Monday, September 15, 2008

[SDCPJ] Stop Blackwater/Commemorate Victims of Nisour Square demo report

Saturday's "Stop Blackwater/Remember the Victims of Nisour Square" demonstration drew about 100 people at Blackwater's Otay Mesa Facility.  The demonstration was one of four taking place in other communities where there are Blackwater sites: Illinois, Idaho and North Carolina.   You can read a report about San Diego's demonstration at

Poet Jim Moreno read the powerful poem below written for the day.  You can see more of his work at



I had a bad dream last night,

a dream of crimson contracts, 

federal contracts signed in blood,

bathed in blood,

contracts creating a private shadow christian army,

sweeping democracy under pork barrel rugs,

federal lacky thugs,

I dreamed a bad dream of blood-stained water:



WE had a nightmare last night,

a mother and son murdered,

blown away by arrogant assassins,

bloodwater kill group mercenaries

with the legacy of Chile’s Pinochet,

you see bloodwater hires Pinochet’s soldiers,

men from the legacy of the Death Caravan,

men from the legacy of 3,000 citizens of Chile disappeared,

milicos sombrosos, American trained torturers from the legacy

of torturers, shadow sadists who cut off the fingers

and hands of guitarist Victor Jara and then

asked him how he would play his music,

and before he could answer killed him cold.

American trained assassins

from the legacy of those who lynched citizens of Chile

on soccer goalposts, those thugs from Chile

trained by my country on the red  clay

of Georgia might even be in that building

across the street dehumanizing America

days before ground zero anniversary

and other men created the legacy of massacre,

killing 17 human beings in Nisour Square,

17 Iraqi’s bloodwater murdered,

a nine year old boy, an attorney shot four times in the back,

as he tried to run to safety, and Dr. Mahasin Jawad and her

medical student son labled terrorists for

driving on the wrong side of the road,

like in Vietnam when any dead Vietnamese was a Vietcong,

bloodwater codes calling callous cold-blooded murder

collateral damage, codes of murderers, cold water murderers,

bloodwater murderers

on this day in this nightmare, killing two doctors, mother and son,

with unnecessary, unjustified and unprovoked gunfire,

four bloodwater cars with a man in car number four

machine-gunning a woman doctor who was trying to save her son¾

who was in car number four Mr. Bush?

¾Are you protecting a murderer who perpetrated

a criminal act from a criminal corporation?¾

in the legacy of Pinochet, in the legacy of criminal empire,

why did your administration award $100 million dollars in

bloodwater contracts two weeks after this criminal massacre?

a crimson contract to no prince of democracy,

a crimson fruit of a poisonous Bush,



WE’ve had a nightmare since 1997,

when cold-blooded moyock murderers

garner government contracts,

crimson contracts in our name,

bloodwater murder contracts in our name,

bloodwater murders  in democracy’s name,

bloodwater murders for profit,

bloodwater murders,

bloodwater murders with impunity,

America’s shame.

But WE kicked you out of Potrero,

And WE will kick you out of San Diego,

And WE will hound you the hell out of Iraq!


I had a bad dream last night,

blood running, blackening water

mercenary killers shouting Jesus Christ

as they took a life, as they crushed lives,

fascist christian killing in Jesus’ name

but if Jesus was here, if Jesus was near,

he’d throw these murderous moneychangers

out of this mercenary, bloodwater death temple,

for Christ stood only for life,

the son of the carpenter stood only for love,

the son of Mary stood only for equality,

the son of peace stood loudly, strongly against Caesar,

for in the true Jesus army there are no arms,

there is no taking of lives,

there is only giving, not taking,

there is only life giving, life loving.

and I’m not even Christian!

and bloodwater if you really are a christian army:



I had a good dream last night,

I dreamed that America woke up

and in one voice we shouted


I dreamed that with one voice

We demanded the disbanding

of this shadow pseudo-christian army

as we demand today


as we demand the turning

of blood water to good water.

WE do not ask, WE demand

as citizens protected by

the principles of the Enlightenment

thank God not death dogmas of fascist christianity

WE demand as citizens protected by the principles

of the Enlightment in our good water country’s Constitution

WE demand and WE accuse across this street

you blood water war criminals

WE demand that you disband,

WE demand that you be brought to a court of law

WE demand a jury of your peers including

family members of the Iraqi mom and son

you murdered let the killing stop,

let justice be served with good water,

good clear democracy water

from principles of the enlightenment

shining from our constitution

that is a good dream,

that is blood water’s nightmare,

that we would wake up and stop

privatizing war, stop creating corporate war companies,

start creating companies, communities, countries of peace!


may it happen as soon as possible

for justice’s sake,

in our name, in all of your names,

in good, clear water’s name


I had a good dream last night.

It was a dream for America,

It was a dream for Mother Earth,

It was a dream for all.

WE have a dream of justice,

WE have a dream… a plan for peace…


Jim Moreno

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