Sunday, August 11, 2013

[SDCPJ] Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day Commemoration events

Tuesday August 6, 2013 marks the 68th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima by the United States.

Join the Peace Resource Center as we fold paper peace cranes and give them to people visiting Balboa Park. Look for the blue banner "Hiroshima / Nagasaki - Never Again" near the fountain between the Natural History Museum and the Rueben H. Fleet Space Center. Both these museums are free on that Tuesday and there will be many people to have conversations with about nonviolent alternatives to resolve international conflict.

We will be there from 10am until 2pm. Come for as little or as long as you like. Experience folding paper cranes is not required. Bring along some gently used paper to recycle into cranes.

The story of Sadako Sasaki and the 1,000 peace cranes:

The Peace Resource Center of San Diego   619-263-9301
3850 Westgate Place, San Diego CA 92105


Also, SD-WISH invites you to come together to promote peace & harmony among all people, cultures, and nations. Our main purpose is to educate and inspire communities, kids, youth, families, and leaders for future generations on how to collaborate with people from different backgrounds. Peace & Humanity Day is free and open to the public – all ages are welcome. This year's event will consist of two parts.

** Part I: **
Monday, August 5th 2013 — 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Yokohama Friendship Bell on Shelter Island
1402 Shelter Island Dr. San Diego, CA 92106

** Part II: **
Friday, August 9th 2013 — 6:00pm – 8:45pm
Coronado City Council Chambers / Community Pool
1825 Strand Way Coronado, CA 92118

• Free (All ages are welcome)
• Hiroshima & Nagasaki history
• Arts, crafts, & entertainment
• Music by Ryo Sean Okada
• Food and refreshments
• Raffle giveaways

More info:

Part I: Ceremony
Monday, August 5th – Shelter Island
The atomic bomb droppings on Hiroshima on August 6th and on Nagasaki on August 9th 1945 were the last live use of nuclear weapons in history. August 5th 2013 (August 6th in Japan time) will mark the 68th anniversary of the bombings and hence 68 years of freedom from nuclear weapon usage. SD-WISH invites you to join us on the beautiful Shelter Island for an afternoon of commemoration as we gong the Friendship Bell to celebrate this freedom and send our WISH for eternal peace. Community members and leaders share their messages of dedication to peace, understanding and tolerance.

Part II: Floating of Paper Lanterns
Friday, August 9th – Coronado
Adopting a traditional Japanese ceremony tōrō nagashi (tōrō means "lantern" and nagashi means "cruise, flow"), we celebrate peace and humanity by floating paper lanterns with written messages to the world as a hope or WISH for global peace and well-being. We invite guests to write messages on paper lanterns and enjoy a relaxing San Diego evening at the waterside Coronado City Council Chambers patio along with light food, refreshments, origami, exhibits, presentations, and live music – a wonderful experience to gather and celebrate with fellow community members and leaders. You can make and float your very own paper lantern (materials will be supplied for free) and you're welcome to take it home with you at the end of the evening. Yukata are welcome!

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