Citizens demand action before any San Onofre restart
July 31, 2012
GENE STONE, Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE) 949-233-7724
ROSS TEASLEY, Earth/Ocean Society 949-235-7195As citizens of Southern California, we are deeply concerned about Southern California Edison's projected restart of San Onofre Reactor Number 2 on or about November 18, 2012 and reactor number 3 on December 31, 2012. SCE's plan to start the reactors at a lower power to "see" if there are still problems is completely unacceptable. It is inconceivable that the government agencies in charge of assuring the safe operation of this nuclear power plant would allow SCE to experiment like this with the safety and health of our residents and communities.
We demand before any restart goes forward, that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of California provide the opportunity for a full adjudicatory, evidentiary hearing, including full participation by independent experts and groups, for the purpose of deciding whether or not to issue a license amendment–without which the reactor cannot operate. Had not Edison and the NRC evaded the requirement for an evidentiary hearing and license amendment when the new replacement steam generators were installed we would not be in the current situation. Had such regulatory diligence been undertaken, the current problems would have been caught and prevented. A restart now, of the reactors with their failing steam generators, without such a hearing and license amendment puts our communities in Southern California at far greater risk.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
[SDCPJ] Citizens demand action before any San Onofre restart
Monday, July 30, 2012
[SDCPJ] Strategies For The Return: Landmark Tenth Annual International Al-Awda Convention
Help design and energize the work for the coming year along with our
expanding network of grassroots, student, and solidarity activists.
JOIN US at one of the largest annual gathering of Palestinians and their
supporters to address critical issues that our cause is facing.
Grassroots planning discussions and activist workshops will include: Boycotts and
Divestment For The Return; Palestinian Children's Rights Campaign; Student
Summit with Community; and Educating Congress!
Plus come take part in a debate on the proposed Palestine National Council
Direct Election Campaign.
We have a list of exciting speakers that include Palestinian
photojournalist Nayef Hashlamoun from Al-Watan Center in Al-Khalil (Hebron), Palestine;
Dr. As'ad Daoud Hess-Linckost from the University of the District of Columbia who
will discuss the contamination of Gaza and West Bank water and how it is
severely affecting the Palestinian population in those areas; and Dr. Jess Ghannam who will
discuss the Popular Uprisings in the Arab World and their impact on
Palestine and Refugees.
Cultural presentations, books and solidarity items, network with friends and fellow activists & lunch presentations & evening banquet with live music!
- Friday 7 September 2012 Opening and Meet and Greet at Al-Awda Palestine
National Center, 2720 Loker Avenue West Suite J, Carlsbad CA 92010 - Saturday 8 September 2012 all day including Banquet at Torrey Pines Christian
Church, 8320 La Jolla Scenic Drive North, La Jolla, CA 92037 - Sunday 9 September 2012 morning Business Meeting for members and national coordinators
at Al-Awda Palestine National Center, 2720 Loker Avenue West Suite J,
Carlsbad CA 92010
We invite all Palestinians, Al-Awda members, and all groups and individuals who support the
implementation of the rights of all Palestinians to return to their
homes of origin, and to reclaim their land, to join us in this Landmark
Tenth Annual International Al-Awda Convention. Mobilizing our efforts now is crucial!
Tickets $55 standard; Student $40
Tickets are for entire convention and include refreshments and finger food
Friday, lunch and dinner Banquet Saturday, and refreshments Sunday morning.
To reserve online go to:
Additional Information:
Exhibitor reservations:
convention including interviews with guest speakers and panelists and
organizers. If you are with the media, please see or contact us at
Don't miss this Palestinian Convention. There will be none like it in the United States this year!
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442
are solely those of the Palestine Right to Return Coalition and are not
intended to reflect the views of Torrey Pines Christian Church in any way.
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is a not for profit
tax-exempt educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization as defined by
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America. Under
IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC are tax-deductible. To donate, please
go to and follow the instructions. To
become a member,
[SDCPJ] San Onofre resolution passed by CA Dems and Great CNN clip: "Concerns of Fukushima parallels in California
"Response to the Continuing Outage of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant
"WHEREAS: the San Onofre Nuclear plant experienced an emergency shutdown and radioactive steam release January 31, 2012 after replacing four steam generators; and
"WHEREAS: the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) preliminarily stated at its June 18, 2012 inspection hearing that the likely cause of the steam generator tube degradation was a design flaw that should have been identified in the computer modeling by the manufacturer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and the NRC will be holding additional investigative hearings in the months ahead to fully understand the causes and future options; and
"WHEREAS: the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is responsible for protecting California ratepayers, and the cost of the recently installed steam generators was $670M and the cost to repair or replace the recently installed steam generators is unknown but may be borne by ratepayers; and
"WHEREAS, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission stated on June 18, 2012, in San Juan Capistrano that it will take as much time as necessary to ensure the safety of the San Onofre Nuclear plant and that no decision on restarting it has been made, and the California Energy Commission and Independent System Operator have announced they are planning for no San Onofre Nuclear plant supply through 2013-14 to ensure there are no rolling blackouts which may damage an already fragile economic recovery; and
"WHEREAS, when fully operational, the San Onofre Nuclear plant supplies up to 2,200 Megawatts (MW) of electricity to the electricity grid, and is a major source of employment for 2,200 men and women of the building trades; and
"WHEREAS, the uncertainty about its restart provides a concrete opportunity for California to realize the demonstrated potential for energy efficiency and conservation as a resource in its own right and of renewable energy power including utility scale solar, wind, geothermal and rooftop solar and micro-turbine wind power to offset this possible withdrawal of supply;
"NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the California Democratic Party calls upon our State policy makers and the California Public Utilities Commission to: a) direct a focused implementation of a renewable energy program that generates high quality jobs, that pay prevailing wage, incorporate local jobs through Project Labor Agreements, and includes solar power on residential homes in order to reduce peak energy costs, water demand, improve air quality, and which puts the men and women of the building trades back to work in the service territories supplied by San Onofre Nuclear plant; and b) order utility-funded incentives for the owners of nonresidential buildings in these service territories to implement the California Energy Commission's new energy efficiency standards before their official start date on January 1, 2014.
"AND THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the California Democratic Party calls for an independent design review prior to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's decision to permit a restart of either Unit 2 or 3, culminating in an adjudicatory hearing including discovery, testimony and cross-examination by independent experts on whether it is safe to restart the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant before it makes a decision on whether to permit a restart of either Unit 2 or 3."
[SDCPJ] Community Radio Organizing meeting... come get involved. Thurs. August 2 at 7 PM
Media Justice Activists -You are invited to
Community Radio Meeting
How can we Occupy the Radio waves?
Find out what's going on a
Come Imagine this new KNSJ-FM Community Radio.
We look forward to streaming radio soon.
Producers and content needed. Come find out how.
Thurs. August 2 at 7 PM
Activist Center - 4246 Wightman St (in back) - 1 Bl. s. of Univ Ave on Van Dyke
The San Diego Community Radio Project will share the news about Activist San Diego 's in-the-works, full-power FM station and INTERNET RADIO. The signal will transmit out of Descanso, with a parallel Internet radio stream and studios based in City Heights. ASD is a 13-year-old 501c3 with a rock-solid mission of networking for social justice.
Please join us for fun and information as we spread the good news that we will soon be streaming
Internet radio with help from World Beat Center.
Each One, Teach One; Pass the Microphone; Pay It Forward
For info: Martin 619-891-9354
Friday, July 27, 2012
[SDCPJ] Progressive North County meeting, Sat., July 28, 3:30 p.m.
We've settled on a name: "Progressive North County." And we have adopted a mission statement:
"The purpose of Progressive North County is to provide a means for individuals and existing groups or organizations to support each other by sharing information, forming action coalitions for specific events or around particular issues, and in various ways educating the public on issues vital to residents of North County."
- adopted July 14, 2012
Our meeting facilitator will be: Lennie Rae Cooke
Saturday, July 27, 2012
3:30-5:30 p.m.
Meeting location: Hill St Cafe, Oceanside
Other ways to connect:
Please "Like" our new FaceBook page:
PNC Website (under construction):
PNC on
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
[SDCPJ] San Diego Free Press - Progressive News and Views
San Diego Free Press - click on following headlines: |
[SDCPJ] August is Nuclear Free Future Month--Join us inese activities
tragedy of Fukushima brings home even more clearly why nuclear weapons
and nuclear power must be stopped. We are all victims of the nuclear age!
Please join The Peace Resource Center of San Diego
for the following programs and activities!
The film makes the connections between nuclear weapons and
nuclear power, issues that concern us all.
10 a.m. to Noon: Oceanside Community Room, 330 North Coast Highway, Oceanside,92054
3-5 p.m. Peace Resource Center, 3850 Westgate Place, SD 92015
3. Brown Bag Books: "Nuclear issues"
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
[SDCPJ] 2012-08-05..09 Las Vegas NV: Anti-Nuke actions
Nevada Desert Experience - August Desert Witness PEACE Events
Public Event · By Mary Lou Anderson
Sunday, August 5, 2012 [2012-08-05..09 actually]
Multiple Locations - SEE INFO!
August 5 Book Signing:
Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control
with Author and Activist Medea Benjamin,
co-Founder of the organization CODEPINK: Women for Peace
Sunday August 5
2:00 to 4:00 pm
520 Fremont Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Come hear Medea Benjamin read from her new
book, Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control.
This is an excellent conversation starter and
well-rounded introduction to the subject.
Benjamin is great at connecting the dots, raising
ethical questions and speaking passionately. The
Beat Cafe will be open, and the event will be in
the Common Gallery on the first floor.
August 6 to 9
Protests Against the Largest Drone Convention in the World
AUVSI Meets at Mandalay Bay Convention Center
8000 People from 40 Countries
If you want to help be a fly in the ointment of
this new killing machine's smooth running, check
in with NDE as plans develop further with other allies.
August 9
Anti-Test at the Mercury Entrance to the Nevada
Test Site (Nevada National Security Site)
6:30 to 8:00 am (Before it gets really hot!)...
And then in Las Vegas
Educational Picket at the National Atomic Testing Museum
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Greet visitors to this museum that is devoted
to remembering the Cold War in all its nuclear
glory...and not much of the horror. We will
informally supplement the discourse and remind
people of the ongoing fallout from the use of the
atomic bomb in 1945 as we memorialize the victims in Nagasaki (and Hiroshima).
For other actions around the southwest and as
part of the move to "un-Occupy the Nuclear
Weapons Complex, visit
Sdcpj mailing list
[SDCPJ] Speak out against San Onofre: Escondido City Council, Wed., July 25, 4:30 p.m.
201 North Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025-2798
We will be speaking during the public comment portion regarding the safety of San Onofre Nuclear (Waste) Generating Station (SONGS). Please come to express your opinions and request that this item be put on the agenda for future meeting and public hearing. We are asking for the support of the council to ensure the safety of the public. Ideally, they will write a letter to the Governor and the NRC ( Nuclear Regulatory Commission) requesting that SONGS not be restarted, and permanently decommissioned. Nuclear power is expensive, dangerous and outdated and we don't need it, nor do we want it. If you don't want to speak, no problem, but please come support us by sitting in the audience.
Monday, July 23, 2012
[SDCPJ] Please Forward: Activist Film Sat. July 28th @ 6:30pm : The FUTURE OF FOOD ~ Say no to GMOs ~ Label them!
The Future of Food
Say no to GMOs ~ Label them!
July 28th @ 6:30 at Joyce Beers Community Center in Hillcrest.
Genetic engineering of food crops is as controversial today as ever, as many of the large agro corporations that use this technology position themselves as the answer to the world food crisis and further consolidate the seed supply. The Future of Food continues to be a key tool used by activists and educators who call for increased attention to this issue.
The Future of Food made a highly acclaimed national theatrical premiere at Film Forum in New York, followed by a tour of more than a dozen major American cities in the fall. Applauded by technology writers, food policy experts and environmental activists, the film has been shown around the world—from a plaza in Oaxaca, Mexico to the Jerusalem Cinematheque, and in citizen screenings all over the world—from India, Kenya, and Bulgaria to Brazil and Indonesia. It screened at a wide variety of professional gatherings, including the Midwestern Organic Farmers Convention, the Organic Trade Association 2005 trade show and conference in Chicago, and the American Dietetic Association convention. Columbia and New York Universities showed it to their students.
This movie runs 88 minutes. Discussion to follow the film to focus on the "Label GMO ballot initiative".
Sarah Sedgwick <>
[SDCPJ] Anti-militarist Web site recently updated
[SDCPJ] Global Warming's Terrifying New Math Three simple numbers that add up to global catastrophe - and that make clear who the real enemy is
Global Warming's Terrifying New Math
Three simple numbers that add up to global catastrophe - and that make clear who the real enemy is
Read more:
Saturday, July 21, 2012
[SDCPJ] Please Forward!! >>> Activist-KNSJ's POST PRIDE PROGRESSIVE COMEDY PARTY : Sunday 8 PM @ the Moxie Theater-- here is the ticket graphic for tomorrow
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no one turned away for lack of funds
Friday, July 20, 2012
[SDCPJ] Activists call NRC Ruling "Dangerous Coverup"
Citizens' Oversight
Ray Lutz / / 619-820-5321
Residents Organizing for a Safe Environment (ROSE)
Gene Stone / / 949-233-7724
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
Carol Jahnkow / / 760-390-0775
Activists call NRC Ruling "Dangerous Coverup"
Regulators Cover for Edison: "No One at Fault"
July 20, 2012 (SAN CLEMENTE) – Yesterday's announcement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) stating that Southern California Edison (SCE) had complied will all regulations is yet another dangerous case of regulators looking the other way coupled with gutted unsafe regulations, according to local activist groups, including Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE), Citizens' Oversight, and the Peace Resource Center of San Diego.
"Either the regulations were insufficient and followed or sufficient but not followed, you can't have both," said Ray Lutz, National Coordinator of Citizens' Oversight. "Our regulatory process must safeguard against radiation leaks, emergency shutdowns, and $670 million steam generators failing within months of installation. To say that nothing is wrong takes the cake."
The ruling is absolutely astonishing, but unfortunately not surprising to those watching the process since any admission by NRC that the regulations were not followed would mean that they were asleep at the wheel, allowing SCE to flout the regulations to avoid a costly (but much safer) license amendment process including public and NRC review.
"It's a very sad commentary when regulatory agencies will allow transgressions to occur and will not speak out about them, to avoid scrutiny themselves," said Carol Jahnkow of the Peace Resource Center of San Diego.
Activist believe that any restart prior to CPUC determination of the cost effectiveness for the ratepayer is premature. Ratepayers should not be financially responsible for this debacle.
"California Edison's plan to restart reactor number two is extremely risky. Any restart could result is a cascading blowout, one tube influencing the next, and may even progress to a meltdown," said Gene Stone of ROSE, repeating a scenario described by nuclear industry expert Arnie Gundersen.
NRC officials said this morning that there would be no restart without public meetings and that SCE has not filed a response to the NRC action as of yet. "The NRC plans to hold several more public meetings in the vicinity of the plant before making any decision about restart of either of the San Onofre reactors" said Victor Dricks, Public Affairs Officer of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / Region IV Arlington, TX.
The NRC covered for Edison at the June 18 public meeting as well, saying that the cause of the failure was excessive steam velocity without digging back to the ultimate root cause. Edison's many design changes are the obvious culprit, with NRC officials watching from start to finish, never speaking up to force SCE to use the normal license amendment process.
Activists say they are planning protest activities in response to this stunning coverup by the NRC and SCE.
-- ----------------------- Ray Lutz National Coordinator Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPS) 619-820-5321
[SDCPJ] SUNDAY, 8 PM -- Stand up Comedy,“A Post Pride Progressive After Party”
Comedy Event to
raise funds for KNSJ
featuring San Diego's best LGBT Comedians Chet Sewell, Steve Kyle and more at the Moxie Theatre 7-8:30 PM
Stand up Comedy
"A Post Pride Progressive After Party"
raising funds for the soon-to-be New KNSJ- FM 89.1 Radio Station operated by Activist San Diego,
a 501c3 Non-profit organization. Eat, Drink, Laugh, and Help San Diego have a
"Real" Progressive Community Radio station. Giving a progressive voice to the people of San Diego that have had no access to media in the past. Suggested donation $10
The soon to be.... KNSJ- FM 89.1 & Streaming at featuring San Diego's best LGBT Comedians Chet Sewell, Steve Kyle and more at the Moxie Theatre 7-8:30 PM
Night will be filled with laughter, yummy Mediterranean food, Magners Irish Cider, opportunity drawings, and more.
Some Adult Material and Some Adult Language. Suggested donation 10.00. brewhaha
Special thanks to: Haritna Mediterranean Restaurant, Essential A Chiropractic Studio, East County Magazine, Magners Irish Cider, Aztec Smoke Shop, Viva El Cafe, and Ivan Stewarts Electric bikes.
-- Martin Eder 619-871-9354 = Cell
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
[SDCPJ] Progressive Pride Contingent & After Party :)
[SDCPJ] Fwd: Talk: Nuclear Energy: Lessons Learned from Fukushima Applied to San Onofre, July 22, Vista Library
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 5:26 PM
Subject: Nuclear talk flyer
To: Carol Jahnkow <>
[SDCPJ] Tues 24th ~ Help the PRC! 10am-noon
Tues July 24th
but you're also welcome to "drop in" if you're able last minute!
Thank you!!
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105
office: 619-263-9301 /
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) # 95-3594247
[SDCPJ] Radical Education Summit (July 16-26)
WHAT: The Radical Education Summit focuses on directly challenging the educational, economic, and social systems that oppress and divide our communities. Standing in alliance with struggles that uphold collective liberation and cooperation, we recognize such struggles are rooted in racial, gender, economic, environmental and disability justice; trans and queer liberations; anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist politics. We hope to develop a foundation for vibrant alternatives to those systems and safe places for them to thrive. The Radical Education Summit works towards not only celebrating alternative forms of education, but also blurring the lines between teacher and student. We recognize such lines become irrelevant when one makes the choice to become a life-long learner, accepting and seeking education in every form possible. This conference is an opportunity to learn from each other and share what we know, to foster communities of mutual support and autonomy.
WHEN & WHERE: July 16th-July 26th
M-Th from 10-11:30am and 12:30-2pm at San Diego City College
Or... 6-9pm at the Ant Hill Collective
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
[SDCPJ] San Diego Free Press - Alive and kickin
Monday, July 16, 2012
[SDCPJ] Reminder TONIGHT< Mon. 7 PM: Eyewitness of Rio +20 Earth Summit and Peoples Summit in Brazil! ACTIVIST SAN DIEGO MEETING
ASD just back from RIO + 20 Earth Summit and
Peoples Summit in Brazil!
What is Rio + 20? Rio+20 was a three-day summit that took place from June 20 - 22, organized by the United Nations to tackle environmental and economic issues. Its name signified that it was held in Rio de Janeiro 20 years after a similar "Earth Summit" in the same city. The biggest U.N. conference in years, it has been considered an illegitimate process of finding solutions to the world’s worst crisis.
What were the specific outcomes? The official summit produced a document that ignored the demands of civil society. According to government negotiators, there is no other alternative for the green economy. Social and environmental movements called the official agenda “the greed economy” since it attempts to intensify, not reverse, carbon emissions, displacement of indigenous people, deforestation, and climate change through the commodification of nature.
What happens after Rio? For 5days prior to the official summit, and two days after, the social, environmental and indigenous movements also had a side event called Peoples Summit. In it, grassroots movements defined a new agenda for the peoples of the planet; we can no longer react to what the world leaders are imposing on the rest of us. We must act to define our own agenda based on respect for all peoples and cultures and for Mother Earth.
Find out how to GET INVOLVED in the "No War, No Warming" campaign!
Come hear from environmentalist and social justice activist Jorge Glackman about
Rio+20 at the July 16th ASD General Meeting 7 PM at the
Joyce Beers Center in Hillcrest 3900 Vermont Street San Diego, CA 92103 to learn more, or visit for more info see
or or 619-952-5569
The Hidden Enemy
Raise the Minimum Wage
My New Book About Sudan
Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer
The Dark Side of Coffee Trade
Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies
Are these Your Heros?
National shame
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Stephen Fry on Catholisism
Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture
Interview with Congressman Filner
Free Trade Enslaves Us All
Blog Archive
- [SDCPJ] Citizens demand action before any San Onof...
- [SDCPJ] Strategies For The Return: Landmark Tenth ...
- [SDCPJ] San Onofre resolution passed by CA Dems an...
- [SDCPJ] Community Radio Organizing meeting... come...
- [SDCPJ] Progressive North County meeting, Sat., Ju...
- [SDCPJ] San Diego Free Press - Progressive News an...
- [SDCPJ] August is Nuclear Free Future Month--Join ...
- [SDCPJ] 2012-08-05..09 Las Vegas NV: Anti-Nuke act...
- [SDCPJ] Speak out against San Onofre: Escondido Ci...
- [SDCPJ] Please Forward: Activist Film Sat. July 28...
- [SDCPJ] Anti-militarist Web site recently updated
- [SDCPJ] Global Warming's Terrifying New Math Three...
- [SDCPJ] Please Forward!! >>> Activist-KNSJ's POST ...
- [SDCPJ] Activists call NRC Ruling "Dangerous Coverup"
- [SDCPJ] SUNDAY, 8 PM -- Stand up Comedy,“A Post Pr...
- [SDCPJ] Progressive Pride Contingent & After Party :)
- [SDCPJ] "Plastic Ocean" with Capt. Moore; August 5...
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: Talk: Nuclear Energy: Lessons Learned...
- [SDCPJ] Tues 24th ~ Help the PRC! 10am-noon
- [SDCPJ] Radical Education Summit (July 16-26)
- [SDCPJ] San Diego Free Press - Alive and kickin
- [SDCPJ] Reminder TONIGHT< Mon. 7 PM: Eyewitness of...
- [SDCPJ] THIS TUE 7/17 ~ OUT RAGE '69 with SAME, CF...
- [SDCPJ] Holtville Visit, BORDER ANGELS UPDATE 7/16/12
- [SDCPJ] Crisis at San Onofre: What to Look For in ...
- [SDCPJ] 7/21 - SDCPJ@Pride
- [SDCPJ] Woody turns 100! This week's cultural news...
- [SDCPJ] FWD: Diablo Canyon Relicensing Requires Se...
- [SDCPJ] Singer/Songwriter/Satirist Roy Zimmerman i...
- [SDCPJ] North San Diego County Progressives Meetin...
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: [OccupySD] Occupy - 2012-07-12
- [SDCPJ] Visions & Images Exhibit at the Centro Cul...
- [SDCPJ] New Report San Onofre's Steam Generators i...
- Anaheim Film Festival Schedule and Film Submission
- [SDCPJ] Thurs. July 12 at 7 PM -Community Radio Me...
- [SDCPJ] Please forward: 2 COMEDY FUNDRAISERS; Ben...
- [SDCPJ] Pride in the Struggle! Events next week - ...
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: Updates and News - Ju...
- [SDCPJ] Green Store Open House Saturday, July 14
- [SDCPJ] Let's not forget about nuclear disarmament!
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: Bradley Manning at Ft. Meade, July 16-20
- [SDCPJ] Tues July 10 ~ Brown Bag Books @ PRC
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: Anti-Nuclear Activist, Mother And Far...
- [SDCPJ] Agenda: SCDPJ, Monday July 9, 3 PM, Friend...
- [SDCPJ] Reminder! Update from Fukushima, Saturday,...
- [SDCPJ] Sat 7/7, Stop TPP!
- [SDCPJ] SDCPJ Meeting Monday, July 9!
- [SDCPJ] July 16th @ 7pm: Activist SD report-back f...
- [SDCPJ] Fwd: [OccupySD] Occupy - 2012-07-05
- [SDCPJ] Could economics doom ailing Calif. nuke pl...
- [SDCPJ] Happy 4th! Be Patriotic This Year
- [SDCPJ] Fri July 6th: People’s Conference - Food F...
- [SDCPJ] CALL YOUR REPS - Occupy Movement must make...