AB 2201 was introduced on 2/20/14. It would force young men to register for a possible future draft as a condition for being licensed to drive in the state of California. This is the 6th attempt by Selective Service to increase California's low draft registration rate. Five previous bills were all blocked in the legislature.
Like AB 251 in 2011, this bill would automatically register a drivers license applicant. There would be no way to opt out. Only males would be affected because the Selective Service law still discriminates, even though the armed forces have opened combat jobs to women.
The bill would use Dept. of Motor Vehicle funds to revise and reprint all drivers license forms and forward applicants' information to SS digitally. The legislative analyst who submitted a report on the 2011 noted that using DMV revenue for this purpose could be challenged legally because the CA constitution limits the use of such funds to paying for transportation-related expenses and the mitigation of the environmental effects of motor vehicle operation.
As of Feb. 25, the bill had not been assigned to any specific committees but may have its first hearing March 23.
Bill text: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/asm/ab_2201-2250/ab_2201_bill_20140220_introduced.html
Bill status: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/asm/ab_2201-2250/ab_2201_bill_20140221_status.html
Bill history: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/asm/ab_2201-2250/ab_2201_bill_20140221_history.html
For who believe we need a draft, please read: http://www.comdsd.org/article_archive/BelieveDraft.htm
For more information, contact Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft, comdsd@aol.com, 760-753-7518.
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