Thursday, February 25, 2010

[SDCPJ] Calendar for Int'l Women's Day and Women's History Month! Please share!

International Women’s Day/Women History Month Celebrations


Monday, 1 March, 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. Opening celebration for Women’s History Month with music, historic re-enactments, and storytelling.  Claire de Lune Coffee House, North Park.


Saturday, 6 March, 12:00 – 2 P.M. WE Center for STAR (Support, Training and Assistance to Refugee) Women recognizes refugee women who since 2006 have launched and strengthened their businesses with the help of the STAR Center, a partnership between Women's Empowerment International and the International Rescue Committee. A catered luncheon by STAR Center clients with flavors from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Iraq is offered. $25. International Rescue Committee, 5348 University Avnue, 92105. Please RSVP at or 858-486-6466; or you may send your check  to Women's Empowerment, P.O. Box 501406, San Diego, CA 92150-1406 or pay through PayPal at


Monday, March 8, 7:00 P.M. Women’s Equity Council of the United Nations Association of San Diego invites you to Cross-Generational Conversations, a discussion from three generations of international girls and women as we celebrate our 27th commemoration of International Women’s Day. Women’s History Museum & Educational Center, 2323 Broadway, #107, Golden Hill. Free. RSVP: 805.403.4773 or

Friday, 12 March, 6:30 – 7:45 P.M. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Choir San Diego and Women’s History Museum & Educational Center present Celebrating Our Sisters' Strength program, singing songs that call our souls and celebrate our strength! Wine, Hors d'oevres, Dessert, and Program, $20 (tax-deductible), a fundraiser for the non-profit MLKCCSD to raise funds for educational grants distributed to aspiring college-bound high school Fine Arts majors in San Diego County.  To date MLKCCSD has given over $100,000 in scholarships.


Saturday, 13 March, 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.  San Diego County Commission on the Status of Women invites you to participate in the 2010 Forum on the Status of Women and Girls in San Diego County. Alumni Center, San Diego State University, 55th Avenue, San Diego. $0 - $10. Continental breakfast. Registration and continental breakfast from 8:30 – 9:00 A.M., followed by the 2010 Forum. Register at


Tuesday, 16 March, 7:00 – 9:00 A.M.  The Sixth Annual International Women’s Day Breakfast celebrates, Through Her Eyes, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, University of San Diego. Registration and buffet breakfast begin at 7:00 P.M., followed by program from 7:30 – 9:00 A.M. $22/$8 subsidized student price purchased by calling 619.260.2727. Questions: 619.260.7509 or

Thursday, 18 March, 5:30 - 8:00 P.M. 
Run Women Run and California List present a Premier State-wide Candidate Forum with California Women Making History: Janice Hahn, Candidate for Lieutenant Governor; Kamala Harris, Candidate for Attorney General; Gloria Romero, Candidate for Superintendant of Public Instruction; Mary Salas, Candidate for State Senate District 40; Toni Atkins, Candidate for Assembly District 76; and Crystal Crawford, Candidate for Assembly District 74. Moderator Bettina Duval, Founder of California List, Proflowers/Provide Commerce, 4830 Eastgate Mall, San Diego. $35 for members of Run Women Run and California List; $50 for nonmembers until March 11. After March 11, tickets are $40 for members; $55 for nonmembers. Donate $250 + for Special Photo Opportunity: Members who donate $250+ will have the opportunity for a photo with candidates before the program begins.

Thursday, 18 March, 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
Finance, Fashion, and Philanthropy, Bloomingdales, Fashion Valley.


Saturday, 20 March, 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. San Diego and Cabrillo-Diego Branches of the American Association of University Women present Reviewing Beijing Plus 15: Progress and Barriers to Women’s Equality, Development, and Peace, a report back from the U.N.’s Commission on the Status of Women from AAUW and UNA delegates to CSW! Light refreshments. Free. Mission Valley Library Community Room, 2123 Fenton Parkway, San Diego. Contact: 619.504.4741  or


Saturday, March 27 – Mark your calendar for the annual San Diego County Women’s Hall of Fame, honoring six San Diego women! UCSD Price Center. Questions: 619.233.7963 or

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