Friday, April 2, 2010

April Left Hook - Eugene Davidovich Acquitted: Wasteful and Mean Policies of the Right

Left Hook

By Walter Davis


1 April 2010


Eugene Davidovich Acquitted: Wasteful and Mean Policies of the Right


Eugene Davidovich was acquitted last month of all charges along with most of the other citizens arrested in Operation Green RX. As reported, only one citizen, Donna Lambert remains within the clutches of the District Attorney. Operation Green RX was a misguided arrest sweep of people authorized to use medical marijuana. It has now become a national embarrassment to our local government.


With schools closing and teachers being laid off due to budget constraints, it is amazing that money is being wasted on prosecuting law abiding citizens. Eugene Davidovich has lost his job and filed bankruptcy due to the malicious actions of our District Attorney. One can observe similar actions in the Jovan Jackson case. On a national level, billions of dollars are being spent on this war on drugs that simply is not working. It is warfare on the American people and the American family.


Conservative thinking appears to justify incarceration and warfare as the most viable solutions to problems.


Conservative thinking supports locking people up, not giving them treatment, job training and hope to assuage poverty. The cost of such programs would be less than the incarceration programs and be much more productive for our society.


Conservative thinking opposes the development of symbiotic energy systems such as solar, wind, geothermal and wave and supports more oil well drilling.


Conservative thinking opposes peace and supports more warfare to wrest away the natural resources of others instead of modernizing our own energy infrastructure. Spend billions on war then say there is no money for supporting our society.


The opposition to universal health care is another indication of wasteful and mean policies that would allow millions of American citizens to go without medical care. Save the embryos from death in abortions but let children go hungry and without hope?


With the health care debate won, higher order thinking people are making the antiquated conservative thinking a thing of the past. Damaging winds are approaching the conservatives. The divisive Tea Party maniacs are fielding their own candidates against Republicans which is better than Ross Perot's affect on 1990's elections for the Democrats. Donor wells are drying up due to Michael Steele's Bondage-gate. As the populace becomes more educated about the fallacy of conservative thinking, we are seeing a rebirth of intellectualism and abandonment of policies that generate war and Eugene Davidoviches, Jovan Jacksons and Donna Lamberts.

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