Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sudanese Video

[SDCPJ] Fwd: NEWS ADVISORY Marjorie Cohn speaks April 6

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 10:16:33 -0700
From: Gil Field <>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Professor Marjorie Cohn, Professor of Law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law,  to speak at the monthly meeting of San Diego Veterans For Peace, Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 at 7 PM. 
Topic:  Illegality of the Afghanistan-Pakistan War.
Professor Cohn is the former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and is known for her commentary on legal issues involving the Bush administration in MWC News, AlterNet, CounterPunch, CommonDreams, After Downing Street, ZNet, and GlobalResearch.  She has been a commentator for the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, NPR and Pacifica Radio.  In mid 2008, she gave testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties concerning the so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" and their legal status.  She has authored and co-authored numerous books.
Tuesday, April 6th at 7 PM
Monthly Meeting of the San Diego Veterans For Peace
Held at:  University City United Church of Christ
2877 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA  92122
Public is welcome.  The event is free of charge.
For additional information, contact:
Gil Field, Director of Communications
San Diego Veterans For Peace

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

[SDCPJ] Rove is having such a "swell" book tour, let's give him some more memorable moments!

Dear friends for peace and justice,

Your Mission: Give Karl Rove a Hearty Code Pink San Diego Welcome!!!

Are you ready San Diego!!!! If we can make every stop on Rove's book tour as unpleasant as yesterday's event in Beverly Hills, maybe he will get the idea he can't change history by writing a book of lies!
Check it out!

We made some great banners last night, or bring your own sign if you have one, for our welcoming party tomorrow, Wednesday, March 31st at Warwick's in La Jolla. Rove is scheduled to speak at 6 PM so let's be outside by 5 PM to make certain everyone arriving sees us.

Don't Let Karl Rove Rewrite History!
Wednesday, March 31st. 5:00 PM
Warwick's of La Jolla
7812 Girard Ave,
La Jolla CA 92037

Please DO NOT BUY A BOOK even though that is required to go inside. We will make our statement outside on the side walk without contributing one dime to his book sales.
Don't forget to Wear PINK

After Event Debriefing
7:30 - Join the Drinking Liberally crowd at
La Jolla Brew House, 7536 Fay Ave., La Jolla

Please forward this email on to friends - but first be sure to remove the "unsubscribe" link below or someone else might unsubscribe you!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Walter Davis California One Care AD

[SDCPJ] Call for artwork for May 1 exhibition

May 1st is observed as International Labor Day by most of the countries
of the world.

The Centro Cultural de la Raza calls for the submission of artworks and
other things for a celebration of International Workers Day exhibition
the month of May and opening on the First.

The exhibition committee is looking for photography,* paintings,
drawings, and prints as well as objects. Banners, posters and leaflets
are welcome. The criteria for acceptance is that the work in the show
will be in the spirit of May Day and reflect the working class
character, broadly defined, of this international celebration.

Suggestions are that submissions represent in some way work, class
struggle, organization, working class history, etc. Work certainly
includes unpaid labor such as housework and child rearing.

At the opening, there will be live music and, perhaps short statements
and poetry. Recorded labor music and video will be run whenever the
show is open.

* Photo snapshots can be submitted with the understanding that those
accepted would be printed at around 8x10" size and mounted or framed in
some way for display.

HOW TO SUBMIT: attachments by the internet

Send no more than three selected things as compressed digital image
attachments to____________ no later than April 23rd. You will be
notified by the 26th if your submission is accepted and when it should
be brought to the Centro.

Though all care will be done to protect submissions, the Centro cannot
accept responsibility for your work. When the exhibition is over, you
must pick up your submission at a designated day/time.

The information is now available on the site - -
under exhibition-more

Sdcpj mailing list

[SDCPJ] Military Counseling Training By National Lawyers Guild




Tuesday, March 23, 2010

California OneCare 365 Ad #22 Andrew McGuire

Please forward. I will be featured in AD 27.

California OneCare

California OneCare 365 Ad #22 Andrew McGuire

Andrew McGuire Executive Director of California OneCare

Click Here to see video

Dear Walter,

The secret weapon that is going to defeat the trillion dollar insurance industry? YOU--the people who know that things have to change. Andrew McGuire, Health Care for All-California Executive Director, says that together we will make history, because WE WILL WIN.

DONATE TO GET SINGLE PAYER, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CALIFORNIA. Please support the California OneCare 365 Ad Campaign. Help us produce a new thirty-second ad supporting single-payer health care on websites and television throughout California every day for one year. Click here to donate.

Help Support
the CaliforniaOneCare 365 Campaign
Make your donation today!

California One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's LinkedIn

Monday, March 22, 2010

California OneCare 365 Ad #21Don Bridge

Please forward

California OneCare

California OneCare 365 Ad #21 Don Bridge

California OneCare Ad #21 Don Bridge of the California Teachers Association.

Click here to see the video

Dear Walter,

Children shouldn't have to come to school sick because their parents can't afford health care, says Don Bridge of the California Teachers Association. That's no way to build for the future. Single payer, California OneCare is the way to help our children and ourselves.

DONATE TO GET SINGLE PAYER, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CALIFORNIA. Please support the California OneCare 365 Ad Campaign. Help us produce a new thirty-second ad supporting single-payer health care on websites and television throughout California every day for one year. Click here to donate.

Help Support
the CaliforniaOneCare 365 Campaign
Make your donation today!

California One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's LinkedIn

Sunday, March 21, 2010

[SDCPJ] more photos from March 20 events

[SDCPJ] Meeting, Monday March 22, 7 p.m.

The San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice will meet on Monday, March
22, 7 p.m. at the First Church of the Brethren. 3850 Westgate Place, San
Diego, 92105.

Agenda topics include:

Evaluation of March 20 anti-war/pro-peace events
May drone demonstration at General Atomics
Preparations for Earth Day
Sdcpj mailing list

[SDCPJ] Military Counseling Training

Can you please send out this announcement about our training for counselors for the San Diego Military Counseling Project.

[SDCPJ] Photos - We Decry 7 Years of War at Iraq

Peace Up,
Michael Gomel

P.S. My apologies if I blew or missed shots of any in the caravan. I think I got everyone of you great citizen peaceniks but ... I dunno;  I did the best I could. Love to All! and Thanks!!! 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

[SDCPJ] PEACE Caravan After Party ~ Join us to Socializing & Pot-Luck Dinner, Sat, March 20th ~ 7 PM till ??]

After the Peace Caravan today 2-6pm join us for a

PEACE Caravan After Party

Come by and chill with other activists…

 Party and Pot-Luck Dinner 

You may bring food or drinks to share or something to add to the

collective salad (garden fresh lettuce provided) or the collective stew



Saturday, March 20th ~ 7 PM till ??

3442 47th Street, San Diego, CA 92105


Fundraiser - Everyone welcome!

Requested Donation $5-20 ~ 

No one turned away for lack of funds.


After 7 years of war and 7 years of working for peace and social justice
 we deserve a break and some social justice socializing

The donations will go to to send San Diegans to the US Social Forum in Detroit on June 22rd. 

LOCATION: 3442 47th Street, San Diego, CA 92105

From Hwy. 94 going east take the Home Ave Exit. 

Home turns into Euclid going north. 

At crest of the Euclid hill take Myrtle to the left 1 block to 47th and park.
For information 619-871-9354



Friday, March 19, 2010

California OneCare 365 Ad #19 David & Natalie Lander

From: Andrew McGuire, California OneCare <>
Subject: California OneCare 365 Ad #19 David & Natalie Lander
Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 11:15 AM

California OneCare

California OneCare 365 Ad #19 David & Natalie Lander

California OneCare Ad #19 David and Natalie Lander

Click here to see the video

Dear Walter,

It doesn't matter how young or healthy you are, says Natalie Lander, one day your body will betray you. Her dad, David Lander, adds that when that happens, you want the best that medical science can give you. But if you don't have insurance, or your policy is cancelled, you're out of luck. That's why they both support single payer, California OneCare, full care, for all, for less.

DONATE TO GET SINGLE PAYER, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CALIFORNIA. Please support the California OneCare 365 Ad Campaign. Help us produce a new thirty-second ad supporting single-payer health care on websites and television throughout California every day for one year. Click here to donate.

Help Support
the CaliforniaOneCare 365 Campaign
Make your donation today!

California One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's LinkedIn

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Join to me in this special day- In Memorial – Lcpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar + Nov-16-1982 // March-27-2003

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Join to me in this special day- In Memorial – Lcpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar + Nov-16-1982 // March-27-2003
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 14:17:25 -0700
From: Guerrero Azteca Peace Project <>


Picnic for peace

Planting seeds of change

For Peace and Friendship


In Memorial - Lcpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar

Nov-16-1982 // March-27-2003



Saturday, March 27, 2010 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Kit Carson Park" Bear Velley Parkway, Escondido, CA 92025

Behind Fire Station


               Bring food and share

Fernando Suárez del Solar

Guerrero Azteca Peace Project

join to me in this special day



Contact: 858-774-0172

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[SDCPJ] Fwd: NEWS ADVISORY: 7 Years of War: Saturday, March 20th, 8 AM to 8 PM, USS Midway Museum lawn

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NEWS ADVISORY: 7 Years of War: Saturday, March 20th, 8 AM to 8 PM, USS Midway Museum lawn
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 08:24:43 -0700
From: Gil Field <>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient: ;>

7 Years of War
Saturday, March 20th, 8 AM until 8 PM, USS Midway Museum lawn
JPG and Word versions of flyer attached
Military veterans will be setting out the crosses by 7 AM .... good opportunity for interviews or live news feeds.
500 candles (one at each cross) to be lit at dark.  Impressive and moving scene. 
Gilbert E. Field
Director of Communications
San Diego Veterans For Peace

[SDCPJ] March 20 Final Call!

$400,000,000 EACH DAY for continued wars and occupations – while our schools decay, homes are foreclosed, healthcare costs choke families into bankruptcy, and workers go without jobs –

“healthcare, not warfare; jobs and education, not wars and occupation”


This is the final call to participate on SATURDAY, MARCH 20, here in San Diego, on behalf of PEACE –

·       1-3 PM: meet up at the parking lot EAST of Park Blvd. and President’s Way, Balboa Park (map attached); enjoy poet-musician Al Howard and Erik Canzona of “The Heavy Guilt,” decorate your vehicle with peace flags and decorations (specially-made car flags and decorating car paint to be provided for modest donation, and/or bring your own)

·       3-5 PM: CAR CARAVAN for PEACE, designated route along San Diego streets, following SDCPJ lead vehicle – MAKE RIGHTEOUS NOISE for peace

·       5-6 PM: Street demonstration and PEACE BANNERING at Broadway and Harbor Drive, downtown San Diego

·       6 PM: Veterans for Peace “Arlington West” display commemorating the war dead, followed by candlelight vigil in observation of those who have died, near the Midway Carrier on Harbor Drive

California OneCare Ad #18 Rev. Jim Burklo


California OneCare

California OneCare Ad #18 REv. Jim Burklo

Rev. Jim Burklo of the California Council of Churches sees California OneCare as the solution to the moral bankruptcy of our current, broken health care system, because it would minimize suffering and save lives.

Click here to see the video

Dear Walter,

Rev. Jim Burklo of the California Council of Churches sees California OneCare as the solution to the moral bankruptcy of our current, broken health care system, because it would minimize suffering and save lives.

DONATE TO GET SINGLE PAYER, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CALIFORNIA. Please support the California OneCare 365 Ad Campaign. Help us produce a new thirty-second ad supporting single-payer health care on websites and television throughout California every day for one year. Click here to donate.

Help Support
the CaliforniaOneCare 365 Campaign
Make your donation today!

California One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's LinkedIn

Thursday, March 18, 2010

San Diego activist passed away unexpectedly...

San Diego husband, father, Pastor, community leader, and activist Don Hamer passed away unexpectedly earlier this week.  Many in our community are saddened and shocked by his sudden and unexpected death including me. I only recently met Pastor Hammer and am better for it in many ways. He began attending our Men's Center Second Wednesday of the Month Evening Meetings, was a guest speaker, and I had the pleasure of working with him in association with others on a child welfare reform group spearheaded by a leading California legislator. He was one of us in heart, mind, and soul.


Don Hamer was Pastor of Zion Christian Fellowship Church, Director of Kuyper Preparatory School and just developed and launched  Better Courts Now is committed to encouraging attorneys with traditional values to challenge sitting judges in upcoming elections.


One of Don's many friends asked that if you have not done so please go to Log in and sign up to see and hear Don's vision as he presented his political passion to do something about activist judges.


I know some of you may not agree with some aspects of Don's beliefs. That's Ok. He was a good man. He cared deeply for others. He had a grand and long overdue idea. He risked all for his conviction that we deserve to know and hold accountable our judges. I think we can all agree with that. He was a big man in many ways. Filling his shoes is simply not possible…


For you in the San Diego area:


Don is survived by his wife Theresa; their children Stephanie, Sheridan, Joseph , D.C. and Phillip and Don's mother.

Please say a special prayer for Don's wife Theresa, their 5 children and Don's mother. 


In lieu of Flowers, please send a donation to help with memorial services and for the Hamer Family:

Make Check out to:
Zion Christian Fellowship
7997 Paradise Valley Rd.
San Diego, CA 92139
Tel. / Fax: (619) 342-7295
In the memo section of the check to say: Pastor Don Hamer Memorial Fund

Monday, March 22nd, 2010, 1:00pm
Sonrise Community Church
8805 North Magnolia
Santee, CA  92071


Harry Crouch

March Video Production: Community Issues - A Tapestry of Concerns....26 March 2010

******We have a short notice update...
..a recording this month on 26 March 2010 @6:30 PM.....

***********PLEASE RSVP ASAP IF YOU CAN VOLUNTEER ************TO WORK WITH US. We need your help*******

Join us with Alyce Smith Cooper for another exciting filming of Community Issues.

Alyce will be interviewing Dr. Rochelle Bastien, pres of the Black Psychologists, Dr. Judy Sundayo and a professor from UCSD as well as Black Student Union members from UCSD re: the racial climate at UCSD.

We need your help. The training is at COX Public Access Studios in El Cajon. Call for directions.

We need volunteers.

We need activists to come to our productions to be trained on TV Productions and to be consistent in volunteering. The following positions need to be filled and do not require any previous experience; all training is done on the job.

•    Nine Directors
•    30 Camera Operators
•    Ten Internet TV Directors
•    Six Floor Directors
•    Five Producers
•    Nine Graphics Generators
•    Nine Sound Engineers
•    Ten Set Decorators
•    Twenty Film Editors

Request you distribute this message widely. We need community support to assuage our explosive growth.

Progress In San Diego airs each Sunday @ 5 PM.

Community Issues: A Tapestry of Concerns will be aired at 6 PM each Sunday.

Community Artist Connection comes on Thursdays at 9:30 PM.

Truth to Power is expected to be on the air in early 2010.

Upcoming  Productions and Training Opportunities

Community Issues: A Tapestry of  Concerns will be produced at COX in El Cajon.
Come out and join the crew!

Let us help you develop YOUR show for your organization.

Please RSVP yes or no for our upcoming TV Productions.

We need your presence to be effective.

Call me if you have questions.

Walter Davis

Even if you are on the right track, you will be run over if you just stand there.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

California OneCare 365 Ad # 17 Valerie Harper

California OneCare

California OneCare 365 Ad # 17 Valerie Harper

California OneCare 365 Ad # 17 Valerie Harper

Click to see the video

Dear Walter,

The trust in our broken health care system is gone, says Valerie Harper. The rules are always changing, and you're never sure you're going to get what you need. Instead, she wants health care she can trust: single payer, California OneCare.

DONATE TO GET SINGLE PAYER, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CALIFORNIA. Please support the California OneCare 365 Ad Campaign. Help us produce a new thirty-second ad supporting single-payer health care on websites and television throughout California every day for one year. Click here to donate.

Help Support
the CaliforniaOneCare 365 Campaign
Make your donation today!

California One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's LinkedIn

California OneCare 365 Ad #16 James Kahn

--- On Tue, 3/16/10, Andrew McGuire, California OneCare <> wrote:

From: Andrew McGuire, California OneCare <>
Subject: California OneCare 365 Ad #16 James Kahn
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 10:55 AM

California OneCare

California OneCare 365 Ad #16 James KahnJames Kahn,
MD, MPH President, California Physicians Alliance

The U.S. does not have the best health care in the world, says James Kahn, MD, MPH, President of the California Physicians Alliance. We spend twice as much other developed countries, and our health care system ranks 37th. The countries with the best outcomes at the lowest costs are those who use some form of single payer like California OneCare.

Click Here to See Video

The U.S. does not have the best health care in the world, says James Kahn, MD, MPH
President, California Physicians Alliance. We spend twice as much other developed countries, and our health care system ranks 37th. The countries with the best outcomes at the lowest costs are those who use some form of single payer like California OneCare.

DONATE TO GET SINGLE PAYER, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CALIFORNIA. Please support the California OneCare 365 Ad Campaign. Help us produce a new thirty-second ad supporting single-payer health care on websites and television throughout California every day for one year. Click here to donate.

Help Support
the CaliforniaOneCare 365 Campaign
Make your donation today!

California One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's Facebook PageCalifornia One Care's LinkedIn

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

[SDCPJ] Al-Awda Hosts Diana Buttu in San Diego Saturday March 20, 2010

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda San Diego presents
An Evening with Diana Buttu
Diana Buttu
Al-Awda San Diego invites you to an evening with Diana Buttu to discuss the issue of Palestinian refugee rights in the so-called negotiations.
When: Saturday March 20, 2010 7:00 pm
Where: Four Points Sheraton, 8110 Aero Drive, San Diego CA 92123
Admission: General $8.00; Student $5.00
No one turned away for lack of funds!
Diana Buttu is a Palestinian lawyer, former professor and legal adviser to the Palestine Liberation Organization. Buttu received her law degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario in Canada, and a Masters of Law from Stanford University. She began her work with the PLO in 2000. Buttu joined The Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) in 2005 and, as of December 2008, taught at Bir Zeit University in the West Bank. She is currently working as a lawyer on land confiscation, home demolitions and revocation of residency etc.
Buttu is a powerful and eloquent proponent of Palestinian rights and has appeared numerous times in the American news media from TV networks such as Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC to newspapers such as USA Today and other outlets.
Space is limited - First Come First Serve
For more info please email or call 760-918-9441
Al-Awda San Diego
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is dedicated to advocacy for the restoration in full of Palestinian human, national, legal, political and historical rights with particular emphasis on the right of Palestinians to return to their homes and lands of origin from which they have been dispossessed since 1948. PRRC is a not for profit tax-exempt educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization as defined by the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America. Under IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC are tax-deductible. To donate, please go to To become a member, go to and follow the instructions.
This email was sent to by
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition | PO Box 131352 | Carlsbad | CA | 92013

The Hidden Enemy




Corruption in the Senate



Raise the Minimum Wage

Raise the Minimum Wage





My New Book About Sudan

Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer

The Dark Side of Coffee Trade

Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies

Are these Your Heros?

Are these Your Heros?

National shame

National shame

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Stephen Fry on Catholisism

Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture

Interview with Congressman Filner

Free Trade Enslaves Us All

Blog Archive

Farouk Al Nasser

Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ

Victor Calle

Victor Calle
At NCCP April 2008

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008


The Citizens' Internet Television Network


The Citizens' Internet Radio Network

Save America

Save America
Save America





We Are All One

We Are All One
We Are All One

Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism

Change the System

Change the System
Change the System

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth
A lie does not become the truth





Fetus Rights

Fetus Rights
Fetus Rights

The Earth Was Created

The Earth Was Created
The Earth Was Created

