The third time currently planned is Thurs April 3rd - NOT Sunday (sorry for the confusion).
So, here are the dates/time again:The third time currently planned is Thurs April 3rd - NOT Sunday (sorry for the confusion).
Sat 3/29 10am-11am
Sat 3/29 11:15am-12:15pm
Thur 4/3 10:30am-11:30am
PLEASE RSVP (reply to this email, asap) so that we can be prepared!
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 1:04 PM, PRC SD Info <info@prcsd.org> wrote:
Call for friends of peace and justice!
The Peace Resource Center (PRC) is conducting a few focus groups to find out what community members thoughts are around peace, "being involved", what you know about PRC or not, and more.
As a member of this email list, you certainly care about peace and justice and have heard our name, so we want to hear from YOU!
The focus group will take 60 minutes or less. It will be held at the PRC. To be prepared for the special handful that participate, we request that you REPLY to this email with your name and contact info (email and/or phone) and the times you are available in order of preference:
Sat 3/29 10am-11am
Sat 3/29 11:15am-12:15pm
Thur 4/6 10:30am-11:30am
**IF** you are interested, but none of the listed times work for you, we STILL want to hear from you. So please send us a message saying so. Perhaps we will schedule another focus group or perhaps there is another way for you to share your thoughts.
We will get back to you with details. If you do not receive a reply, please give us a call at 619-263-9301.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
Mariah Gayler, Director
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Pl, San Diego, CA 92105
www.prcsd.org & www.sdfriendscenter.org
info@prcsd.org / 619-263-9301
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Pl, San Diego, CA 92105
www.prcsd.org & www.sdfriendscenter.org
info@prcsd.org / 619-263-9301
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Pl, San Diego, CA 92105
www.prcsd.org & www.sdfriendscenter.org
info@prcsd.org / 619-263-9301

Executive Director: Mariah Gayler
Director Emerita: Carol Jahnkow
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