Tuesday, August 25, 2009

[SDCPJ] support high school outreach

Dear Peace and Justice supporter:

The school year is about to begin and San Diego's youth need your help.  They need to hear a message of peace and hope.  Your donation can give them that message and help build a generation of antiwar activists who will challenge the militarism that permeates their schools.

For the last 7 years, the High School Leafleting Project, a committee of the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, has passed out almost 120,000 flyers at 25 different high schools.  To continue this effort, we need contributions to print the flyers that will get more youth involved in peace activism.

Our outreach played a key role in the formation of the Education not Arms Coalition.  This coalition is comprised of students, teachers, parents and community activists.  Education not Arms continues its work following a successful campaign to end weapons training by JROTC chapters in all of the schools in San Diego Unified. They also supported a successful campaign by the Education Consortium to get a policy adopted by the school board that will improve student access to courses needed for college acceptance; thereby reducing the number of low-income students and youth of color who are being tracked by their schools into the military.  Here's a link to some of the exciting work born out of this coalition.  http://www.projectyano.org/educationnotarms/ 

As a Coalition for Peace and Justice supporter, your donations will also pay for the printing of the very important opt-out form that we distribute at the beginning of each school year.  Under "No Child Left Behind," all public schools must turn over personal information on students to military recruiters.  By passing out the opt-out form we are informing students that this is happening and of their right to keep their information private from these recruiters.  This project is all done by volunteers. The only thing we need money for is the printing of the flyers.  Your donation goes directly to educating San Diego's youth!

Tax-deductible donations can be made payable to the Peace Resource Center, attn.: High School Leafleting Project, and mailed to: Peace Resource Center of San Diego 3850 Westgate Place San Diego, California 92105. Or you can go to the following link: http://www.prcsd.org/ and click on donate then follow the donation form to contribute to the high school leafleting project.  Please consider a generous donation to help us support the cause of peace by educating a new generation of activists!

Thank you,

Stephanie Jennings

For the high school leafleting project

San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice

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