Friday, April 29, 2016

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Upcoming Events - Mark your calendars!

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From: San Diego County Brady Campaign <>
Date: April 29, 2016, 2:57:
Subject: Upcoming Events -  Mark your calendars!
Reply-To: San Diego County Brady Campaign <>

Upcoming Events -  Mark your calendars!
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The Brady Campaign works to pass and enforce federal, state and local gun laws that will keep our nation safe.  

Through our Million Mom March and Brady Chapters, we honor the victims of gun violence and we work to educate the public about the dangers of guns. We believe that all Americans, especially children, have the right to live free from the threat of gun violence.


Contact us


PO Box 712311,
San Diego CA 92111

Chapter website:
Dear Brady Members and Friends,

April has been an active month.  We spoke with many gun-violence-prevention supporters at Earth Fair, gave talks for schools and community colleges and met with California lawmakers. May will also be busy, and we look forward to having you join us at any or all of our events. 
Mark your Calendars
Monthly Meeting
Saturday, May 7, 11:30 - 1:00
Mission Valley Library, 2123 Fenton Parkway, San Diego 92108

Special Event  Under the Gun preview screening
Monday, May 9, 7:00 - 9:30  
(Check-in begins at 6:30 - Film will start promptly at 7:00)
Digital Gym, 2921 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego 92104
The movie examines ways to find common ground in America's gun debate:  stricter laws or more guns?  Why are politicians refusing to act?  Produced and narrated by Katie Couric.  This is a free event, but does require a reservation.  If you have not already done so, please RSVP to  Check in at 6:30 for 7:00 screening.  The movie will be followed by a discussion with guests Dr Glenn Lipson, forensic psychologist who has lectured widely on the causes of violence, Lori Saldaña, candidate for San Diego Mayor,  Gil Cabrera, candidate for City Attorney, and representatives from the offices Congressmen Scott Peters and Juan Vargas.  

National Gun Awareness Day
Thursday, June 2 - evening 
Location to be announced
We will join Moms Demand Action to rally at a downtown location.  Wear orange!  Exact time and location to follow.

Please note:  Our June 4 monthly meeting will be from 1:00 - 2:30, not at the usual time.  

April Events
Earth Fair
Across the country there is a growing interest in gun violence prevention.  Our booth at Earth Fair this month provided a great opportunity to educate and inform San Diego residents about our organization and the importance of voting for local, state and national candidates who support strong gun laws that make our communities safer.  

School and Community College Talks
Our Education Outreach Committee gave talks to high school student leaders, and to parent groups at a number of community colleges.  Many parents were not aware of the dangers of guns in homes where there are also children.  Children die daily in unintentional shootings.  Please keep your firearms locked and away from young hands. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.  Please be sure to reserve your place for Under the Gun.  Seats are going fast. 
Carol and 
The San Diego Leadership Team


Copyright © 2016 San Diego County Brady Campaign Chapter, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
San Diego County Brady Campaign Chapter
1225 Eye Street, NW Suite1000
Washington, DC 20005

Add us to your address 

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