Saturday, December 24, 2011

[SDCPJ] Fw: [OccupySD] Occupy Update 12/25 MERRY XMAS

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Raymond Lutz
Sent: Dec 24, 2011 10:02 PM
Subject: [OccupySD] Occupy Update 12/25 MERRY XMAS


Occupy Update!

O C C U P Y   C H R I S T M A S   E D I T I O N

Occupy Xmas -- singing Occupy Carols
Occupy Xmas -- singing Occupy Carols (what a great picture!) Full Size Photo: Benjamin Cossel

please excuse the inconvenience, we are trying to                 change the world
Photo: Benjamin Cossel

"Cisco" made a statement that I could not stop thinking about. He said "We just want all those people who are worried about their next meal, who are worried where they will sleep, to know this: they are not forgotten. We are here for you. We are here to change the world." -- Very inspiring. (He has been living on the street for 44 years.)

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.


  • Occupy Christmas - Dec 23 - Occupy San Diego Strikes Back -- The day after 4 arrests, a choking, a stomping and intimidation of peaceful protesters by the San Diego Police Department, Occupy San Diego strikes back with Occupy Christmas!

    • Thanks to Hollyhawk Cambia for organizing this.
    • POTLUCK BRUNCH - 11am - 12pm - thanks to John Kenney & friends. Please use Facebook Private Message (FPM) if you want to help!
    • XMAS DINNER - 5pm - 7pm - thanks to Tracey Reardon Odman & friends. Please FPM if you want to help serve or cook! Meal will include ham & potatoes.
    • THANKS TO YOU ALL! Much love to OSD, our houseless brothers, sisters and non-binary identified family smile

  • Some notes from the GA today.
    • John Kenney served as facilitator
    • Demands Committee -- will put out a document for further discussion soon. Anita Simon is the editor of this draft.
      • There was some discussion about changing the name of this to "Solutions" or "Goals" rather than "Demands". The latter implies that others will do it, when in reality, it is probably up to us.
    • Education Committee -- has and will continue to conduct debates and discussions on "demands" -- is on the schedule. Will be highlighting one issue each week. (However, tomorrow and next week will be on holiday schedule -- i.e. no teach-ins).
    • Police Interaction:
      • Police are afraid of internal affairs investigations. We need to report MORE. Citizens Review Board has the power to conduct investigations and punish "bad" officers.
      • Need a list of police officers with faces so we can identify police so complaints can be produced. Must gather this information when police are not in attack mode because it is hard to gather then.
      • In one case recounted at the GA, a homeless man had his belonging taken from him and filed a suit, and obtained $150,000 award from the court. We probably need to be more proactive in filing such suits.
    • Education Cte will have Mobile Book Mobile at Freedom Plaza every weekend.
    • Medical Cte will have personnel at the Plaza every Saturday from 10am to Noon, or later if needed.
    • No GA Planned for Xmas Day
    • Jeff Bates will serve as next GA facilitator

  • Police step up enforcement of 54.0110 "No objects on City Property" law at Freedom Plaza
    • MC § 54.0110 Unauthorized Enchroachments Prohibited
      It is unlawful for any person to erect, place, allow to remain, construct, establish, plant, or maintain any vegetation or object on any public street, alley, sidewalk, highway, or other public property or public right-of-way, except as otherwise provided by this Code.
    • For example, some comments from FB:
      • Jason Snyder: Well I went down there with my livestreaming equipment, set it down next to me and put my arm on it. Sargent B. Cara claims that the moment I took my hand off of the box to rest my arm on it counted as 'abandonment' under MC 54.0110, which is total B.S.
      • Jason Snyder: Actually s.g. B. Cara was citing people for merely loosening their backpack while sitting without actually taking it off calling it abandonment and then telling us that if we ever came back to the Civic Center (FP) that we would be arrested. What Gustapo tactics. I thought this was supposed to be the 'land of the free'. What a lie.
    • When this happens, we should make immediate complaints. Download complaint form. These forms should be ON HAND at Civic Center Plaza and have the Sargent/officers help you fill it out. Of course, it would be fantastic if we had a complaint table for this sort of thing, but that sounds difficult if we can't have a table. Compliant forms are also in city hall available for pick up.
    • A COMPLAINT SHOULD GO IN FOR EVERY INAPPROPRIATE ARREST. We also need to follow up on these complaints. Can someone find out when the Police Oversight group meets?
    • In my conversations with some homeless men on Dec 24, I learned that the police have made the area around the Civic Center Plaza (five blocks on each side) a no-sleeping zone for the homeless. They are telling the homeless the reason they are being inconvenienced is because of Occupy San Diego. This has been going on for the past three nights. John said "pumpkinheads" (ambassadors) wake up the homeless in that area and have them move at least five blocks away. This despicable act by the police is apparently to set the homeless against OSD.

  • Occupy San Diego still reels from inappropriate arrests on Dec. 22.
    • Video of Raid and Arrests at Freedom Plaza. Three were arrested in this video. Andrew Fischer (AKA "Fish") was arrested at about 6am. One of them was choked and another was stomped on.
    • See more info here: Occupy San Diego Dec 22 Arrests, including a frame-by-frame analysis of out-of-control SDPD officers as they nearly rip Chris's head off. You have to see this to believe it.

Upcoming Events

  • 17 Jan 2012 - Million tent protest in Washington D.C.
    • Occupy Greyhound Update: OSD to Occupy Greyhound to OD.C. to be part of the 1 million tent protest. We are leaving on the 13th and returning in SD on the 25th, We have 12 people going and we were able to purchase 8 tickets from donations. We will still be collecting donations for the use of going to some tourist attractions while we are in DC as a group, in matching Occupy San Diego clothing hopefully. We are also working on getting ahold of all the local media stations so when we stop there should be coverage of our trip (hopefully). We are going to get with education committee to see if there can be some classes to make sure everyone is up to speed on all the important issues currently infesting our world. I am very thankful for all the support we have recieved from the community of people that could not go but wanted to see this trip become a reality. If you would like to know who is going PM me and I will ask everyone if they want me to inform the public on their intent to go to DC. (A few think the cops will target them to make it so they can not go). Again here is the Web page if you can donate more before the trip that would be great. BIG HUGS AND HUGE THANKS <== click here to see the rest of the report.

--  --------------------------------------- Raymond Lutz, National Coordinator Citizens OVersight Projects (COPS) A 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization 771 Jamacha Rd. #148     El Cajon, CA 92019 USA Voice 619-820-5321 http// 

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