-----Forwarded Message-----Dear Che Cafe Support Network (CCSN),
We have some updates for you and an EVENT on July 15th to announce.
We have added more than 130 new people to the CCSN announcements list, mostly new contacts from our leafleting and petitioning at the 2015 UCSD Alumni Weekend. To all you who are new, welcome!
· First: JULY 15, 2 PM Meeting with UCSD Chancellor Khosla.
For the FIRST TIME, representatives of the Che Cafe Collective and CCSN will meet with Khosla to see if he will call off the eviction. We need a big crowd to rally outside the meeting. Please come if you can and spread the word! [Directions to Office of the Chancellor at http://www-act.ucsd.edu/maps/ . Enter search for "Office of the Chancellor". Address is University Center 107. Facing UCSD Town Square. Just south and west of Price Center.]
· Meanwhile (and unless/until the Chancellor calls off the eviction) we still need people to sign up for the Rapid Response Team. Day or night, 24/7, a group text message will go out to the RRT if the Sheriffs show up to execute the eviction. Signing up means you pledge to go to the Che Cafe immediately, asap, to rally, protest, witness, film, et cetera. The press will also get the notice. Over 200 have signed up so far. We would like to double that. Sign up form (and description of purpose) is at
· The Che Cafe is guarded 24/7 by the occupiers. Starting on March 24, this is the longest sit-in in UCSD history! The sit-in has spawned an upsurge in the number and diversity of events and shows at the Che. Check http://thechecafe.blogspot.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/che.cafe.collective for upcoming events and news.
A statement marking the 100th day of the occupation was issued by the collective and is at https://www.facebook.com/che.cafe.collective/posts/10153395388015979 Various items requested and types of support are spelled out.
· The legal appeal of the eviction (unlawful detainer) lawsuit ruling is progressing, slowly. In late May the court sent a bill of $500 for the preparation of the clerk's transcript of the trial. The collective paid the bill promptly. It should take 30-40 days for the transcript to be done (so, any time now). Opposing parties will then get notice of the schedule/deadline for submission of briefs. Then, it will be up to the appellate court to decide.
Monty Kroopkin,
CCSN Organizers
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Saturday, July 11, 2015
[SDCPJ] Save Che Cafe - Fw: JULY 15 EVENT; Updates and Welcomes!
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