Tuesday, May 26, 2015

[SDCPJ] Upcoming PRC events

Sat 5/30 ~ Community Conversations (RACE)
Each month the Peace Resource Center is hosting a conversation time to come together to talk about issues in our communities, what we know and can learn, and how we can act to make a better world.

For Sat May 30th, the topic is Race/Racism
from 10 am - 12 noon 
@ PRC, 3850 Westgate Place, 92105

This date, we'll discuss the forum that was held here on May 11 (Black and Brown Lives Matter) and recent race-related happenings across the country, such as Baltimore (Freddie Gray) and Ferguson (Mike Brown). 

We'll explore questions:
- What is our understanding of what is happening?
- What do we know about disparities related to race?
- Why do we care? How does it relate to our communities?
- What change is needed and how can we do it?

For Sat. June 28th, the topic is Immigration and Border Issues, including a debrief about the 6/7 Border Tour some of us will have attended (see below for event info).

Save the dates for the following:
Sat July 25 - topic Spirituality
Sat Aug 29 - topic Militarism
Sat Sept 26 - topic Sustainability

For more info about these monthly conversations, please visit the current facebook event or our website www.prcsd.org

Sun 6/7 ~ Border Reality Visit (full day)

In the effort to better understand our interconnected communities and build a more peaceful world, partners of the Peace Campus present…

A special tour to introduce "the border" and how it impacts the people of our region. This visit is planned for supporters and members of the Peace Resource Center, Church of the Brethren, and San Diego Friends Meeting. Our colleagues from AFSC San Diego will be leading us. There will be three stops along the border on the U.S. side and time to talk together at the end with lunch. More information is available in the "Tips and Guidelines" document. 

RSVP requested by June 1st to "rsvp@prcsd.org
or leave a message at 619-263-9301

The purpose is to: 
     - Experience how the border and U.S. laws affect families who have been separated 
     - View "the fence" and effects on people and environment
     - Learn about challenges of immigrants and economic and legal issues
     - Become acquainted with the border and its broader context

9:30 am – arrive no later than 9:30 at the Peace Campus (3850 Westgate Pl). We have a 15 passenger van and a few cars lined up to provide transportation. 
10:30 am – 1st Stop, Virginia Street Mall 
10:45 am – 2nd Stop, Water Treatment Plant 
11:00 am – 3rd Stop, Friendship Park 
12 noon – Discussion at the Park, info about the monument 
1:00 pm – worship or garden visit (based on availability)
1:30 pm – Lunch together (food will be provided, requesting $10 donation)
     – Van leaves when we finish (projected arrival back to campus is sometime before 4pm)

Considerations for the day
     - BRING: plenty of water and U.S. identification (driver's license or CA ID are ok)
     - WEAR: sunscreen, a hat or sun visor, comfortable clothing and walking shoes
     - We will *NOT* travel into Mexico, however U.S. identification is needed to access portions of the border tour. 
     - We expect to be able to drive into the park. However, if we receive any kind of rain between now and then we may have to walk, so walking shoes are advised.
     - We are trying to be as friendly as possible for all ages, but are aware of limitations for young children and people with mobility challenges. Those with children or challenges are invited to consider the schedule and join us for portions that you are able. Contact us with questions.


Sat 6/20 ~ Block Party & Kids' Peace Fest
throughout the Peace Campus, 3850 Westgate Pl, 92105

The Block Party is an annual event (5th year!) on campus, hosted by the Brethren with support by various community groups and businesses. It is open to all and lots of fun for children (and adults) of all ages with games, face painting, music, cake walk, jump house, hay ride around the garden, and more. Bring a dish to share and meet your fellow community members. 

This year, the PRC will be joining by adding a Kids' Peace Fest with crafts and activities that relate to peace, justice, and sustainability.

Save the dates for:
Sat June 27 ~ Community Conversations (Immigration/Border)
Sat June 27 ~ Community Conversations
Aug 5-9 ~ Veterans for Peace conference (PRC will be tabling)
Sat Aug 29 ~ Community Conversations
Sat Sept 12, 9am-12pm ~ PRC 35th Anniversary, daytime celebration 
Sat Sept 29 ~ Community Conversations
Sat Oct 17, all day ~ PRISMS conference
Sat Nov 21, 5pm-8pm ~ PRC 35th Anniversary and Annual Meeting

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