--please forward widely--
Rick G.
Time is running out for Lynne Stewart! People's attorney Lynne Stewart is dying of cancer in Federal prison. Sign the new petition demanding compassionate release for Lynne! Join the vigil to free Lynne! Tuesday, October 8, 2013, 5:30 pm Federal Bldg., Front St. and Broadway Downtown San Diego | |
Message from Lynne 9/27September 28th, 2013 From Deep in the Belly of the Beast…that is, Texas.Now another month has passed and I am getting increasingly irritable that these jokers are so cavalier with my life and what time I have left. ( I also am getting weaker.) My application for compassionate release is moving but glacially (are there any glaciers left ? Only in the bureaucracy…) We learned that the request has left the General Counsel's office of the Bureau of Prisons in Washington and is now being considered by an "Independent Committee" (whatever that means). From there it will ostensibly go to the Director, Mr. Samuels, for the final recommendation and request for a motion to the Judge. As you can appreciate there is still plenty of room for slips between cup and lip. I truly understand that I, with the strong and consistent support of all 30,000+ of you, do constitute a "threat" in their small universe. That is to say that, the will of the People cannot be ignored forever. With that in mind, I want to urge everyone to come on out on OCTOBER 8, TUESDAY, MY 74th BIRTHDAY FOR A LOCAL SHOW OF OUR COLLECTIVE WILL IN OPPOSITION TO THE '"DEATH PENALTY " ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE YOU AND YOUR COMRADES, FRIENDS, ACQUAINTANCES CAN GATHER AT YOUR LOCAL FEDERAL (US) COURTHOUSE OR POST OFFICE TO REMIND THEM THAT WE WILL NOT LET ME DIE IN A JAIL CELL !!! If you can do this please notify Ralph of your location (917 853 9759, 518 358 2525) or email my web site. We hope this will be nationwide and we can spread the word of the senseless cruelty in the way the Bureau of Prisons administers a program that is supposed to be compassionate. I may be the "poster child" but this is done on behalf of all the prisoners who are languishing, in pain or worse, trying to go home. Be Out there on October 8. It is already an historic day. Let's make it More So!!! Let's Win. Lynne Stewart |
Rick G.
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