From: Peace Resource Center of San Diego <>
Date: August 16, 2017 at 5:45:32 PM PDT
Reply-To: Peace Resource Center of San Diego <>
All Okinawa Calls for US Military Base Expansion To Stop On Their Island
with the PRC and SDVFP
THURSDAY, August 17, 3-9pmThe Peace Resource Center of San Diego and the San Diego Chapter of Veterans For Peace are honored to host a visiting peace delegation of dignitaries from Okinawa, Japan, in a tour of pivotal military sites around San Diego. The delegates are part of "All Okinawa", a coalition of community and local officials that are challenging the ongoing US military base expansion on the island of Okinawa. The broad background of the delegates is to promote dialogue among a diverse group on problems of poverty, discrimination, and inequity and the impact of militarism on social conditions.
The joint tour of peace activists includes pivotal military interests in our area. It will start at the weekly San Diego Chapter of the Veterans For Peace "No MAS" demonstration opposite the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar base and end at the Women's Museum of California at Liberty Station, an ex-military base converted into community spaces.
The self-guided tour begins at 3:30pm on the I-15 Carroll Canyon Overpass.
Look for the banners and the peace flags.We invite you to join us for some or all of the tour.
Visit our FB page for details about the Delegation's Visit.
The "All Okinawa" Coalition works to stop US base construction on the island of Okinawa west of Japan. US militarism is destroying the ecosystem and quality of life of Okinawa.
Click here for the latest news about the Osprey Helipad Base Construction in Okinawa.
Satoru Oshiro, a delegate and Secretary General of the Okinawa Peace Center, explains the significance of the tour focus on San Diego military sites. "The presence of US Marines in very significant in Okinawa. The US is building a huge base for the Marine Corps in Henoko that is hurting all of Okinawa." Because of this, he adds, "Okinawa is the focal point of the anti-base movement in Japan". The delegation is working urgently to educate people in the US about the problems foreign-based US military bases bring to local communities. Both the Peace Resource Center and Veterans For Peace have worked closely with the Okinawa Peace Center and Okinawans resisting US base expansions over the past 10 years. Last year, Veterans For Peace members traveled to Okinawa to participate in the rallies and road blocks.
A message from the San Diego Chapter, Veterans For Peace
We at VFP are especially honored to have the Okinawa delegation stand with us at our weekly No Miramar Air Show demonstration.
Okinawa is being destroyed by the US military, in a push to expand our presence in South East Asia. The people of Okinawa feel American militarism and it's negative effects every day, in the loss of culture, land and a peaceful existence.
The Miramar Air Show is being used by the Military to brainwash the people of San Diego that might is always right. We at VFP reject that message and stand against US militarism by asking the public to refrain from attending.
Osprey "Bird of War" Heliopad, OkinawaNote: Coming soon to the PRC - a special showing of SDVFP short documentary of the MAS propaganda machine, Disneyland of War.
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