Peace Up Friends!!!! In Solidarity, MIchael Gomel |
Forming ethical coalitions that stand for peace, human rights, the environment, social justice and prosperity.
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Economic Hitmen
Thursday, September 30, 2010
[SDCPJ] Photos - San Diego says NO to FBI attacks at Peace Activists
[SDCPJ] Calling All Unemployed to One Nation Rally in SD, Oct. 2
[SDCPJ] Call for a virtual sit-in on October 7th, 2010, against UCOP and Regents
In solidarity with the October 7th Day of Action for Public Education
[] we
call for a virtual sit-in of the websites of the Office of the
President of the University of California and the UC Regents.
This virtual sit-in will take place for all of October
7th, from 12:00AM the night before to 11:59PM the night of.
We need hosting for this action. Please contact any of us if you can provide hosting for the html files for the action.
Recent actions taken on March 4th by students, faculty, staff and
allies around the world were joined online by a virtual sit-in. The
swift and violent response to the virtual sit-in from the UC
administration and police against Ricardo Dominguez only reveal the
effectiveness of the action and must be seen as part of a larger
strategy of the criminalization of resistance including the arrest of
hundreds of faculty, students and staff around the world who are struggling to redefine what the future of education will be. The UC continues to make efforts to expand the prison-military-education-industrial complex in the face of demands, occupations, strikes and blockades by those willing to put their
bodies, physically and digitally, on the line for a better future for education.
By organizing this action, in the tradition of ECD as a distributed tactic as performed by the Electrohippies, the Federation of Random Action and the borderlands Hacklab, we are demonstrating that the hydra has a million heads and Yudof, the Regents and their police cannot stop Electronic Civil Disobedience by putting their boot on the neck of one man. A virtual sit-in is a mass action by thousands of people and we will not be stopped.
More virtual strikes can be expected until:
* The budget cuts across the UC system are turned back
* Those laid off in the past year are rehired
* Charges are dropped and investigations ended against all of those arrested for struggling for the future of their education
Join the actions in the streets, the campuses and the university buildings if you can. If you want to join the virtual sit-in, go here for a list of urls:
If you have any questions about this e-action contact:
Zach Blas,
Xandre Borghetti
Micha Cárdenas,
Elizabeth Chaney,
John Falchi,
Autumn Hays,
Linzi Juliano
Rashne Limki
Bradley Litwin
Benjamin Lotan,
Luis Martin-Cabrera
Elle Mehrmand,
If you would like to help organize the action and be added to the list of organizers, email us.
micha cárdenas
Co-Author, Trans Desire / Affective Cyborgs, Atropos Press,
Lecturer, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego
Lecturer, Critical Gender Studies Program, University of California, San Diego
Artist/Researcher, UCSD School of Medicine
Artist/Theorist, bang.lab,
[SDCPJ] Cultivating Compassion. a daylong Empathic Communication practice gathering. Saturday. November 20th.
A Daylong Empathic Communication Practice Gathering.
Saturday, November 20th. 10am-6pm.
We welcome you to join us for a daylong Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication) practice gathering at a private home in Oceanside. We will come together to sense into what topics are most alive for each participant and invite practice clusters to form around these topics.
Come seek support, companionship, self-expression, inspiration, learning, and growth as we ask ourselves...
. When it comes to living daily from compassion, what has most life for me?
. What are my challenges? Where am I getting stuck?
. Where in my life am I unwilling to practice Compassionate Communication?
. What are my blindspots?
. Where might I want to request empathy?
. What blocks me from expressing honesty and empathy?
. What am I learning that I might feel called to share with others?
When: Saturday, November 20th 10am-6pm
What: an opportunity for dedicated NVC practice on those topics which are most alive for us. You can learn more about the format here (
Where: Private home in Oceanside. (full details will be made available after registering)
Cost: $40 (no one turned away for lack of funds).
Pay the most you can afford.
Meals: Bring a snack to share! And bring a lunch to share! Or join others for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
Curious what happens at such an event? See this Harvest Document ( from the previous gathering.
For more information, read the FAQ,( or contact Raffi at
[SDCPJ] Oct 2nd
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Safe Access Railroaded by DA Dumanis in San Diego
Further evidence of a judicial system out of control. Walter --- On Wed, 9/29/10, Eugene Davidovich <> wrote:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
[SDCPJ] Thursday @ 5pm, San Diego : STOP the FBI Witch hunts & 'Terrorism Warrants' against Socialists, Solidarity and Peace Activists!
--- On Mon, 9/27/10, Martin Eder <> wrote:
10 signs the us is losing its influence in the western hemisphere: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
--- On Tue, 9/28/10, <> wrote:
An Insurance Victory, Don't Keep It A Secret
From: Doug Heller, Consumer Watchdog <> |
Sunday, September 26, 2010
[SDCPJ] Rally Set at SD Humane Society
Re: San Diego Humane Society |
Thursday, September 23, 2010
[SDCPJ] Sing to demilitarize schools!
Sing to demilitarize schools!
Here is a fun way to support the effort to demilitarize schools and provide students with alternatives to becoming cannon fodder...
Every year, a group of local volunteers called the Peace on Earth Carolers performs traditional holiday carols between Thanksgiving and Christmas and raises funds for the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities ( The group has been doing this for over 20 years!
Participants dress in Dickensian costumes and sing at venues that pay a set fee for their performances (e.g., shopping malls, street fairs, the botanical gardens in Encinitas, private parties and other seasonal events).
Additional singers are needed, as well as instrumentalists who can provide accompaniment on guitar, Autoharp or other acoustic instruments. Rehearsals will begin in early October.
If you would like to participate, or if you want to arrange a performance, please call Project YANO at 760-634-3604, or email Erich Paetow,
Every year, a group of local volunteers called the Peace on Earth Carolers performs traditional holiday carols between Thanksgiving and Christmas and raises funds for the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities ( The group has been doing this for over 20 years!
Participants dress in Dickensian costumes and sing at venues that pay a set fee for their performances (e.g., shopping malls, street fairs, the botanical gardens in Encinitas, private parties and other seasonal events).
Additional singers are needed, as well as instrumentalists who can provide accompaniment on guitar, Autoharp or other acoustic instruments. Rehearsals will begin in early October.
If you would like to participate, or if you want to arrange a performance, please call Project YANO at 760-634-3604, or email Erich Paetow,
For Jobs, Justice and Education for All!
We are One Nation, born from many, determined to build a more united America - with jobs, justice and education for all.
We are young people, frustrated that society seems willing to spend more locking up our bodies than educating our minds, yet still we find ways to succeed and shine.
We are students and newly-returned veterans - persevering in the face of mounting debt - determined not to be the first generation to end up worse off than our parents.
We are baby boomers and seniors - who saw hope killed in 1968 and will not let the dream of a united America be taken from us again.
We are conservatives and moderates, progressives and liberals, non-believers and people of deep faith, united by escalating assaults on our reason, our environment, and our rights.
We are workers of every age, faith, race, sex, nationality, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability - who have suffered discrimination but never stopped loving our neighbors, or our nation.
We are American Indians and Alaska Natives - citizens of Native nations - who maintain our cultures, protect our sovereignty, and strength America's economy.
We are the new immigrants, raising our children in the torchlight of the Statue of Liberty, while confronting the shadows that are bigotry and mass deportations.
We are the native born. We inherited the divided legacies of settlers and American Indians, black slaves and white and Asian indentured servants. And yet, in this moment of shared suffering, we rejoice in newfound friendships and new alliances.
We are people who got thrown out - thrown out of our jobs, schools, houses, farms and small businesses - while Wall Street's wrongdoers got bailed out. We are families who pray every day - for peace and prosperity; for deliverance from foreclosures; for good jobs to come back to urban and rural America.
We are unemployed workers - forced to watch hopes for bold action dashed - because some Senators threaten filibusters, and other would-be champions fold in fear.
And yet, we are the majority - fueled by hope, not hate. We have the pride, power and determination to keep ourselves - and our country - moving up and out of the valley greed created.
We stand toether for a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. We march for jobs, justice, and education. We march for an economy that works for all. We stand toether for a nation in which each person who wants to work can find a job that pays enough to support a family.
We stand toether to create a million new jobs right away, because the national values that got us out of the Great Depression will get us out of the Great Recession.
We stand toether to build a world-class public education system, from pre-school to community college and beyond - because our nation must start unleashing the greatness of every child today.
We stand toether to end racial profiling and re-segregation- from Arizona to Atlanta. We march to defend the Voting Rights Act and the 14th Amendment. We stand toether to advance human rights, civil rights, equal protection, and dignity for all.
We stand toether to fix the broken immigration system - because no child should live in fear that her parents will be deported.
We stand toether to ensure every worker has a voice at work. We march for green jobs and safe workplaces, so no worker will have to choose between her livelihood and her life.
We stand toether for a clean environment, so no child is ever forced to decide between drinking the water or breathing the air and staying healthy.
We stand toether to move our nation beyond this moment when a handful of Senators can block urgently needed progress - skewing our national budget towards tax cuts for the wealthy, unjustified military spending and prisons.
We stand toether for peace abroad and job creation at home. We march for energy independence, public safety, and public transportation because the nation we want to build most is our own.
We stand toether to demand full equality for all women in all communities, indulging an end to wage discrimination.
Partner Organizations:
This movement includes human and civil rights organizations, unions and trade associations, nonprofit organizations, youth and student groups, religious and other faith groups, educational, peace, environmental, and ethnic associations, and any other groups and individuals who are committed to pulling our country back together now.
Thank you,
Michael Anderson
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
[SDCPJ] Tijuana Maquiladora Tour Oct 16, 2010
Content-Type: application/pdf; name="Maquiladora Tour Oct 16 2010 FLYER.pdf"
Content-Description: Maquiladora Tour Oct 16 2010 FLYER.pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment;
[SDCPJ] Film: South of the Border by Oliver Stone, September 25th
Activist San Diego's Radical Film Series:
South of the Border
Saturday, September 25th, 7:00pm
Joyce Beers Community Center
1220 Cleveland Street, Hillcrest
There's a revolution underway in South America, but most of the world doesn't know it. In this film, Oliver Stone sets out on a road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media's misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents. In conversations with Presidents Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, Lula da Silva, Cristina and Nėstor Kirchner, Fernando Lugo, Rafael Correa, and Raúl Castro, Stone gains unprecedented access and sheds new light upon the exciting transformations in the region.
Contact: // 619-944-9820 //
[SDCPJ] Photos - San Diego Rallies to Free Truth Telling Hero - PFC Bradley Manning
Hi Friends! next and prev is above, slideshow is in upper rt. Peace Up, Michael Gomel |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
John Kuek's Show on Progress in San Diego...please forward
Click the link below to see John Kuek's interview with me on Progress in San Diego. Please forward this email.
[SDCPJ] Activist Meeting - eyewitness testimony of Wikileak's -DEFEND whistleblower, Pfc. Bradley Manning!
Activist San Diego General Meeting:
Monday, Sept 20th @ 7 pm
On the heals of four days of global solidarity and support for alleged Wikileaks whistleblower, Pfc. Bradley Manning, Activist San Diego dedicates our September General Meeting to the courage of whistleblowers and transparency activists.
DATE: Monday September 20, 2010 7:00pm
Location: Joyce Beers Community Center in Hillcrest
(4065 Vermont St. San Diego, CA 92103)
Ethan McCord's eyewitness testimony of Wikileak's
"Collateral Murder"
5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.
Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
For info: 619-871-9354
-- Martin Eder 619-871-9354 = Cell 619-226-1116 = Home office
The Hidden Enemy


Corruption in the Senate

Raise the Minimum Wage



My New Book About Sudan
Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer
The Dark Side of Coffee Trade
Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies
Are these Your Heros?

National shame

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Stephen Fry on Catholisism
Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture
Interview with Congressman Filner
Free Trade Enslaves Us All
Blog Archive
- [SDCPJ] Photos - San Diego says NO to FBI attacks ...
- [SDCPJ] Calling All Unemployed to One Nation Rally...
- [SDCPJ] Call for a virtual sit-in on October 7th, ...
- [SDCPJ] Cultivating Compassion. a daylong Empathic...
- [SDCPJ] Oct 2nd
- Safe Access Railroaded by DA Dumanis in San Diego
- [SDCPJ] Thursday @ 5pm, San Diego : STOP the FBI W...
- 10 signs the us is losing its influence in the wes...
- An Insurance Victory, Don't Keep It A Secret
- [SDCPJ] Rally Set at SD Humane Society
- [SDCPJ] Sing to demilitarize schools!
- Penny Hess at The Southern Sudanese Community Cent...
- Uhuru Solidarity Movement
- [SDCPJ] Tijuana Maquiladora Tour Oct 16, 2010
- [SDCPJ] Film: South of the Border by Oliver Stone,...
- [SDCPJ] Photos - San Diego Rallies to Free Truth T...
- John Kuek's Show on Progress in San Diego...please...
- [SDCPJ] Activist Meeting - eyewitness testimony of...
- Penny Hess at The Southern Sudanese Community Cent...
- Penny Hess at The Southern Sudanese Community Cent...
- Penny Hess at The Southern Sudanese Community Cent...
- [SDCPJ] SUNDAY 3-6 pm!! The Left and 3rd Party Pol...
- [SDCPJ] Activist GENERAL MEETING! Sept 20th @ 7pm,...
- [SDCPJ] Photos - Coexist - Religious Freedom & Tol...
- [SDCPJ] Saturday Noon San Diego Action in Response...
- [SDCPJ] SDCPJ Call for Agenda Items, Mon. Sept. 13
- [SDCPJ] Job Opening with the Peace Resource Center
- [SDCPJ] (SD-PlanningCommittee) Call for Volunteers...
- [SDCPJ] ASAP: Cooperative Living Opportunity; Rent...
- [SDCPJ] Child abuse
- [SDCPJ] Job opening for Temporary Executive Assist...
- [SDCPJ] Action Alert: Stop Israel's Abuse of Pales...
- [SDCPJ] FYI / Fw: Peace Week begins Sept 14
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: [counter-recruitment] petition - DREA...
Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ
Victor Calle
At NCCP April 2008
Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego
Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008

The Citizens' Internet Television Network

The Citizens' Internet Radio Network
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Save America


We Are All One

We Are All One
Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism
Change the System

Change the System
A Lie Does Not Become the Truth

A lie does not become the truth


Fetus Rights

Fetus Rights
The Earth Was Created

The Earth Was Created
