Sunday, January 29, 2017

To My Conservative Family and Friends

"To my conservative family and friends: You have been given a gift. The gift is this: Your guy won, your team has the house and the senate. And it's going....not great. My charge to you is this: figure out how you want to be represented in history. You are on the cusp of being the party that rose up and fought for what you told us you stood for, or you can be the people we have to explain to our children when they ask why no one fought the breakdown of our democracy.
If you voted for the president or a Republican senator because you believe in fiscal conservatism, you should be furious that your tax dollars are going to build a wall that will have zero impact on the effects of immigration.
If you hate the left because of "Political Correctness," you need to be asking yourself if you're okay with the President censoring communications from MULTIPLE government organizations like the National Park Service, the EPA and more.
If you voted because you hated Secretary Clinton's email server, I expect you to be calling your representatives to ask why Steve Bannon and others continue to use their unsecured personal emails and why your president is using an unsecured android device still.
If you voted because you believed there would be better protection against terrorists, you need to ask yourself why it's okay that your president just took away $130 million in anti-terror funds from New York with his punishment of Sanctuary Cities.
If you are angry that your insurance is too expensive, you should ask why your senators are repealing ACA without a replacement, an action that will leave 20 million people without insurance at all.
If you believe the Clinton initiative provided unequal treatment to countries that supported their foundation, you should be livid that your president has moved to block visas from Muslim countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, but not places where he has business ties like Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
This is an opportunity to prove that you voted for the reasons you say you did. I am taking you seriously; I am taking you literally."

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Weekly Acts - wall-of-us 

From: Wall of Us <>
Date: January 29, 2017 at 3:03:17 PM PST
Subject: Weekly Acts - wall-of-us 
Reply-To: Wall of Us <>

Weekly Acts - wall-of-us 

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus (engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty in 1903)

All-of-us must stand with Lady Liberty. We're with her.


Action 1: Demand That Members of Congress Fight Trump's Muslim Ban

All-of-us must put pressure on Congress to oppose the Muslim ban.
Read on »

Action 2: Support the Organizations That Are Fighting the Muslim Ban

All-of-us must use all our tools to support our fellow super hero resistance fighters. 
Read on »

Action 3: Stop the Loose Bannon

No, Steve Bannon, the media and All-of-us will not shut up. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Read on »

Action 4: Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

All-of-us have T-minus 645 days and counting to prepare for the 2018 elections.
Read on »

Stay in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter. 




Mailing Address:
Wall of Us
PO Box 5801
Berkeley, California 94705

Add us to your address book

[SDCPJ] Fwd: [] Wednesday, 4:45 pm: Call on CalSTRS to divest from Fossil Fuels

Date: January 29, 2017 at 11:28:02 AM PST
Subject: [] Wednesday, 4:45 pm: Call on CalSTRS to divest from Fossil Fuels

Hi there,
On Wednesday, CalSTRS (the California State Teachers Retirement System) Board is meeting right here in San Diego (normally they meet in Northern California).
We'll be calling on them to divest their massive (nearly $200 Billion) pension fund from fossil fuels. We will use the public comment section, which begins around 5 pm. We'll get there early, to organize ourselves and sign up to speak – at 4:45 pm. Speakers may speak for 3 minutes each. We have talking points here (but please use your own words).
Joining us will be:
  • Jim Miller, California Federation of Teachers (which passed a resolution supporting fossil fuel divestment) and Professor at City College
  • Kevin Beiser, Board Member, San Diego Unified School District (which also passed a resolution) and math teacher
  • Eric Halgren, Prof of Neuroscience @ UCSD, who led the recent successful effort for a faculty resolution at UCSD in support of fossil fuel divestment
We're asking for teachers, students, parents, and others to come support this effort. Even if you choose not to speak, submitting a slip saying who you are and why you support divestment is super helpful.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 1 at 4:45 pm
WHERE: 9095 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 350, San Diego, CA 92108
Please share this email widely, as well as our Facebook event.

Please let me & Anne Marie, cc'd, know if you can attend. Thank you!


Masada Disenhouse
Steering Committee Member, Co-founder
SanDiego350 – Climate Change Action  |  619-335-1265

Google Calendar:

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dr. Bart Billings to Speak at the Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club 18 February 2017 at 3 PM

Why is There No Media Coverage for the 22 Veterans Committing Suicide Every Day?

Do not miss this eye-opening presentation by Dr. Bart Billings at the Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club Saturday 18 February 2017 at 3 PM in the Community Room of Provident Bank, 27010 Sun City Blvd. Menifee, CA. 

Book signing onsite (you can purchase books online with the link provided below and there is a video introduction as well as a feature length movie documenting the delima).

The $400 Billion a year pharmaceutical industry has taken control of our society. They are killing our military members and few are aware of it.

All of the mass shootings we have experienced in the media are carried out by people using psychotropic drugs.

The cocktails of drugs given to service members is causing them to kill themselves. When their kids get upset, they are given the drugs by school nurses, and they are killing THEMSELVES as well...and sometimes...others too. Children are being taken away from parents who refuse the medications; they are then given the medications anyway.

Introduction by David M. Brahms, Esq., Brigadier General, US Marine Corps (retired)
The enthrallment and embrace of magic have captured our 21st Century society. Nowhere is that better exemplified than in the field of psychopharmacology. As much as we may wish for an elixir that could magically heal mental health conditions and disorders, there is none. Dr. Bart Billings’ book, Invisible Scars, has done yeoman service by underscoring that reality. His litany of the grim dangers that present when we treat such conditions and disorders in this way should serve as a clarion call to end this practice. His strong and informed voice in this regard warrants a “thank you!”

I have known Dr. Billings for more than 12 years in various capacities. I have known him as a clinical psychologist, who is a retired military Medical Corps officer. He is the founder and director of the International Military and Civilian Combat Stress Conference, which was held at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base for its first 15 years. This conference provided a seminal setting for the exchange of ideas and for sharing information regarding combat stress and the conditions spawned by it. I first met Dr. Billings in connection with this conference—initially as an attendee and, later, as a presenter.

In addition, I have had the opportunity to consult with Dr. Billings in his capacity as a clinical psychologist regarding Marine Corps clients caught up in the military justice system. In some of these cases, I referred clients to him for a psychological evaluation, which gave me increased insight into their psychological processes and, thereby, allowed me to more effectively represent those Marines. Dr. Billings’ insights were uncanny and extremely helpful in achieving positive results for my clients. I also consult with Dr. Billings regarding other situations involving Marines and their families, as well as the veterans I assist under the aegis of various non-profit entities.

I have seen first-hand Dr. Billings’ concern for the well being of veterans and their families. They have always been one of his top priorities. Indeed, they were the impetus for him to write this book.
I have been a Marine for 52 years (25 of which were in active duty service). I have an intimate understanding of the problems Marines and their families’ encounter in times of war, as well as in peacetime. In my legal practice, I regularly wrestle with the perplexing issues presented by active duty service members and veterans suffering with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the destructive impact of the drugs used to treat it. How to describe the story of these service members’ condition and the horrific side effects of prescribed psychoactive drugs is regularly my task.

By happenstance, I discovered Dr. Billings’ International Military and Civilian Combat Stress Conference. It quickly filled my need. Attendance as a participant led to my being a presenter. These experiences were seminal.

In my view, Dr. Billings’ focus on integrative treatment for PTSD in military persons and veterans is right on target. His strong opposition to utilizing mind-altering psychiatric medication as the course of choice is well-grounded. His warnings regarding the dangers inherent in using such drugs are a public service of the first order. Kudos are in order.
Link to Dr. Bart billings’ intro video:

Please watch the full length documentary if you can before the broadcast and presentation so you can ask informed questions.

Dr. Billings website:

See book reviews.

5.0 out of 5 stars
This Book Saved My Life
By Amazon Customer on January 17, 2017
Format: Paperback
Verified Purchase
This Book Saved My Life.

I am a Firefighter with over 34 years on the job and incurred a head injury at a fire approximately 16 years prior. After a considerable amount of time off from the job I was able to return. There were certainly some deficits, but I recovered enough jump back in. I was thankful. Early on in my treatment phase, I was prescribed an antidepressant medicine because I could not sleep. The lack of sleep led to depression. My sleep initially improved but the root cause was never really addressed.

Fast forward 14 years and I found myself trying to fix a subtly imploding life. The symptoms from the head injury were getting worse and caused more stress which made it all worse.... I could not reason my way out of the situation I was in and I was tired of the struggle. I could not solve it. I was unable to make it better even though I had seen several therapists over the years.

I met Dr. Billings, read his book and took charge of my life again. I cannot thank him enough for his insight, experience and dedication to the truth and "what's right".
5.0 out of 5 stars
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer on December 17, 2016
Format: Paperback
Verified Purchase
a profound book
5.0 out of 5 stars
This book will save lives.
ByAmazon Customeron November 28, 2016
Format: Paperback
25 pages into Invisible Scars, I knew it was the second most important book I would ever read.....after the Bible.

David T. Ossian
Asst. National Vice Commandant
Midwest Division
Marine Corps League
5.0 out of 5 stars
A much needed re-evaluation of the horror of giving our ...
ByHam Radio Realtoron May 30, 2016
Format: Paperback
Verified Purchase
A much needed re-evaluation of the horror of giving our troops massive doses of psychiatric drugs by a 20 year Army MD. This book presents a viable alternative for our military and veterans, bypassing the deadly side effects of these drugs which has raised our military suicide rate to the highest in history. A must read for all active duty military, veterans and their families.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Five Stars
ByD. H. Mitchell Jr.on March 23, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
Verified Purchase
Great alternative methods for treating PTSD!
5.0 out of 5 stars
for writing this excellent book. Had we read this book before our ...
Bysmpwhiteon March 7, 2016
Format: Paperback
Dr. Billings has written an outstanding book about the treatments for PTSD without the use of drugs. Our son, CPL Andrew R. White was treated with massive drugs for his PTSD by the doctors at the VA hospital and died from massive dosages of Seroquel, Paxil and Klonopin. We applaud Dr. Billings, for writing this excellent book. Had we read this book before our son died we would have been able to wean him from these drugs and seek alternative treatments and saved his life. Stan and Shirley White, Davis, WV
5.0 out of 5 stars
If your are taking prescribed psychological drugs read this book!
ByAmazon Customeron March 6, 2016
Format: Paperback
Verified Purchase
This is a must read book for anyone who is taking or anyone who is related to someone who is taking prescribed psychoactive prescription drugs to combat PTSD or any severe psychological disorders. I witnessed my son being over-prescribed a cocktail of multiple brain altering drugs that nearly killed him, and intensified his underlying psychological problems rather then cure his underlying illness. Dr Billings' book clearly outlines the inherent risks of relying on mind altering drugs to return a patient back to functioning psychological good health. As a result of reading this book my son has returned to intensified psychotherapy and has engaged in a systematic detoxification program to get off these drugs. The person I knew before starting these drugs has now been restored. Today he is better able to function and cope with his daily issues more clearly then when he was over-prescribed these dangerous drugs by his health providers.
5.0 out of 5 stars
It's so wonderful to know there are people like Dr
ByAmazon Customeron February 17, 2016
Format: Paperback
Verified Purchase
This book is a MUST read for anyone who IS or knows someone who is going through PTSD. This book saves lives!
Dr. B Billings is an expert on the matter, who explains alternative therapy without medications. This book and the information it contains should be distributed at ALL VET hospitals, public and private institutions. It's so wonderful to know there are people like Dr. Billings educating the public...NOW, let's get the word out there folks!

“If we had read your book about the dangers of the drugs that the VA gave our son to treat PTSD, I am positive that he would be alive today. The cocktail of drugs given our son killed him. Since his death, we have been on a mission to help other veterans obtain drug free treatments for PTSD.”
–Stan and Shirley White (Marine Corps parents)

Organizing for Action Rally to Save Obamacare at Riverside City Hall

Organizing for Action Rally to Save Obamacare at Riverside City Hall on Sun Jan 29, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. featuring members of the community saved by Obamacare (ACA), healthcare and other professionals explaining what you can do to stop the impending repeal.
View this email in your browser

Community Rally to Stop the Repeal of Obamacare/Save Obamacare

RIVERSIDE, CA, January 27, 2017 – Organizing for Action will present a Rally to Save Obamacare, taking place at Riverside City Hall on
Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
 and featuring members of the community who have been saved by Obamacare (ACA) as well as healthcare and other professionals explaining what the community can do to stop the impending repeal.

Repealing the Affordable Care Act is reckless and irresponsible—30 million people would lose their health insurance; premiums and taxes would increase; and states would lose critical funding for Medicaid. Families across the nation have been able to get life-saving coverage because of Obamacare. The law is working for them, and we won’t let it be stripped away without a fight.
Showing our neighbors, family, friends, and most importantly our Members of Congress that their constituents’ lives and livelihoods are at stake is the best way to prevent Congress from going through with this disastrous scheme.

Organizing for Action (OFA) is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama. The organization is officially non-partisan, but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party.  This event is part of a series of events which will work to get community members speaking out on the impending repeal of Obamacare.

Crooked Donald Trump To Profit From Controversial Oil Pipeline

The Russ Belville Show #704 _ Police Officer Nick Novello Says Legalize Drugs

Dallas Police Officer Asks Medicinal Marijuana Question

Officer Nick Novello asked why police cannot police themselves

Stan Mason: Breaking the Blue Wall of Silence

This is a radio show. 7 PM Pacific/9 PM Central Monday 30 January 2017.

Call in Number 310-861-2349

Waco police officer Stan Mason bravely and openly discusses police brutality. He is ostracized by fellow officers and faces dangerous citizens at the same time. He could lose his career. He could lose his life. In the face of this, Stan Mason has the courage to openly speak about injustices and brutality delivered by fellow officers.

This insightful officer breaks the Blue Wall of Silence and risks all to bring justice to us all. Join us for this enlightening show where we discuss police brutality and more. We will examine race and policing, the effects of psychotropic drugs on police and the population. We will discuss Black Lives Matter, racial injustice, and the failed war on drugs.

Few police officers have the insight or courage to speak out on these issues and Officer Mason deserves our respect and support. He gives regular talks and produces videos on a vibrant YouTube channel on the topic. He engages in his community and has become a national hero in the pursuit of justice within a justice system based on profit. Please share this show and his content. Help us save lives. 

Stan Mason makes videos. He speaks at public events. He runs a YouTube channel and a Facebook page. He highlights how people of color are victimized by brutal police who because of short comings, ignore public safety and their oaths to persecute people of color and the poor.

These police officers have the courage to speak out against injustice and the blue wall of silence. They risk their lives, their careers, their families. On one side, they have dangerous criminals created by a manufactured reality of unjust law enforcement. On the other, they have colleagues who could "accidentally" shoot them, fail to render assistance, file false reports, a virtual array of methods to destroy them, for having the temerity to BREAK THE BLUE WALL OF SILENCE.

Police officers cover for one another, that is what we have all known. Now, we have the proof with the statements of these brave officers.

Stan and his Wife

Visit his YouTube Channel here:

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Next week in San Diego! The Human Rights Watch Film Festival at MOPA

Subject: Next week in San Diego! The Human Rights Watch Film Festival at MOPA
Reply-To: Human Rights Watch Film Festival <>

hrw logo mopa logo
What Tomorrow Brings
Human Rights Watch Film Festival at the Museum of Photographic Arts
The Human Rights Watch Film Festival returns to the Museum of Photographic Arts on February 2 - 5, 2017.  The film festival brings to light human rights abuses through storytelling in a way that challenges each individual to empathize and demand justice for all people.
From the critical importance of a free and independent press (All Governments Lie) to racism in America (I Am Not Your Negro) to the realities facing Syrian refugees risking their lives in search of safety (The Crossing) this year's program will provide opportunities to discuss critical issues facing our country today.

Please visit for additional information and to purchase tickets. Festival passes cover admission to all six festival screenings. Passes and single screening tickets are available online and at the door.

Opening Night: Thursday, February 2
6pm Reception
7pm Film screening and Q&A with director Beth Murphy and Razia Jan, film subject and founder of the Zabuli Education Center and Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation. Discussion moderated by Jo Becker, Advocacy Director, Children's Rights Division at Human Rights Watch

What Tomorrow Brings is the story of the first all-girls school in a remote Afghan village. While the girls learn to read and write, education goes far beyond the classroom and teaches the students that girls also count.
Friday, February 3, 7pm
Q&A with Gabriel Cowan, producer and film subject and Elizabeth Calvin, Senior Advocate, Children's Rights Division at Human Rights Watch

The Compound: where Los Angeles houses its most violent juvenile offenders. To their advocates, they're kids. To the system, they're adults and to their victims they're monsters.
Saturday, February 4, 3pm
Q&A with film producer Marty Syjuco and film subject Emmet Cullen

Two young veterans, haunted by their combat experiences, take a 2,700-mile trek on foot across America seeking redemption, acceptance and a way to close the moral chasm opened by war.
Saturday, February 4, 7pm
Q&A discussion to follow screening

Working from the text of James Baldwin's unfinished final novel, director Raoul Peck creates a stunning meditation on what it means to be Black in America, and reflects on the legacy of racial violence that still permeates the country. .
Sunday, February 5, 3 pm
Q&A with director George Kurian to follow via Skype

A first-hand account of the perilous journey made by a group of Syrian refugees, The Crossing shows us the lengths to which people go to find safety and forge their own destiny.
Sunday, February 5, 7pm
Q&A with filmmaker Fred Peabody

Filmmaker and TV news veteran Fred Peabody explores the life and legacy of the maverick American journalist I.F. Stone and examines how independent journalists today are still changing the face of journalism - providing investigative, adversarial alternatives to mainstream, corporate news outlets.
For tickets visit

Festival partner:

Community Partners:

LatinoFFACLUAllianceSanDiego San Diego World Affairs CouncilSan Diego Urban League
NAACP San Diego KrocInstituteSurvivors of Torture International International Rescue Committee in San Diego

Filmmaker and HRW staff accommodations provided by The Sofia Hotel
Visit for more info

The Hidden Enemy




Corruption in the Senate



Raise the Minimum Wage

Raise the Minimum Wage





My New Book About Sudan

Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer

The Dark Side of Coffee Trade

Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies

Are these Your Heros?

Are these Your Heros?

National shame

National shame

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Stephen Fry on Catholisism

Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture

Interview with Congressman Filner

Free Trade Enslaves Us All

Blog Archive

Farouk Al Nasser

Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ

Victor Calle

Victor Calle
At NCCP April 2008

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008


The Citizens' Internet Television Network


The Citizens' Internet Radio Network

Save America

Save America
Save America





We Are All One

We Are All One
We Are All One

Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism

Change the System

Change the System
Change the System

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth
A lie does not become the truth





Fetus Rights

Fetus Rights
Fetus Rights

The Earth Was Created

The Earth Was Created
The Earth Was Created

