Sunday, October 17, 2010

[SDCPJ] Formatted - Saturday, October 30th 7-11pm. Susan West Friedman ~Presente ! Join us for a potluck & fundraiser.

Saturday, October 30th 7-11pm. Susan West Friedman ~Presente ! Join us for a potluck & fundraiser.
ASD invites the community to Celebrate the life of ASD former Board Member and our commitment to the cause of social Justice.  A new world is possible, a new US is necessary. 3442 47th St. San Diego, CA 92105 For info call Martin 619-871-9354

Susan West Friedman ~Presente !

Join us for a potluck fundraiser

Saturday, October 30th 7-11pm

Susan passed away last year on Halloween/Dia de los Muertos 2009.  While we were saddened by her untimely departure, but we continue to celebrate her exemplary life of social justice activism...  And how Susan loved a good celebration.

Activist San Diego invites the community to come together to honor Susan and honor our friendship and commitment to each other and our commitment to the cause of  social equality.  A new world is possible, a new US is necessary.



Celebrate the life of Susan West Friedman

Former Activist San Diego Board Member and

Friend of the Cause of Social Justice

We invite you to an open house fundraiser in honor of Susan’s life, her home, and her life of involvement in social justice. 

Our home will be open

3442 47th St, SD 92105 

Saturday, Oct. 30st from 7 – 11 pm or  beyond

Martin Eder  619-871-9354

Susan was relatively new to San Diego.  She made an indelible mark and a multitude of friends in short order. She joined the Board of Directors of Activist San Diego in 2006 and served as one of its 3 officers. Susan reveled in the idea of building "a communications, information and mobilization network for social justice" that would engage new people, She eager promoted the pending launch of ASD’s Community Radio Project.  Susan was an enthusiastic member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, believing that it was essential to have a long-term, post-capitalist vision to complement local grassroots activism. The Iraq/Afghan wars were so abhorrent to her that she seldom missed a SD Coalition for Peace and Justice meeting, worked with Code Pink and was passionate about the Stop Blackwater campaign. After attending the US Social Forum in Atlanta she contributed her organizing skills into creating a similar project locally.  The celebration and party in her honor will be a fundraiser for the causes she believed in and gave her life to.  Hope to see you there.  Don't mourn, Celebrate!



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