST Diamondbacks return to San Diego.

Boycott ARIZONA, Move the Game, Humane Immigration Reform Now, No More Militarization of the Border, TODOS SOMOS ARIZONA !!!  - forwarded from Enrique Morones


Upset about Arizona's anti-immigration legislation SB1070? Think that Bud Selig should move the 2011 MLB All-Star Game out of Phoenix to show support for legal immigrants and all the Mexican American ball players in the league?  Well we've got an idea for you:  


--  Martin Eder 619-871-9354 = Cell 619-226-1116 = Home office

Saturday, August 21, 2010

[SDCPJ] Special SDCPJ Meeting: Pfc. Bradley Manning, whistleblower for WikiLeaks Afghanistan documents

Come join this special San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice meeting, centering on Pfc. Bradley Manning, now jailed for being the WikiLeaks Afghanistan documents whistleblower.  In attendance will be Rainey Reitman from Courage to Resist & the Bradley Manning Support Network  She agreed to come to this meeting to update us on the campaign and on the planned upcoming nationwide actions. 



               3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA 92105

               Monday, August 23, 2010 – 7:00 PM


Facilitator:  Rick Greenblatt

Welcome, Introductions

Next SDCPJ meeting: Monday, September 13 (to be confirmed).  Facilitator_____________

Note taker for this evening's meeting will be _________________________


Minutes from July 26, 2010 meeting (if distributed)

Special Presentation/Discussion

Campaign to Support Pfc. Bradley Manning - Rainey Reitman, "Courage to Resist & the Bradley Manning Support Network" (see "Items/Announcements" attached)

Other Business (time permitting)

New Business/Report Backs/Updates:

-- Report Back: July 23/24 National Assembly, re: Palestine reps (Rick)

-- Report Back: July 29th demonstration in Arizona about the Arizona law

-- Report Back: Aug. 9 SDCPJ Session: Rethink Afghanistan

            -- Report Back: Aug. 19 "Marriage Thursday in San Diego" County sit-in

-- Update: San Diego Community Radio Project 

-- Update: Approach to SAME to stage low-key solidarity event, anti-war and anti-"don't ask don't tell" (Gabe)


Upcoming Events

-- Oct. 6-16, week of nation-wide events marking 9 yrs. of Afghan occupation


Strategic Planning/Perspectives/Activities and Direction

-- Discussion: events revolving around Gaza blockade/relief efforts; US boat to Gaza 

-- Discussion: Perspective/direction for next months/balance of 2010; convergence of environmental, political, social, etc. events



Thursday, August 19, 2010

[SDCPJ] Photos of Marriage Thursday in SD

in solidarity and sympathy

(copy and paste)

Peace Up,
Michael Gomel

[SDCPJ] Tonight -- Meeting of the Community Radio Project - Thurs, Aug. 19th 7– 9 pm; 4246 Wightman St.

Join us Tonight at the Next Meeting of the
Community Radio Project

Thursday, Aug. 19th (always the 3rd Thursday)  7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Activist Center – 4246 Wightman St. – San Diego 92105

Questions? Call Anne – 619 450 4333

See you there!

ASD has the construction license for a new FM station designated as Descanso!  We can expect that the Ramona station (with its tower on the Los Coyotes Indian reservation), a solar & wind powered station, will have the same results soon.

Thanks for being there. Gentle people - start your engines, the work is about to begin in earnest to raise the $400k to launch the...
  • The first non-commercial radio stations in San Diego in 40 years
  • the first Bilingual Educational FM  Stations ever in San Diego
  • the first sustainable/alternative powered radio station in the state of California.
  • the only member run, community-based radio on the San Diego dial and
  • at last, some of the airwaves will belong to our member/listeners.

We also need someone to build a simple informational website for this radio outreach project.

We need some legal skills to help us negotiate the right contracts for the tower and for the reservations.

Graphic skills and many many more...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[SDCPJ] FW: [isosandiego] Open Letter to the Community: Why We Are Sitting In Tomorrow (FORWARD WIDELY)

I read a draft of this letter at our meeting to 16 members present, and was asked to make it an open letter to the public.  Please forward WIDELY for SAME:

As we hope you have already heard, members of SAME and others in our community are rallying to the side of our friends Tyler & Tony Dylan-Hyde, and Michael Anderson & Brian Baumgardner, and anyone else wanting to get married on Thursday morning (tomorrow) at 8:00am to demand that the clerk issue the licenses entitled to them under California law once the stay on Judge Walker's decision is lifted tonight at 5:00pm. But many may be confused about what our real objective is—Do we really think we're going to get these people married?

I've received calls from people in the community who had the mistaken assumption that we are going in to the Clerk's Office on Thursday with the intention and desire to get arrested by San Diego County Sheriffs. Certainly we are aware that by challenging the clerks to exercise a right that appears for some to still be in legal limbo means that authorities may feel entitled to arrest us for "disturbing the peace", or some other ironically-named charge. And of course it is the case that getting arrested has resulted in needed attention for civil rights in the past and even in our present time. But it is not our objective to be arrested on Thursday afternoon. What we want is to force open the floodgates of civil rights for same-sex couples, so that our friends Tyler & Tony, and Brian & Michael and anyone else who wishes, can be allowed to get their licenses on that day.

Who says we can? For us, the question is rather who says we can't. Numerous sources have cited the fact that nowhere in the law does it specify that the Attorney General and Governor, who have emphatically refused to defend Prop 8, must be compelled to comply with a stay by a higher-circuit court while our opposition is given a chance to prove that they have the standing to make an appeal to Judge Walker's decision. If anything, some legal precedent seems to indicate that the state of California has the right and duty to enforce its own laws while a court of appeals holds hearings to determine any standing by any parties opposing a legal decision.

When Prop 8 passed, same-sex marriages stopped immediately. There was no "stay" on the new ban, even while the ACLU pursued our case to challenge Prop 8's constitutionality to the California Supreme Court (filed the very day after the passage of Prop 8, on November 5, 2008). It seems to us that while the National Organization for Marriage pursues its appeal to the 9th Circuit Court, our state's clerks have no reason to continue to deny Californians our rights to equal protection under the law, and our access to the same civil right to marriage. On the contrary, they should begin granting marriage licenses, as Judge Walker's decision so clearly mandates, as soon as his stay is lifted on Thursday.

That's why SAME members, and others in the community with us, are going in to the Clerk's Office at 8:00am this Thursday: Our objective is to persuade the clerks in San Diego and everywhere else in the state to comply with Judge Walker's August 4th ruling, and begin issuing marriage licenses immediately. We invite the community to join us; the bigger we are, the stronger. Let's get Brian & Michael, and Tyler & Tony married, and let's do it now. As has been repeated over and over in the last weeks, the opposition has been unable to provide any evidence that heterosexual couples are harmed by same-sex couples' right to marry. So what are we waiting for?

In the words of SAME member Gabe Conaway last year, "We're not here to break the law--but there's a law here that's breaking us." Those of us going in tomorrow need your support.  There will also be a rally outside on the West side of the County Administration Building.  Join us in rallying or sitting in by RSVP'd to our facebook event: For details and a legal debrief about sitting in with us, contact Michael Anderson at 954-648-1984.

Cecile Veillard, President
San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality


Monday, August 16, 2010

[SDCPJ] Starbase: another DoD program to militarize children

This will be of interest to many of  you:
Here are photos of the Starbase program in San Diego. The most revealing photos begin at #7.
Starbase is another one of the military's carefully disguised programs for grooming young people (mostly elementary school students) to eventually become members and/or supporters of the military. Other such programs include the Young Marines and high school JROTC.
From the Starbase "About Us" Web page (note the statement in the last sentence about winning collaborators and building loyalty):

DoD STARBASE is a premier educational program, sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of md_pax_r_officer_and_kids_fp.jpgDefense for Reserve Affairs.  At DoD STARBASE students participate in  challenging "hands-on, mind-on" activities in aviation, science, technology, engineering, math, and space exploration.  They interact with military personnel to explore careers and make connections with the "real world."  The program provides students with 20-25 hours of stimulating experiences at National Guard, Navy, Marine, Air Force Reserve and Air Force bases across the nation.

Mission Statement

By exposing youth to the technological environments and positive role models found on military bases and installations, we will provide 20-25 hours of exemplary instruction, using a common core curriculum that meets or exceeds the national standards.  We will nurture a winning network of collaborators and build mutual loyalty.

Starbase - Atlantis in San Diego is based at Naval Station San Diego. The 2009 program report lists the following district/schools that are participating:
District: Chula Vista Elementary School District
Harborside Elementary School
John J. Montgomery Elementary School
Otay Elementary School
Lilian J. Rice Elementary School
District: National City School District
El Toyon Elementary School
Lincoln Acres Elementary School
Olivewood Elementary School
Rancho De La Naciøn Elementary School
District: San Diego City Schools School District
Jefferson Elementary School
Porter Elementary School
A group in Portland, OR, has begun to organize a campaign against the program:
Rick Jahnkow

[SDCPJ] TONIGHT ! PEACE CAFE - Activist San Diego's Monthly Meeting, Mon, August 16th @ 7PM

PEACE CAFE  Networking



Join us for a networking meeting where we meet in small groups to discuss the hottest social justice issues facing our community

Network, Collaborate, Activate

Activist San Diego's 


 Monthly General Meeting

Monday, August  16th @ 7PM   


"Conversation Table" is always prominent up front in the café and people are encouraged to invite strangers from other tables or somebody they met the previous day to join in the conversation

Hot topics


 1.   Immigration -  What to do...Is Arizona's SB 1070 headed to California?

2.   Media Justice:  ASD's Community Radio Project - We have an FM Radio Liscense! 

How can we build this station?

3.   Resisting War & Occupation and war profiteers

4. Educational activism - How can we save & expand public education?

5. Marriage Equality & beyond: Where to for GLBT movt?

Joyce Beers Community Center
1230 Cleveland Ave., Hillcrest in the city of San Diego

(In the Ralph's Hillcrest shopping center Across from Trader Joe's.

1.5 blocks north of University Ave on Vermont.)  For info call 619-871-9354

Sunday, August 15, 2010

[SDCPJ] Bradley Manning

Good people of San Diego & The United States,

As i write you, Pfc. Bradley Manning sits on suicide watch in a prison in Virginia. Bradley Manning is the young soldier of conscience who leaked some 90,000 classified documents on the Afghan war to the website Wikileaks. In my opinion and the opinion of many others, this action should be rewarded with a medal of honor, not a prison sentence. Just as Bradley Manning has so very bravely and sacrificially supported justice and transparency, he needs our support now. Do what you can, even if it's simply a letter of solidarity and love.
Write and thank Bradley Manning for being the hero that he is!

Bradley Manning 
TFCF (Theater Field Confinement Facility)
APO AE 09366

Donate to the Bradley Manning Support Fund!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

[SDCPJ] MONDAY's Sit-In for Marriage Equality CANCELLED

Because it is now expected that Gays and Lesbians will be afforded their equal rights to marry beginning on Wednesday, August 18th at 5pm, the Marriage Equality Sit-In scheduled at the County Administration Building on Monday, Aug 16th as been CANCELLED.

In the event that marriage licenses are NOT issued to Gays and Lesbians at the expected time, the SAME (San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality) will be having a protest and possible sit-in on THURSDAY, August 19th until those licenses are, in fact, issued to those Gays and Lesbians wishing to marry.

Thanks for your flexibility.

Drew Searing
SDCPJ member and
SAME member

Friday, August 13, 2010

[SDCPJ] Recruiter opt-out victory in San Diego Unified, more help needed

In Sept. 2009, parents and students from the Education Not Arms Coalition went to the San Diego school board to protest enrollment forms that were premarked to grant the school district permission to give student contact information to military recruiters.
Because of our protest, a special letter was sent home with students to clarify how to block recruiters' access to student information. The district also promised to revise the enrollment forms in 2010 to make the recruiter opt-out process clearer.
The Ed Not Arms Coalition recently heard reports from students indicating that the 2010 enrollment form has, in fact, been revised (see item #28 in the attached enrollment form for incoming new students). This is another victory for the coalition!
A similar "enrollment confirmation" form is used for students who have previously attended school in the district. What we don't know is whether students in San Diego high schools who opted out the previous year are receiving their enrollment confirmation forms with the opt-out box already checked, or if the district is forcing them to keep opting out every year (which violates federal law). Please help us find out.
If you are a student in 10th grade or higher AND you opted out last year, or if you know such a student, please let us know whether or not the student enrollment confirmation form this year arrived with the opt-out box already checked (see #28 on the form) .
Rick Jahnkow

[SDCPJ] Friday the 13th picket line action in San Diego

Dear Friends in SEIU and the labor movement in San Diego,
Reform221 today endorsed this action by our brothers and sisters in SEIU Local 1000. Please forward this widely and help build their picket line. Hope to see you there.
Monty Kroopkin,
for Reform221
Subject: Make Friday the 13th a Day Arnold Won't Forget
Tell Arnold to get back to work and pass a fair state budget and contract for the people who do the state's work.
Picket the San Diego premiere of Arnold's new movie "The Expendables" this Friday the 13th on Broadway, between 4th Ave. and Broadway Circle, just north of Horton Plaza.
5 pm to 6:30 pm.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

[SDCPJ] Demand Marriage Licenses NOW! Monday, Aug 16 Cnty Admin Bldg

Please spread far and wide:

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied! Marriage Licenses NOW!
August 16 · 12:00pm - 6:30pm
San Diego County Admin Bldg and Clerks Office and other locations in CA
1600 Pacific Hwy.
San Diego, CA

This Monday August 16th, at noon, if Judge Walker has not lifted the stay on his decision to overturn Prop 8, we will be joining Brian & Michael, and other couples who are waiting for justice to be delivered.

At the County Clerk's Office, they will demand a marriage license. Judge Walker's ruling was so eloquent that it must be enacted. Michael, Brian and their wedding party intend to sit-in until the licenses are issued. Pleasejoin us inside, or rally outside the County Clerk's Office in support--Brian, Michael, other California want you to join us in this rally of support for the right to marry in California. 

On the day after Prop 8 was approved by a slim majority in California, county clerks immediately stopped issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Why is it that those same Californians have to wait now that the ban has been overturned and ruled unconstitutional? 

We won't wait, marriage is everyone's right.
Justice delayed is justice denied! 

Join us!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 2010 TV Production

Our TV Production schedule is as follows for the month of August 2010. Please forward this video email to all of your family, friends, associates or others that might be interested in learning about TV production.

No Experience is necessary. We have members as young as nine and as old as 74.

Call for location and to RSVP.

Join the San Diego County Community Coalition
See our Internet TV Broadcasts the nights of our recordings beginning at approximately 7:15 PM. Go to and go to the TV Production Page.

All volunteers should arrive at 6:30 PM. We complete production at 10:00PM.

Schedule is as follows:

12 August 2010 Community Artist Connection with Laura Thompson

13 August 2010 Progress in San Diego with Walter Davis - three shows -
      (Issues Faced by Hearing Impaired Citizens)
      (Puffin N Politics: Medical Marijuana)
      (Black Uhuru Revolutionaries)

26 August 2010 Truth to Power with Chad McKinney

27 August 2010 Community Issues a Tapestry of Concerns with Alyce Smith Cooper

Join us!

Learn to be a Camera Operator, Sound Engineer, Director, Producer, and Internet Broadcast Director.

Walter Davis

You received a video message. Click here to play it.

Illegal to Grow Our Own Food

S510 - Illegal To Grow, Share,
Trade, Sell Homegrown Food

SB S510 MayAllow Government
To Put You In Jail ....
By Steve Green

S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. ( )

"If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God." It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food." ~ Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower.

Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto's Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create without judicial review if it passes.

S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food AND FARMING.


In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry. Clinton's HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization "WTO") meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control. Monsanto promoted HACCP.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton, urged a powerful centralized food safety agency as part of her campaign for president. Her advisor was Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firm representing Monsanto. Clinton lost, but Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro, whose husband's firm lists Monsanto as a progressive client and globalization as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.

S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.

1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency. It resembles the Kissinger Plan.

2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security. It would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law under perfect protection. Instead, S 510 says:


Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

3. It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into "the United States." Since under that law, the US is a corporate entity and not a location, "entry of food into the US" covers food produced anywhere within the land mass of this country and "entering into" it by virtue of being produced.

4. It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the US, a global system of control over food. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the WTO to take control of every food on earth and remove access to natural food supplements. Its bizarre history and its expected impact in limiting access to adequate nutrition (while mandating GM food, GM animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.) threatens all safe and organic food and health itself, since the world knows now it needs vitamins to survive, not just to treat illnesses.

5. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security. See Seeds ­ How to criminalize them, for more details.

6. It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals. The UN is participating through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in allowing mass slaughter of even heritage breeds of animals and without proof of disease. Biodiversity in farm animals is being wiped out to substitute genetically engineered animals on which corporations hold patents. Animal diseases can be falsely declared. S 510 includes the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), despite its corrupt involvement in the H1N1 scandal, which is now said to have been concocted by the corporations.

7. It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production ­ put it in corporate hands and worsen food safety.

8. It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations influencing the UN, WHO, FAO and WTO, with HHS, and CDC, acting as agents, with Homeland Security as the enforcer. The chance to rebuild the economy based on farming, ranching, gardens, food production, natural health, and all the jobs, tools and connected occupations would be eliminated.

9. It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones, slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs. This would industrialize every farm in the US, eliminate local organic farming, greatly increase global warming from increased use of oil- based products and long-distance delivery of foods, and make food even more unsafe. The five items listed the Five Pillars of Food Safety are precisely the items in the food supply which are the primary source of its danger.

10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and control. The bill postpones defining all the regulations to be imposed; postpones defining crimes to be punished, postpones defining penalties to be applied. It removes fundamental constitutional protections from all citizens in the country, making them subject to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and penalties, and without judicial review.

For further information, watch these videos

Food Laws ­ Forcing people to globalize? Corporate Rule? Reclaiming Economies?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

[SDCPJ] Internet Broadcast: San Diego Discussion About Afghanistan

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LIVE this Monday evening, August 9, 7 PM Pacific daylight time, an Internet broadcast:


San Diego Community Discussion on Afghanistan


After WikiLeaks, increased casualties, disengagement by NATO allies, and U.S. delays in U.S. troop withdrawals, what now for the Afghan war?  What is the U.S. doing there, what is the cost, and is this cost in "blood and treasure" justified in any way?  Is Pakistan being destabilized by the military occupation next door?  Are there connections between this prolonged, terrible engagement and other ills in the U.S. and internationally?


These questions will be on the table Monday, Aug. 9, at a San Diego airing of the 72 minute film "Rethink Afghanistan," followed by a community discussion session.  The San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice (, San Diego Veterans for Peace ( and San Diego Vietnam Veterans Against the War ( are hosting this event, at 7 PM at the San Diego Church of the Brethren, 3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105. 


To view on the Internet, go to:

click on "ON AIR" under the LIVESTREAM video area (center left of the screen).

You can also participate in a live chat session, once you enter the ON AIR SECTION.  Viewers will be able to make comments and input in real time.

Viewers are requested to identify themselves so that their comments can be relayed to the live discussion.

 Come to the discussion, or tune in to participate! 

[SDCPJ] TRW Workers need your support for the "final push" on Aug 9

From: Maquila Network []
Sent: Sat 8/7/2010 8:39 AM
To: SD Network - Red San Diego
Subject: TRW Workers need your support for the "final push" on Aug 9

TRW Workers need your support for the "final push" on Aug 9
Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras
More information:
On August 9, a hearing is scheduled that is the last step in the legal process of the TRW workers' struggle. Without public pressure, the company's lawyer could succeed at postponing the hearing once again. In the past, he has done so by asserting that the company witness is sick and therefore not available to appear. As evidence, he provides notes from a massage and therapy center.
After the August 9 hearing, the President of the labor board will have one month to review the case and issue a decision. The workers will win the case from a legal standpoint, but the TRW company could take one of the following steps to subvert justice: Pressure the President of the labor board to rule in favor of the company. Insist that the CTM Union President Reynaldo Garza mediate with the labor board President, thus allowing her to rule in favor of the company.
The hearing and its aftermath will be a crucial time for the workers legal case. They are prepared to mobilize to protest the company's persistent impunity.
Call TRW headquarters on August 9th and demand that TRW management in Reynosa reinstate the workers or give them their severance payments. John C. Plant, President and Chief Executive Officer TRW Automotive. Phone: 734.855.2600,and Neil Marchuk Exec. VP for Human Resources. Phone: 734.855.3871 (office) 734.748.0676 (cell)
Call TRW management in Reynosa, Mexico, demanding they accept their responsibility toward the TRW workers. Hector Mendoza TRW Manager (011) (52) 899 909 7000
Call the president of the labor board in Reynosa, Mexico, and tell her that we are closely following her words and actions in the TRW workers' case. Adriana Garza (011) (52) 899 924 2306
Send a letter to TRW's CEO demanding the Reynosa TRW workers be reinstated or their severance be paid. (sample letter below)
Write a letter to President Obama telling him: "NAFTA is a failure. We call for an end to so-called Free Trade that exploits workers and increases poverty and immigration." "We Want Jobs with Justice." "We oppose SB 1070." (sample below)
Write a letter to the International Labor Organization's Freedom of Association Committee, expressing your support for the maquiladora workers' petition presented by the Telephone Workers Union (STRM) on CJM's behalf on February 22, 2010. (sample below)
Support CJM and TRW workers by sending a financial contribution to CJM (your donation is tax deductible).
Support CJM by promoting the book NAFTA from Below in your community.
Background: The management-friendly CTM Union President Reynaldo Garza ran as a PRI candidate to serve in the congress of Tamaulipas state. This was an award given in exchange for not defending workers in the region, especially the TRW workers.
The CTM union leader shared the slate with the PRI candidate for governor, who was murdered by organized crime two days before the July 4, 2010 election. Tthe PRI appointed the candidate's brother to replace him and the election took place. Both won by default. People were terrorized and voter turnout was very low.
On July 16, the CTM union leader, Reynaldo Garza, using his influence as an elected representative of the state Congress, met for more than an hour behind closed doors with the President of the labor board. Workers learned afterwards that the CTM leader was mediating on behalf of the TRW company.
On behalf of the TRW Company, the CTM union lawyer offered the TRW workers 90 days salary as severance, a minimal amount to settle the case. The workers insisted on reinstatement with a year's back pay, because that is how long the case has been delayed at the labor board by the company lawyer. Alternatively, the workers will accetpt full severance, which includes 12 days of salary for every year of seniority, 20 days of salary for every day of seniority since the company refused to reinstated them, plus 90 days of severance salary that TRW owes for the unjustifiable firings. The workers' average seniority is between 15 and 20 years.
The TRW lawyer has been delaying the legal process. His tactic is to present excuses that his witness is on medical leave. Excuses are provided by a doctor from a massage and therapy center in Reynosa.
Due the impunity of the TRW management and the complicity of the CTM union, the TRW Corporation, and the labor authorities, on May Day the TRW workers circulated a press release exposing TRW and government corruption. Both were proudly announcing that TRW will open the Reynosa facility and hire new workers, but at lower salaries, with no benefits and without paying the severance payments to 600 workers who were relocated last year to a warehouse. The workers called for an independent march demanding Jobs with Justice. On June 7, the TRW workers challenged the TRW management, the government and the CTM union leaders to a public debate in the main plaza. None showed up. On June 9, TRW workers organized a press conference denouncing TRW for blacklisting them and demanding their rights:
Other factors: The confrontation between the cartels and the army in the cities of Laredo, Reynosa, Valle Hermoso and Matamoros has provoked a curfew controlled by organized crime. Workers and families are not allowed to be on the streets after 8:00 p.m. Many have been kidnapped, cars have been stolen and many innocent victims have died in the confrontations. Panic and terror are taking over the cities.
In addition, hurricane Alex and tropical storm Bonnie hit Matamoros, Reynosa and Laredo, the dams of La Amistad and Falcon released their waters and the Rio Grande, Rio Salado and many creeks nearby rose to flood levels. Many workers lost the few things they had when their houses were flooded.
The TRW workers are facing the impunity of TRW, the corruption of the government, labor authorities and the CTM union, and natural disasters provoked by Mother Nature as well.
Send letters to TRW headquarters, President Obama and the ILO supporting TRW workers (sample letters below) Please send a copy of your letters to CJM at:, and
Send TRW message to:
-John C. Plant, President and Chief Executive Officer TRW Automotive. Phone: 734.855.2600. Email:
-Neil Marchuk Exec. VP for Human Resources. Phone: 734.855.3871 (office) 734.748.0676 (cell) 734.855.2473 (fax) Email:
-John Wilkerson, Senior Communication Manager. Phone: 734 855 3864. Email:
Sample letter to John C. Plant:
John C. Plant,
President and Chief Executive Officer
TRW Automotive
Livonia, Michigan
Dear Mr. Plant,
We are writing to express our concern that, while TRW is proudly announcing its growing business and profits in Asia, especially in China, in Mexico it is violating workers' human and labor rights.
The TRW workers case in Reynosa, Mexico, has been included in a complaint presented to the ILO Freedom of Association Committee in Mexico City on February 22, 2010, detailing the company's violation of ILO Conventions 87, 98, 111, and 154 related to the right to freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to work.
TRW's practices in Reynosa also violate Articles 19, 20, 22, and 23 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which refer to the right to work, to freedom of association and expression, and to collective bargaining.
TRW workers in Reynosa have been demanding their reinstatement at the facility and under the same conditions at which they were working, many for 15 to 20 years. TRW management did not respond to the workers' demands. Instead, they argued that the workers had to be relocated because of the lack of business due to the economic crisis. Mexican labor law establishes a process to follow in cases of reduced market demand. However, instead of following this process, TRW management agreed with the CTM union, which was not democratically elected, to relocate workers to a warehouse on the other side of the city where unsafe conditions prevail. The 600 workers who are seeking to defend their rights are well aware that there is not enough space for them in this small warehouse, that salaries are lower, and that they would have to wait from 1:00 am to 5:00 am outside the factory for bus transportation home after their shifts. To address these concerns, the workers formed the TRW Workers Coalition to negotiate their relocation with the local management. The Workers Coalition has been formally recognized by the Mexican labor authorities, yet TRW local management refuses to negotiate with them.
More than 300 workers presented a labor complaint, but TRW management has failed to appear for hearings, offering dubious medical excuses from a massage therapy center as the reason they cannot appear. This lack of accountability on the part of TRW is outrageous.
We urge you to reinstate the workers immediately or pay them the severance payments and back pay that are owed to them by Mexican Labor Law.
We will continue to monitor the situation at the Del Norte Industrial Park of Reynosa and ask President Obama to investigate the practices and conduct of TRW and to hold the company accountable. We will also continue to educate consumers about TRW's failure to respect workers' human and labor rights.
Sample letter to President Obama
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202-456-111, 202-456-1414,
Fax 202 456-2461
Dear Mr. President,
The NAFTA trade agreement has failed to meet expectations of economic growth and development. Instead, NAFTA has increased unemployment, economic instability and insecurity, poverty and environmental injustice in the three countries of North America.
Multinational corporations such as TRW, which is a US corporation based in Livonia, Michigan, have profited from exploiting cheap labor, thanks to the NAFTA free trade agreement. After many years of phenomenal profits, corporations are now laying off workers. In the case of TRW in Mexico, they are laying off workers without the severance payments that the workers are owed by law.
Corporate exploitation of cheap labor under NAFTA has increased the number of migrants who seek a better life in the U.S. The partially-blocked SB 1070 law in Arizona legitimizes discrimination against those migrants. Almost 400,000 people have been deported during your administration, increasing family separations and spreading fear among immigrant communities.
The evidence of NAFTA's failure is everywhere - people are suffering the real consequences of unregulated and irresponsible free trade policies.
We call on you to investigate and regulate multinational corporations such as TRW, which is violating workers' rights and operating with impunity in Mexico.
We also urge you to uphold your commitment to address immigration reform and renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement immediately.
Sample letter to the International Labor Organization (ILO)
Thomas Wissing
International Labor Organization
Funcionario de Programas
Technical Cooperation
Darwin 31, Col Anzures
11590, Mexico City, Mexico
Dear Mr. Wissing,
I am writing to support the petition presented by the Telephone Workers of Mexico on February 22, 2010, related to a compilation of cases of violations of the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in the maquiladora industry in Mexico.
I also would like to express my continued concern about TRW workers in Reynosa, Mexico, who formed a worker's coalition to negotiate conditions regarding their relocation.
TRW unjustifiably fired the leadership of the workers' coalition and blacklisted the workers who are members of the coalition. Furthermore, the CTM union has been imposed on the workers in Reynosa; they never had any union election and were obliged to affiliate.
The workers formed the coalition because the CTM union leader Reynaldo Garza told them that that they cannot defend their rights because TRW has the support of the three levels of government, local, state and federal, and therefore TRW can do whatever it wants.
The workers presented a complaint to the Conciliation and Arbitration Board, but the company succeeded in postponing hearing dates by presenting dubious medical excuses from a massage therapy center. The President of the Conciliation Board has accepted these excuses. The workers' lawyer presented expert evidence to support their case. Now, the President of the Conciliation and Arbitration Board has informed the workers that the evidence was lost. I am concerned about what appears to be complicity between the company and the Conciliation Board.
The TRW workers' rights to work, to freedom of association, and to collective bargaining have been violated. This is one more case among many in the long list of violations of workers' rights in Mexico.
We urge the International Labor Organization to address these urgent cases and restore workers' rights.
TRW Automotive is a global corporation with 200 facilities in 26 countries. The headquarters are located in Livonia, Michigan, in the United States. In Mexico, TRW Automotive has 10 facilities, three of which are located in Reynosa, a Tamaulipas town that borders McAllen, Texas. The workers from the TRW Industrial Park Del Norte in Reynosa, Mexico, produce the following: Seatbelts Systems consisting of retractors, pyrotechnic retractors and buckle assemblies, height adjusters, seat-integrated restraints; and Active Control Retractor (ACR) systems, for GM, Chrysler and Ford. The workers earn $60 to $65 for a 48-hour week. Overall, TRW has 61,000 employees located in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia-Pacific.
The workers in Reynosa have been organizing since the end of March 2009, after TRW Vehicle Systems gave notice that all workers would be transferred to the TRW plant located in the Reynosa Industrial Park on the other side of town. The workers were concerned because this meant they would have to travel farther and longer and incur higher transportation expenses in order to arrive on time at the TRW facility located across town. Not only would they spend two more hours getting to work, there would also be no daycare nearby for their children. In addition, 800 workers would potentially face layoffs or displace workers already working at the other TRW Reynosa plant. So they went to the CTM union leader and confronted him about whether the union had negotiated their transfer to the other company location. The CTM union leader, Reynaldo Garza, told them there was no choice, because "The Company can do whatever they want, since they have the support of the Mexican government at the local, state and federal levels." Since the CTM union evidently had an agreement with the company, on April 10th, 600 TRW workers decided to form the TRW Workers Coalition to defend their rights.
NAFTA Free Trade: Neoliberal policies have imposed free trade and deregulation on underdeveloped countries as the keys for development. The NAFTA free trade agreement promised more jobs, better wages and improved working conditions for everyone. But the reality is that under the NAFTA regime Mexican workers have been exploited, underpaid, forced to work overtime, and often face unsafe conditions on the job and in neighborhoods contaminated by toxic factory emissions. As result of neoliberal policies, wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, increasing poverty and misery globally and leading the world into a financial, economic, food and environmental crisis.
Neoliberal policies and free trade provoked a severe global economic collapse. Now, massive layoffs are taking place all over the world. Almost half a million workers are unemployed in the US , the labor force is pressured to accept low wages, and the rate of unemployment is the highest since the last economic depression in the US . US auto workers were blackmailed by corporate managers who lowered salaries, eliminated benefits and bought out workers. Labor's history of winning rights and building economic stability in the US has been erased, replaced by unemployment and uncertainty.
The auto industry crisis in the US impacts the manufacturing chain's suppliers, and now workers along the border of Mexico also are facing massive layoffs, while corporations and suppliers act with impunity when they fail to comply with Mexican labor law, including failing to guarantee severance payments .
NAFTA is a failure and it cannot be prolonged anymore.
Trade should be regulated and corporations should respect human and labor rights, protect the environment and respect food sovereignty wherever they operate. Corporations like TRW Automotive must be held accountable to their workers.
Workers' demands: The TRW Workers' Coalition is demanding the following: We will accept the transfer to Reynosa industrial park if TRW provides a facility with sufficient room for the increased number of workers and safe conditions in the workplace, along with transportation, child care, and a transfer bonus. If TRW refuses to negotiate with the Workers ' Coalition's transfer conditions, then TRW must guarantee severance payments according to Article 439 of Mexican Labor Law, which states that companies must pay a month's salary in addition to three months of severance payment and seniority. Most of the workers have 15 to 20 years seniority. They are fighting back against the company, the CTM corporate union, and the government.

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