From: "Veterans For Peace" <>
Date: Jul 31, 2015 2:42 PM
Subject: VFP eNews: Convention Updates-Tabling & Registration Hours, Golden Rule Update, Project RENEW Update & MoreLast Minute Convent
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Friday, July 31, 2015 Convention UpdatesRegistation begins at 9am on Wednesday, August 4th. Registration packets, pre-ordered convention t-shirts, dinner cruise tickets, signup sheets and answers to questions about the convention will be available at the registration table. Meals: All meals are on your own except for the Saturday banquet. The local chapter will order box lunches on Saturday for those who pre-order at the registration table. The box includes a sandwich, (turkey, beef, ham or veggie) chips, bottle water and a cookie for $8.50. Be sure to sign up at the registration table. Tablers: Tabling will be held in The Regency Ballroom/Windsor. Setup starts at 3pm on Wednesday, Aug 4th. All merchandise must be removed by 3pm, Saturday, August 8th to allow hotel staff time to prepare for the banquet. Due to the overwhelming response for tabling and to accommodate all tablers, table sizes have been reduced to 6'. Tabling Hours Wednesday 3pm - 7pm Transportation to/from events Sign-up sheets will be available at the registration desk if you need transportation to/from an off-site event.
If you are willing to assist with transportation, please let us know by submitting this form. Want to cut cost of your hotel room? There are attendees who are looking for a roommate, let us know at the registration table, if you would like to share your room. Anyone interested in volunteering for the convention, contact Gloria Daviston @ Convention t-shirts will be available at the VFP National store table for $20. VFP 30-year anniversary baseball caps will be available at the VFP National store table for $15. Proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments have been posted to the convention site. Workshop presenters, please review the workshop tab for scheduling updates. Golden Rule UpdateThe Golden Rule peace boat and her intrepid crew of four arrived at the Santa Barbara marina at 3 pm on Thursday afternoon. The Golden Rule and her crew will depart Santa Barbara on Friday morning and are expected to arrive in San Diego on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. They are eager to meet with Japanese American groups at the VFP national convention, whose theme is "Peace and Reconciliation in the Pacific." Update on Project RENEW/VFP grant proposal with USAIDSubmitted by VFP Project RENEW Committee Chair, Mark Foreman Project RENEW and National VFP are hopeful that USAID will eventually grant Project RENEW $7 million to help Vietnamese people in Quang Tri Province who've been injured by left over U.S. ordinance, as well as health affects due to Agent Orange. U.S. and Vietnamese government officials chose not to included Quang Tri Province in their original APS (Annual Program Statement) grant offer, but are now reevaluating the needs of the Vietnamese people who live in Quang Tri Province. If Quang Tri officials can convince MOLISA (Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs) in Vietnam that there is great need for assistance in Quang Tri Province, then it will be much easier for USAID to recommend that the APS be amended to include Quang Tri Province. Travel Opportunities for Activists |
Location | Sponsored by | Dates | Contact for Additional Information |
Witness For Peace | Jul 8 – Jul 18, 2015 | For information contact: | |
Cuba | Jim Ryerson | January 2015 | For more information email Jim Ryerson at |
Convention Updates
Golden Rule Update
Update on Project RENEW/VFP grant proposal with USAID
Travel Opportunities for Activists
Hancock Anti-Drone Resisters Jailed This Week
No Warlords Need Apply, -- A Call for Credible Peacemaking in Afghanistan
VFP Iowa Chapters to Sponsor McGovern & Rowley Tour
VFP 30th Annual Convention
Upcoming VFP Endorsed Actions/Events
Hancock Anti-Drone Resisters Jailed This Week
Four anti-drone resisters were sentenced on July 29th, 2015 in Judge Joseph J. Zavaglia's DeWitt (NY) Town Court for alleged trespass at a "die-in" on April 28, 2013 at Hancock Air Base, home to the 174th Attack Wing of the NY National Guard, just north of Syracuse, NY. At their four-day trial in June, the six-person jury acquitted the four of disorderly conduct and obstruction of government administration. <More>
No Warlords Need Apply, -- A Call for Credible Peacemaking in Afghanistan
By Kathy Kelly and Buddy Bell
A second round of peace talks between Afghan government officials and Taliban representatives, expected to begin before the end of July, 2015, suggests that some parties to the fighting want to declare a cease fire. But even in the short time since the first round on July 7th, fighting has intensified. The Taliban, the Afghan government forces, various militias and the U.S. have ramped up attacks, across Afghanistan. <More>
VFP Iowa Chapters to Sponsor McGovern & Rowley Tour
FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley and former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern will speak at organized events in nine Iowa cities beginning Sept. 24. For more information contact Ed Flaherty (319) 621-6766 or or John Jadryev (319) 430-2019 or <More>
VFP 30th Annual Convention
Theme: Peace & Reconciliation in the Pacific
When: August 5 - 9, 2015
Where: Town and Country Resort & Convention Center San Diego, CA
Banquet Keynote Speaker - Seymour Hersh
Online registration closed on Tues, Jul 28 and will reopen in San Diego on Wed, Aug 5 @ 9am
Convention Registration now available.
$200 - Full
$100 - Reduced Rate
$55/$75 - One-Two Day
$55 - Banquet Only
Visit the workshop tab for a listing of workshops times and room assignments.
Rollaway bed:
$8 per car, per night for hotel guests
Payment for ads placed in the convention program book can be made online or sent to
VFP National Office
Ad Payment
1404 North Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102
Ad prices
Full Page Ad $200
Half Page Ad $125
Quarter Page Ad $75
- MLB Tickets - San Diego Padres vs Philadelphia Phillies
BBQ with Post-Cold War veteran VFP members
Film: Paying the Price of Peace: The Story of S. Brian Willson
Upcoming VFP Endorsed Actions/Events
Aug 5-9 - VFP National Convention in San Diego CA
Aug 13-16 - Camp Casey Reunion in Dallas, TX
Aug 14 - 15 - 17th Annual Kateri Peace Conference
Aug 27 - 28 - Anniversary of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
Sep 21 - International Peace Day in your city
Oct 7 - Anniversary of US Invasion of Afghanistan
Oct 9-24 - Maine Walk For Peace
Nov 20-22, 2015 - SOA Watch 25h Anniversary Vigil
In 2011, Tarak Kauff, Ellen Davidson & several other VFP members launched "Veterans Peace Teams" to provide a group of well-trained members to stand between police & Occupy activists.
Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102,
Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.
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