Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Sickness and Hypocrisy of Trump Supporters

I will never understand the mindset of Trump supporters.
He is a draft dodger who does not hesitate to send brave men and women to war and their deaths. While promising to drain the swamp, he is filed his government with corporate criminals and posted CEO’s to head the government agencies that are supposed to regulate them, destroying consumer protections and regulation. The 22 suicides of veterans everyday rarely make the news while psychiatric professionals and pharmaceutical companies gloat over their “success” and lucrative government contracts.
Boeing’s CEO has been placed in charge of the Pentagon and is trying to force the Air Force to accept planes it does not what while the defective Boeing 737 Max 8 kills people all over the world. The FAA, closely in bed with Boeing and without qualified inspectors, has allowed a defective plane to remain in the air far too long. Boeing, who saw European Airbus jetliners get better fuel mileage, was allowed to put oversized, more fuel efficient engines on jets that had their wheels and wings moved into an unbalanced position that forces the nose up then down for catastrophic results.
His destructive environmental policies promise to leave our children with a more polluted or even a destroyed ecosystem. Evangelicals and right to life people support him while his policies on mass incarceration, immigration, healthcare, economics and welfare separate and destroy families.
Poverty is never mentioned while safety net programs are brutally cut, even though they make up a small fraction of the budget.
Military spending is off the chain while military readiness slips below our adversaries and his oligarch arms manufacturing buddies reap huge profits and service members get food stamps.
Young people struggle with mounting debts and limited economic opportunity while the elderly live in fear of losing their Medicare benefits and social security benefits.
His mentors and close associates have been philandering, cross dressing, gay homophobes (Stone, Cohen, Guilliani), while he boasts of grabbing women’s genitals, openly pays off sex partners…with the support of the fraudulent evangelical community. He fills his government with white supremacists that are promoting worldwide racism in support of far right, brutal dictatorships that murder their citizens at will (Saudi Arabia, The Philippines, Brazil, North Korea….and Steve Bannon). With the realization of the sentiments of his racist allies and the fact that people of color outnumber whites, he wishes to stem the flow of immigrants, incarcerate babies and families and separate families in an effort to destroy them and create a permanent underclass. This permanent underclass would revolve in and out of for-profit prisons creating a profit for his investor class. All this while he supports his own family’s immigration agenda. His ancestors were immigrants and so is his wife.
Trump practices weaponized anthropology, appointing his unqualified offspring and associates to international posts. The damage that Jared Cushner has wrought on The Middle East and Latin America alone promise carnage and suffering for millions of people. Israel gets more than $10 million of our tax dollars each day while Detroit gets only a TOTAL $17 million for a catastrophic mass water poisoning of its population.
 Our government officials must swear allegiance to a hypocritical Zionist Israel where a genocidal campaign against Palestinians rivals Hitler’s campaign against Jews (one would think they would be very sensitive to this kind of injustice) and America’s genocidal campaign against native Americans, blacks, Asians and Latinos. Anyone who even discusses the crimes of Israel is considered anti-Semitic, including…Jewish Voices For Peace. We are even threatened currently with six figure fines and decades of incarceration with pending congressional legislation for having the temerity to discuss holding Israel accountable for its war crimes.
His Right To Life allies do not care about the lives of children their policies force women to have after birth. Safety net programs for the poor, medical programs for children and families are cut or efforts to discontinue them are pressed forward without alternatives proposed.
Safety net programs for families go unfunded while a cycle of mass incarceration drives poverty and more crime with poorly constructed get tough on crime policies without a shortage of funds for police officers (who are there to keep the poor and less powerful in their places).  A bribed and unaccountable judiciary that only punishes those who do not have enough money to pay for legal assistance (public pretenders are overloaded and poorly serve their clients). An American citizen is arrested every 38 seconds for some drug related crime.
Trump’s reversal of established treaties revealed to our long-time allies and adversaries that America cannot be trusted to keep its word, not that it had a good track record to begin with. Just ask blacks about the 40 acres and a mule, the Apache, the Cherokee, the Choctaw, the Mexican government and its invitation to Anglos to occupy its northern territories, the Iranians, and a host of others who have had their treaties totally ignored.
No, some of these problems did not start with a President who creates crisis then offers a solution. America has a long history of Trumpism, just look at President McKinley of the late 19th century. Our most recent rounds of poorly thought out policy implementation has put ugly American policy promotion into hyperdrive and revived sick policies from our not too distant past. This latest round of lies and deception however promises long term damage of which we may not recover.

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