Friday, April 5, 2013

[SDCPJ] Help @PRC Mon 4/8 & Tu 4/9 (Mailing prep)

Dear friends,

Oh how this is a busy time month! And we need your help for TWO things...

** FIRST way to help ** 

This coming Mon & Tues we need your help preparing letters for our upcoming Work-a-thon (which is in May). It is going out to our full postal list in envelopes, so we need help stuffing and labeling.

We'd love to know if you can come, but it's also okay to just show up.

Monday 4/8 & Tuesday 4/9
at the PRC, 3850 Westgate Pl. 

** Second way **

The PRC will be at the Earth Fair on Sun April 21st and we are asking volunteers to help us table. If you would like to join or have any questions about volunteering please see the message below for additional details.

Thanks! If you have any questions please respond to this email and we will answer them as quickly as possible.

We look forward to seeing you next week!

Melissa Jacobo
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105
office: 619-263-9301 /
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) # 95-3594247

----- EARTH FAIR INFO -----

Hello everybody,

You are receiving this email because you are on our e-list or have asked to receive more information about upcoming events.

Well, here's one heck of an event as well as an amazing volunteer opportunity!! 

The Peace Resource Center (PRC) will again have a booth at this year's Earth Fair in Balboa Park -- on Sun April 21st.

And we NEED YOUR HELP tabling this year.

You will be working with one or two other volunteers.

You can sign up for 1 or more shifts of your choosing (each shift is 2 hours).

Remember that if you sign up for a shift you are responsible for that shift.

Shift Needs are as follows:

8:30-10:30 (includes setting up)



1-3 (this slot is full, thanks!)


4-6pm (includes cleaning up)

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer...

Please contact me: Melissa Jacobo, Volunteer Coordinator

at with what shift(s) you would like and make sure in the subject line you write down "Earth Fair 2013". 

WHY volunteer?

As you may know, it is incredibly important when people volunteer for an organization, especially small ones like the PRC. Everything from making copies to tabling helps organizations thrive by continuing the chain of passing information onto others who otherwise would not have heard of us. By doing this we bring in more people who care about what we do and who want to help us achieve our goals of serving as a resource for the diverse San Diego community, just like you. 

That is how I started volunteering here at the Peace Resource Center. I understand and appreciate the hard work that goes into organizing and planning events and I wanted to be a part of that process so that when we table, or march, or rally I get to see the result of my hard work as more and more people become active, involved, and informed.

And that's what tabling does! When we table at events, like Earth Fair, we are reaching out to those like minded people who want to create a more peaceful society. When you table, YOU will be part of the chain of information so that even if someone walks away without becoming a member, they will walk away with the knowledge you gave them. And that is most important of all.

So, come down with us on Earth Day and we will stand side by side as we educate and involve the public on what we do here at the PRC!

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for shift(s), please contact me. 

We are very much looking forward to hearing from and working with you!




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