Wednesday, July 8, 2009

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Sen. Boxer Healthcare NOT Warfare Day of Action July 9th & 10th

From: Mike Copass for PDA California <>
Date: July 8, 2009 3:38:24 PM PDT
To: "Jennings, Stephanie" <>
Subject: Sen. Boxer Healthcare NOT Warfare Day of Action July 9th & 10th

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Senator Barbara Boxer:  YES on $106 billion Iraq supplemental...

...and NO co-sponsorship of Single-Payer Health Care Senate Bill S. 703? 


Senator Boxer, we need to talk.

Dear Stephanie, 

Join PDA on July 9 & 10th for a California Healthcare Not Warfare  Action.

 Warfare  --  Sen. Barbara Boxer cast a YES vote on the $106 billion Iraq-Afghan occupation funding on May 21st  –  a bad vote from normally stalwart progressive, which frustrates & dispirits the anti-war movement.
Healthcare  -- Boxer has NOT YET co-sponsored Bernie Sanders single-payer bill in the Senate, S. 703.  
Given our progressive dismay with Boxer's disastrous war-funding vote, we are asking Sen. Boxer to redeem some lost standing with a STRONG stance on single-payer healthcare -- to co-sponsor S.703 to guarantee health care coverage for ALL.
Demand Healthcare NOT Warfare --  Four easy ways to help:
1.      Email Boxer July 9th and 10th regarding her YES vote on May 21st on $106 billion War-Funding supplemental for Iraq/Afghanistan occupations  -- then ask Sen Boxer co-sponsor Sanders S.703, the single-payer health care bill in the Senate, a companion to HR 676 in House.
2.       Call Boxer's Washington D.C. office on July 9th or 10th at 202-224-3553  or, even better, fax comments to 202-224-0454 regarding Boxer war funding Supplemental YES vote  & to co-sponsor Sanders S.703.   After your call, email with summary of result.
3.       Call Boxer's San Diego office at 619.239.3884 or (fax 619.239.3883) this Thursday 7/9 at noon- to 1:30pm (or see for phone listings for offices SF, Sacramento, LA) – in support of PDA Street-Heat Rally happening outside Boxer San Diego office Thursday noon-1:30pm...
4.       MEET in the STREET  at Sen. Boxer's San Diego office at 600 B Street, San Diego CA 92101 at NOON - 1:30 pm on Thursday July 9th, with Single-Payer health care signs from Carl Manaster (PDA, DFA)  – and Healthcare Not Warfare fliers from Mike Copass & Dave Keeler -- rally coordinator Mike Copass 619.665.9415.
Calling All Californians – your phone action helps support the street action, and amplifies the message!  On Thursday and Friday CALL and FAX YOUR LOCAL Boxer office (see phone # at bottom of )  Mention the San Diego rally, and ask for Boxer's co-sponsorship of Sanders  S. 703 single payer healthcare bill TODAY.
Former Congressional Candidate Mike Copass & PDA Metro San Diego thank all San Diego area current, former and future PDA SUSTAINERS who make these actions POSSIBLE.  As Jon Nichols of the Nation says, PDA is the MOST VALUABLE progressive group out there. Celebrate PDA's 5th Birthday with a BBQ at the end of this month -- email for more.
(Note that  Sen. Boxer is up for re-election in 2010 and is actively campaigning – Boxer's campaign office is reachable 323-982-0312 if you wish to discuss donations, volunteering or to contribute your thoughts.)

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal: Elect a permanent, progressive majority in 2008. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann and Rev. Lennox Yearwood.

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