Thursday, July 23, 2009

[SDCPJ] - Socialist Salon: Sun., July 26 -Capitalism and California: The Collapse of the Econ. and Gov. , Discussions with Lefties, Sunday, July 26, 4:30 - 6:30 pm

- Socialist Salon -
Discussions with Lefties
on Burning Issues
Sunday, July 26, 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Location: 6142 Romany Drive, SD 92120
Home of Herb Shore & Virginia Franco

Exit Fwy. 8 at College Ave. North on College, left on Del Cerro Blvd, right on Theta Place, left on Romany Drive. 6142 is third house on the right. (Bring light, potluck snacks if you wish)

San Diego Socialist Unity Network*
is holding a series of forums to encourage deeper political discussions, which look strategically at our movement, the path to social transformation & a new social order. We use this opportunity to tackle many major issues of our times from a non-sectarian, left perspective in a challenging yet relaxed setting. 

Capitalism and California
The Collapse of the Economy and Governance

California has become ungovernable.  This is not an accident; it is a deliberate consequence of a right wing political agenda.  Here are some of the elements of that agenda:
  • Proposition 13 makes it impossible for State government to raise sufficient revenue to meet its obligations. 
  • The two-thirds requirement for passing revenue measures in the legislature creates permanent gridlock.
  • Term limits for the legislature insures that only the lobbyists remain in Sacramento long enough to gain control of the levers of power. 
  • With sufficient money, the initiative process becomes an enemy of democratic government rather than an ally. 
All of these elements together produce the effect of making it impossible to govern.  Under such circumstances, the slogan "government is not the solution, government is the problem" can seem to make sense. 

A consequence of this is that the economic catastrophe affecting the entire U.S. is producing a total disaster in California.  Vital programs for poor and working class people are being eliminated; State employees are experiencing layoffs and furloughs; and, the education system has reached a desperation level.  The situation appears to be getting worse by the day, and the dysfunctional State Government is incapable of mounting an effective response.

In the face of this situation, socialists have to struggle on two fronts:

First, there is the immediate task of fighting the budget cuts for essential programs, and attempting to raise some revenues to alleviate the worst of the suffering.  In San  Diego, a coalition, "People United Against Cuts",  (PUAC) has been formed to fight the budget cuts.
Second, the system needs to be changed.  Socialists always say the system needs to be changed, but in this case, you don't have to be a socialist to realize that California cannot continue operating in this way.  There are various suggestions floating around the State for a constitutional convention, but it is not clear that such a convention would be influenced by the Left. 

In this Salon, we will be discussing both the activist response to the budget cuts, and also possibilities for change in California governance.  The discussion will be introduced by Gregg Robinson from PUAC.
SD-Socialist Unity Network: Freedom Road, DSA, Committees of Correspondence, CPUSA  invite you to participate in this timely discussion.    

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