Tuesday, January 3, 2017

[SDCPJ] Fwd: January Events from the Ocean Beach Green Center

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From: Ocean Beach Green Center <oceanbeachgreencenter@gmail.com>
Date: December 31, 2016 at 6:25:48 PM PST
To: carolinafc2004@hotmail.com
Subject: January Events from the Ocean Beach Green Center

January Events at the Ocean Beach Green Center

Ocean Beach Green Center, 4843 B Voltaire Street, Ocean Beach 92107      oceanbeachgreencenter@gmail.com 619.225.1083


January 12th  Thursday  7:00 p.m.   Film Night  "Before the Flood"

From Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Fisher Stevens and Academy Award-winning actor, environmental activist and U.N. Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio, Before the Flood presents a riveting account of the dramatic changes now occurring around the world due to climate change, as well as the actions we as individuals and as a society can take to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet. The film follows DiCaprio as he travels to five continents and the Arctic speaking to scientists, world leaders, activists and local residents to gain a deeper understanding of this complex issue and investigate concrete solutions to the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.  Free of charge.


January Events NOT at the Ocean Beach Green Center


Every Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Jan. 7th, Jan. 14th, Jan. 21st, Jan. 28th.   Climate Mobilization Coalition Meeting   Ocean Beach People's Cooperative Community Room, 4765 Voltaire Street.  Come help plan for the upcoming Climate Action events    Contact: oceanbeachgreencenter@gmail.com


January 3rd    Tuesday  9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.   Mayor Faulconer:  Homelessness is a Disaster NOT a Crime!  San Diego Civic Center, 200 "C" Street, Downtown, 92101.  Join Women Occupy SD in rallying and then delivering a Petition with several hundred signatures calling upon San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer to take Emergency Humanitarian Action immediately for the safety of San Diegans who are left to our streets.  Sign & Share the Petition! https://www.change.org/p/san-diego-mayor-kevin-faulconer-emergency-humanitarian-action-to-stop-making-homeless-people-in-san-diego-criminals     For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/719840044850666/ or contact:  marthasullivan@mac.com


January 7th   Saturday  9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.   Emory Cove Habitat Restoration  Emory Cove, South San Diego Bay.  Join the San Diego Audubon Society with habitat restoration at Emory Cove, an important upland habitat for shorebirds.  To sign-up and for more details, please contact Megan Flaherty at:  flaherty@sandiegoaudubon.org or 858.273.7800 ext. 106.


January 9th   Monday   5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.   Reject Trump's Climate-Denying Cabinet Nominees  Federal Building, 880 Front Street, Downtown, 92101.  Join SanDiego350 to send a strong message to Senator Feinstein's office to call on our two U.S. Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris to stand strong on the climate and fight back against all four of Trump's dangerous cabinet picks.  Visit:  sandiego350.org for more info.


January 9th  Thursday 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Circulate San Diego release party of new Transit Oriented Development Report

Procopio525 B St Suite 2200 San Diego, CA 92101 Circulate's TOD report recommends specific solutions the City should adopt to make transit-oriented development more economical, affordable, and environmentally sustainable. More info: http://www.circulatesd.org/calendar

January 13th  Friday    6:30 p.m.     Sierra Club film night  "OR-7, The Journey"   8304 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.  #101, 92111.  This documentary depicts the incredible journey of OR-7, a grey wolf collared in Oregon who left his pack and crossed the border into California.  His journey tells the story not only of one wolf, but of the wolf as a species in America.  It is a journey of survival and a journey of inspiration.  Free.   More info:  Jean Costa 619-463-0721 or ellenshively@sbcglobal.net


January 15th  Sunday   2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.   37th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade  Harbor Drive, Embarcadero. 


January 16th  Monday   2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  MLK March:  Our Lives Our Agenda City College, B St. & Park Ave. Join Peace Resource Center, Women Occupy, SD National Action Network and others for a  local call on progress for police reform, ending mass incarceration and workers right.  More info: http://www.nansd.net/king-march


January 18th Saturday  5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.  State of Green Building by San Diego Green Building Council, 5010 Shoreham Place SD 92122 $25 to $35 More info:  http://www.usgbc-sd.org/event-2407016


Note The Events for the Inauguration Day are still in planning stages and things may change.  Please check our website for updates at http://www.oceanbeachgreencenter.org/


January 20th   Friday   10:30 a.m.  #J20 - Inauguration Day Rally and March  10:30 a.m. Rally begins at San Diego City College, Park Blvd & "A" Street.  March to the Federal Building, Front Street & Broadway, for a 12:00 p.m. Rally.  Join the SD Alliance for Justice for a non-violent, family friendly exercise of our First Amendment rights.  For more info, visit:  sdafj.org


January 20th   Friday  Noon to 4 p.m      Protest Trump on Inauguration Day by San Diego Answer, Park Blvd and Presidents Way lawn, Balboa Park More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/203359216774367/ 


January 20th  Friday  5 p.m. - 9 p.m.   San Diego  United Against Hate, Chicano Park, Logan Ave.  More info: 



January 20th Friday 7 p.m.  Activist San Diego 2017 People's Ball.  Don't Mourn, Party with Progressives! Keynote speaker Greg Palast.  More info:  info@activistsandiego.org619-283-1100

January 21st   Saturday  10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  San Diego Women's March  The Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier, 1000 N Harbor Dr.  SD  92101.  March in solidarity with the Women's March in DC, dedicated to a free and open society. https://www.facebook.com/events/1684632678516753/


January 22nd.  Sunday TBA possible workshops and teach-ins on Positive Alternatives to Trump at the World Beat Center and Centro Cultural de la Raza


January 28th   Saturday   9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.   Restore Native Habitat to Help Endangered Birds!  Stony Point, west side of Fiesta Island, Mission Bay.  Join the San Diego Audubon Society with habitat restoration at Stony Point, a native sand dune nesting habitat of the endangered California Least Tern.  To sign-up and for more details, please contact Megan Flaherty at:  flaherty@sandiegoaudubon.org or 858.273.7800 ext. 106.


New events are always happening....please check www.oceanbeachgreencenter.org for updates to the event list

and also visit the "get involved" tab to connect to other San Diego Activist groups' websites for their event calendars  :-)


Save the Date!  Upcoming Events.....      

 Trump on Inauguration Day

v  February 4th    2017 Love Your Wetlands Day

v  February 4th  Peace Resource Center Social Justice Teach-in More info:  http://www.prcsd.org/prisms-3/

v  February 21st  Tuesday 6 p.m. Climate Mobilization Rally, Federal Building, Downtown.  To support the call for the US government  to implement a WW II scale mobilization to move from fossil fuels to renewable wind, water and solar energy.  Keynote speaker Wes Clark Jr.  who co-founded Veterans Stand for Standing Rock.

v  February 21st  Tuesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.  Zero Waste Symposium more info:  http://zerowastesandiego.org/event/zwsym2017/

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