Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Move ON

Fired up and Ready to Go! http://www.moveon.org/
Thank you for your participation in the MoveOn campaign to find "The Change We Need"
Good to meet all of you, informative and inspirational.
Please make sure you sign up for a Barack Obama "Change is Coming" house Party:

(I've structured this email so that you can copy and paste the links at the bottom and pass them on to your network of friends, family, and associates.)

Here are the pictures we produced and sent to MoveOn. http://www.moveon.org/voicesforchange

And A few more I took Friday Night:

Here is a list of the important things we want the new President, his Administration, the new Congress, and Senate to act upon in the coming years.


Use this link to download the overview brochure, or click on the issue areas below to learn more.

End Torture, Rendition and Illegal Detention

Abolish Preventive Detention

Protect Dissent

Restore War Powers Act

Limit State Secrets Privilege

Stop Warrantless Wiretapping

Roll Back Executive Power

Related to that:

Call on Congress to revoke the Patriot Acts and Revoke the 2007 Defense Authorization Act where it overrides Posse Comitatus and the Insurrection Act.

Election Reform - our most vital duty is controlled by unaccountable, untraceable black-box voting machines made by FOR-PROFIT Corporations. Standardize OPEN-SOURCE fully transparent voting solutions, that have both a printed receipt for the voter, and a digital image of every paper ballot immediately uploaded to a public website so that any voter can check that their individual ballot was counted correctly. 

Reverse all the Last Minute Pardons and Commutations
Don't allow the outgoing President to Preemptively Pardon those within his Administration. Make public and transparent all acts of the former Administration to avoid accountability for their actions.

Bush's Incompetent Political Appointees have now been set up in permanent career employees in the upper levels of the federal government. We ask that these be reversed, and if possible stopped before they are complete by injunction. 

Restore the Ethics Committees in Congress and the Senate, and hold all accountable.

Health Care: make sure all children in the USA have same quality healthcare insurance as our members of congress. All Military Veterans, too.

Green Sustainable Energy:
Start the Sustainable Energy Revolution, by calling on all Americans to sacrifice by cutting their power use by 50% over the next four years. Ask for a Carbon Fuels tax of 50% that will be directed to pay any person who produces sustainable green energy. 

Carbon Credits

Free Trade: make it FAIR TRADE

Restore the FOIA Office of the Ombudsman and make all Federal Government Agencies Completely Transparent 

Stop Privatizing the vital government services. 
BlackWater, 'nuff said.

FCC - Restore Media Plurality : stop the auctioning of public airwaves and call for the opening of new rules about public access so that local populations can control their airwaves. Expand public access TV on cable to equal a percentage of total income. TAX for profit stations to supply resources for local non-comercial public access RADIO and TV. 

Network Neutrality - Make sure all internet providers serve all sites equally, without slowing down alternative voices, or discriminating against the poor and minority groups that can not afford to pay for privileged access to information.   

Here are links to some of the important things we talked about:

The $2-Trillion in EMERGENCY LOANS 

The San Diego Count Community Coalition Meetup.

Watch Zeitgeist Addendum (free online)

Another Free Documentary (available thru Blockbuster.com

Links to things you should know about:


"At the beginning, I worried for my family, but they are prepared to face any circumstance.
I am also prepared for it. I lost my fear like the people did.
I'm not afraid of dying, but I'd like to live a bit longer so I can keep on fighting."
 - Oscar Olivera, Bolivian Activist, Coalition in Defense of Water and Life. 

Just as blind faith is arrogant and irrational, and the unexamined life is not worth living, so "Rational Self Interest" without ENLIGHTENMENT* is nothing but blind selfishness, essentially amoral and self destructive. Therefore our goal should be lead by example down the path to Enlightened Rational Self Interest. (*i.e. a full, broad spectrum, "big-picture" understanding that one's identity is intimately intertwined with all life) - MER

Michael E. Russell
(619) 206-4361

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