Friday, November 11, 2016

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Day of Healing and Reconciliation After Our Election

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From: "Judy Kimmel, Peace Alliance" <>
Date: November 11, 2016, 10:56:00 AM PST
Subject: Day of Healing and Reconciliation After Our Election

The Peace Alliance

Join Day of Healing and Reconciliation After Our Election
This Sunday, November 13, Washington DC & Livestream
Video appearances by Marianne Williamson, Al Sharpton, Dr. Oz and many more.

This past election day was a shock to everyone's system no matter what your political persuasion and we wanted to let you know that we are there with you.  We believe it is important that we see this outcome as a call to engage with each other in a deeper and more authentic way, walking our talk of peace and reconciliation.

Clearly we are deeply grateful for everyone's wisdom, thought, and sincerity in moving the agenda of peace and nonviolence forward in our communities, states, and this diverse and multidimensional nation.  YOU are each peace builders, creating a path to global community and calm, a network of aligned visionaries striving to have an impact on our national dialogue. Thank you for that.

As a testament of our deep belief in the power of engagement and dialogue we are joining with other organizations to sponsor a day of Healing and Reconciliation on this Sunday. Register here.

We hope you can join us in person in Washington DC or via live streaming to hear powerful peacemakers inspire us with their wisdom and message of hope. Together we can shift the paths of progress to a kinder, gentler world. More details below.

Sign-up to join here. 

With deep respect for you and your dedication to peace,



Judy Kimmel
Board Chair, Peace Alliance



Day of Healing and Reconciliation After Our Election
This Sunday, November 13, 12:00 PT, 3:00 ET, Washington DC & Livestream

For many Americans, Wednesday, November 9, 2016, will mark a powerful turning point in U.S. history.

Many awoke with heavy hearts, pained by the division and polarization of their beloved country... some wondering, "is this really my country?"

Others were possibly energized by the results or by their experience of voting for the first time and engaging in the democratic process.

Regardless of what "side" you're on or political party you identify with, we must all join together to begin the deeper healing.

We must forge new pathways to middle ground and engage in new conversations about how we can build bridges, close gaps and defend our democracy together.

We're being called to step forward in unity to fulfill our highest potential — as individuals, as a nation and as one global family. We can do this. We can all be lightbearers leading the way.

We cannot give up HOPE that real change is possible and that a county, and a world, that truly works for all IS possible...

This Sunday, November 13 at 12noon Pacific, 3:00 Eastern, you'll have an opportunity to begin the healing process and engage in honest conversations about tangible ways we can move forward TOGETHER.

A powerful lineup of inspiring speakers — including spiritual, political and community leaders, musicians, artists and activists are joining together for this day.

You can RSVP for your free ticket here:

The broader invitation for you is to use the whole day to engage in healing conversations and initiate actions toward healing the divides. Invite your friends, family, neighbors and community and join us.

We envision tens of millions participating...

Here's how YOU can get involved:

  • RSVP here:
  • Once you're registered, help spread the word here:
  • Activate events in YOUR town and in every town across the country. (You'll have the ability to organize living room events in your area by Friday.)
  • The major broadcast will be on Facebook Live, Sunday, November 13, from 12:00-2:00 pm Pacific/ 3:00-5:00 pm Eastern, followed by local programs.

Mark your calendar, invite your friends and spread the word to every faith, spiritual and community leader you know and join us!

Division got us here, now let's give unity a chance...


empowered by Salsa

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