Monday, January 9, 2012

[SDCPJ] Fw: [OccupySD] Occupy Update 2012-01-09

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Raymond Lutz
Sent: Jan 8, 2012 10:17 PM
Subject: [OccupySD] Occupy Update 2012-01-09


Occupy Update!


Ron Dismuke out of the hospital with pulled psoas muscle after an attack during our march -- Stephanie Jennings out of jail at 2am last night on $10K bail -- An important week coming up!

Read more below...

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OSD 3-month march See entire album
(by Eugene Davidovich)

The man who attacked the march, dropping Chaplain Ron Dismuke to the ground and one other woman. He was taken to jail. Is that a $100 bill in his pocket? The bribe to attack us?
(photo: David Hatfield) Full Resolution

  • The man who ran into our protest march across from the Federal Building, grabbing the sign, was taken to jail.
  • Ron Dismuke is out of the hospital with pulled psoas. Doctor says he can'r run for a while.
  • Stephanie Jennings was roughly arrested last night, for no reason at all, and charged with assaulting an officer, and slapped with $10K bail.
    • If her attorney OK's it, she may do a press conference on Monday.


Unless noted, all events are at FreedomPlaza (AKA CivicCenterPlaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
  • 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
    • Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
  • 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- Each will schedule the days of their meetings.
  • 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)
    • NEW Saturday GA will be at 2pm.
    • GAs require 20 participants for a quorum.

  • This coming Tuesday is the first City Council meeting of the year. Public comment is held after 10am and usually completed before noon.

  • Arraignment of RayLutz is scheduled for 8am, Jan 10 (Tuesday). I understand that actually means 10am. This high-profile arrest is one we should have maximal involvement of OSD because the media will likely continue to follow it. Everyone is welcome to attend if you can! Usually Dept. 3 (just to the right of the entrance) at the County Courthouse on Broadway. As usual with all court appearances, best attire is recommended.

  • Very Important -- The ballot proposition to revise the encroachment law (SDMC 54.0110) will be on the agenda on Wednesday, Jan 11 (9a) at the City Council Conference room (Floor 12) of City Hall. Since it will be ON THE AGENDA, that means everyone who was arrested, cited or detained for "Encroachment" under SDMC 54.0110 should come to this meeting and SPEAK.

  • Mayoral "State of the City" address Wednesday (Jan 11) at Balboa Theater, reception following at U.S. Grant Hotel. This information needs to be confirmed, with more details to follow if any actions are approved by OSD at our GA.

  • Jan 14 - Occupy So Cal Meetup in Long Beach at their MLK parade. -- this event is being held by Occupy Long Beach and discussed in a recent conference call to coordinate Socal Occupies. To folks in the greater LA area, "Socal" usually does not include San Diego. Not approved for formal participation by OSD by our GA but included here for information only.

  • OSD Contingent in D.C. on Jan 17. (Bus leaves Jan 13 and returns Jan 25.)
    • Updates to Road2Congress:
      • Occupy Phoenix is showing us support at the greyhound station:
      • Three people from Occupy Phoenix are going to join the bus with us.
      • Occupy DC is having an Occuparty after #J17 events at Mcpherson Park.
      • Round trip plane ticket is approx. $280.

  • Concert fundraiser at World Beat Center featuring Liquid Blue on Jan 20. You know how great the last fundraiser concert was... this will be even better.

  • Feb 4 -- NEW Occupy San Diego County Strategy Meeting -- details TBD, OSD GA approved on 2012-01-07.
  • Feb 10,11,12 -- "Occupy" the Democratic State Convention in San Diego -- NO ACTION HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OSD GA YET.


09 Jan 2012 - Mon

10 Jan 2012 - Tue

  • (8a) - Arraignment of Ray Lutz for setting up a voter registration table in FreedomPlaza, at San Diego County Courthouse, probably in Dept. 3 (just to the right of the entrance doors). I understand the actual time is 10am for these hearings. Since this is a high-profile case in the media, it will be nice to have OSD support at the arraignment. (Thank you again for all your support, OSD is the best.)
  • (10a) - City Council Meeting -- First meeting with public comment available this year!
  • (8:30p) Occupy San Diego Riders Summoning all riders! Meet at the CivicCenterPlaza. Bring your beautiful selves and your revolutionary spirits.
  • (9p) -- Flicker lights for a full minute in solidarity with occupy wall street. #occupylights #OWS

11 Jan 2012 - Wed

  • May have a table at the Homeless Connect event at GoldenHall. (Under Discussion)
  • (9a) VERY IMPORTANT: San Diego City Council Rules Committee meeting to consider ballot proposal submitted by Occupy San Diego (thank you Martha Sullivan) to amend SDMC 54.0110 to include an explicit exemption for free speech rights. Please note: This is ON THE AGENDA, and therefore, we can have speakers on the topic. CALLING ALL PEOPLE hit by 54.0110 with inappropriate arrests, citations, or detentions, to come to this meeting and let our voices be heard!
  • (6p) Mayor Jerry Sanders presents the State of the City address at Balboa Theater with reception following at U.S. Grant Hotel?. Any coordinated OSD action must be approved by the OSD GA.
  • (9p) -- Flicker lights for a full minute in solidarity with occupy wall street. #occupylights #OWS

12 Jan 2012 - Thu

13 Jan 2012 - Fri

  • (9am) - Greyhound trip to Washington D.C. to be part of the million tent protest on Jan 17th. $252 round trip fare. Returns on Jan 20 at 9am. Greyhound station: 1313 National Ave., San Diego, CA 92101 Facebook Event -- Follow the trip here: #OSD
  • (5p) Feminist Friday teach-in at FreedomPlaza.
  • (9p) -- Flicker lights for a full minute in solidarity with occupy wall street. #occupylights #OWS

14 Jan 2012 - Sat

  • (3:00p-4:00p) - Teach-In at Freedom Square:"Paradise Plundered: Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego", Steve Erie, Professor of Political Science at UC San Diego and Vlad Kogan, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, UC San Diego
  • Occupy So Cal meetup at Long Beach MLK park.
  • (12p-2p) OccupYRCorner in Clairemont - Stand w/Signs and handout info at Balboa & Genessee FB Event
  • (10a-12p) Sick Call by Wellness Group at Civic Center Plaza
  • (1p-3:30p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2 PM across the street at Leucadia Pizzeria. More info at or
  • (2p) GA Meeting at Civic Center Plaza
  • (9p) -- Flicker lights for a full minute in solidarity with occupy wall street. #occupylights #OWS

15 Jan 2012 - Sun

  • (2p) Occupy the Martin Luther King Parade, Harbor Blvd, Embarcadero Blvd.
  • (7p) Worldwide Candlelight Vigil to Unite Movements for a Better World at 7 PM in each time zone.
  • (9p) -- Flicker lights for a full minute in solidarity with occupy wall street. #occupylights #OWS <== click here to see the rest of the report.

--  --------------------------------------- Raymond Lutz, National Coordinator Citizens OVersight Projects (COPS) A 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization 771 Jamacha Rd. #148     El Cajon, CA 92019 USA Voice 619-820-5321 http// 

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